NIACE Centre for the Learning Family

Inquiry into Family Learning in England and Wales

Call for evidence

Examples of effective practice that contributes to policy agendas

Please let us know aboutyour family learning practice that contributes to policy agendas such as children’s attainment, health, employability, adult skills etc. Please focus on one particular area of your practice, and write as if you were talking to someone who doesn’t know anything about family learning. Please ensure that the form doesn’t go over 4 sides of A4 once your comments are added.

  1. Please indicate whether your practice is based in England or in Wales
  2. Which policy agendas does this practice contribute to? (Please tick as many as apply)

Adult employability
Adult skills
Adults and children engaging in culture or sports
Child poverty
Children’s attainment in school or early years
Community cohesion
Community involvement / volunteering
Digital inclusion
Health and well being
Immigration and integration
Parenting or Early Intervention
Reducing child poverty
Reducing re-offending
Supporting vulnerable families
Welsh language
Other (please specify below)
  1. How do you know it contributes to the above policy agenda(s)? What evidence do you have? Evidence might be quantitative or qualitative, please summarise here, and attach any research documents or case studies to your response.
  2. Who is the practice aimed at? (eg. homeless families, those on a particularly disadvantaged estate, refugee families)
  3. What are you aiming to achieve with the practice?
  4. What does it involve? (Don’t forget to describe it as if you were talking to someone who doesn’t know anything about family learning)
  5. What are the outcomes from the practice, for the learners, their children, families etc?
  6. Are there any particular barriers you have encountered in planning or delivering this practice? If so, how have you overcome them?
  7. Who pays for this provision? (Please tick as many as apply)

Tick / Specify as appropriate
Skills Funding Agency/Welsh Government DfES
Local authority department or other central or local government agency (please specify which)
Charitable funding (please specify)
School or Early years setting (please specify from which fund, eg pupil premium, if appropriate)
Other (please specify)
  1. Contact details

Your name:

Your role:

Your organisation:

Address, telephone number, email address: