Math Lesson Plans
Monday: Practice workbook page 56. Review for test on Chapter 11 Comparing and Ordering Numbers and then take the test.
Tuesday: Field Trip to see the movie "The Princess and the Frog".
Wednesday: Chapter 12 Number Patterns Lesson 12.1 Skip Count by 2's, 5's, and 10's. To skip count by twos, fives, and tens on page 193-194. Practice oral counting. Writing the numbers correctly each way.
Thursday: Lesson 12.2 Algebra: Use a Hundred Chart to Skip Count Students will skip count by twos, fives, and tens on a hundred chart on page 195-196. Students will orally count by twos, fives, and tens. Students will practice pattern number problems from the board.
Friday: Lesson 12.3 Algebra: Patterns on a Hundred Chart Students will count forward by tens from a given number using a hundred chart on page 197-198.
Core Content: 1.1.1 DOK 2, 1.3.1 DOK 2, 5.1.1 DOK 2
Tuesday: Chapter 12 Lesson 12.3 Patterns on a Hundred Chart page 197-98 Students will count forward by tens from a given number using a hundred chart.
Review addition facts from zero, one, two and three.
Practice writing down addition facts by fours.
Wednesday: Chapter 12 Lesson 12.4 Even and Odd page 199-200 Students will determine whether a number is even or odd.
Practice addition math facts adding fours.
No School Monday, Jan. 18, 2010 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Thursday: Chapter 12 Lesson 12.5 Problem Solving Strategy Find a Pattern page 201-202 Students will use the problem solving strategy find a pattern to solve problems.
Keep working on adding four math flash card drills.
Friday: Chapter 12 Lesson 12.6 Ordinal Numbers page 203-204 Students will identify ordinal numbers to tenth.
Practice drilling adding four flash cards. Test over addition facts adding four.
Monday: Chapter 12 Number Patterns Extra Practice and review and test practice page 205-206 Students will use these pages to provide extra practice for the skills presented in the chapter.
Practice drilling addingfives flash cards.
Monday: Students willwork in math practice books page 58 Algebra Use a Hundred Chart to Skip Count. page 59 Algebra patterns on a hundred chart to count by tens from a given number. Students will write down the math problems adding five to a number from the board. Teacher will show how to use the count on strategy from the greater number to find the sum.
Review addition facts from zero, one, two , three and four.
Practice writing down addition facts by fives.
Tuesday: Chapter 12 Lesson 12.4 Even and Odd practice workbook page 60 students will learn how to determine if a number is odd or even. Practice page 61 Problem Solving find a pattern to solve the problem. Students will practice page 62 ordinal numbers first through tenth.
Practice addition math facts adding fives.
Wednesday: Test Chapter 12
Begin Chapter 13 Addition and Subtraction Facts to 12 Check what you know page 210.
Lesson 13.1 Count On to Add page 211-212. Students will use the count on strategy to solve for sums.
Keep working on adding five math flash card drills.
Thursday: Chapter 13. 2 Doubles and doubles plus one page 213-214. Students will add by using doubles and doubles plus one to solve for the sums.
Practice drilling adding five flash cards. Test over addition facts adding five.
Friday: Chapter 13.3 Algebra Add 3 numbers page 215-216 Students will find the sum of three numbers and to explore the Associative Property of Addition.
Testaddingfive math facts.
This week we will be practicing adding math facts by six.Students will be given a timed test on Friday.
Monday: Lesson 13.6 Subtract to compare Students will solve comparative subtraction problems. page 221-222.
Introduce adding 6 math facts to students.
Tuesday: Chapter 13 Addition and Subtraction Facts to 12 Extra practice page 223 Review Test page 224. Students will be given extra practice adding and subtracting to check for understanding fo concepts, skills, and problem solving presented in this chapter.
Practice solving adding 6 math facts.
Wednesday: Students will go to the math practice book page 63 count on to add. Students will page 64 doubles and doubles plus one.
Students will practice with speed to solve adding 6 math facts.
Thursday: Students will work in math practice book page 65 algebra add 3 numbers and on page 66 problem solving write a number sentence.
Students will practice with speed to solve adding 6 math facts.
Friday: Students will work in math practice book page 67 count back to subtract and subtract to compare page 68.
Timed test on adding 6 math facts.
Monday: Review of skills and content covered in Chapter 13.
Tuesday: Chapter 13 test. Begin Chapter 14 Practice Addition and Subtraction page 227-228.
Wednesday: Chapter 13 open response test. Capter 14 Lesson 1 Algebra: Related addition and subtraction facts page 229-230. Students will understand how the elements of a subtraction problem are related.
Thursday:Chapter 14 Lesson 14.2 Fact families to 12 Students will identify and complete fact families page 231-232.
Friday: Chapter 14 Lesson 14.3 Sums and Differences to 12 Students will find sums and differences to 12 page 233-234.
March 8-12
Monday: Chapter 14 Lesson 14.4 Algebra: Missing numbers Students will identify a missing number in a number sentence page 235-236.
Tuesday: Chapter 14 Lesson 14.5 Problem Solving Strategy Students will choose the appropriate strategy to solve problems page 237-238.
Wednesday: Chapter 14 Practice Addition and Subtraction Extra practice students will be provided extr practice for the skills and content covered in the chapter page 239. Students will complete page 240 review test to check understanding of concepts, skills, and problem solving presented in this chapter. Standardized Test Prep Chapters 1-14 on page 241.
Thursday: Praction page 69 lesson 14.1 Algebra related addition and subtraction facts.Practice page 70 lesson 14.2 Fact families to 12.
Friday: Practice page 71 lesson 14.3 Sums and differences to 12andpractice page 72 lesson 14.4 Algebra missing numbers and page 73 problem solving choose a strategy.
Practice math book page 69 Lesson 14.1 Algebra related addition and subtraction facts and Lesson 14.2 Fact Families to 12 page 70.
Lesson 14.3 Sums and differences to 12 page 71. Lesson 14.4 Algebra Missing Numbers page 72. Lesson 14.5 Problem Solving Choose a Strategy
Tuesday: Test Chapter 14 Practice Addition and Subtraction Finish working in math book page 245-2-48.
Monday: Chapter 15 Solid figures and plane Shapes
Check what you know page 250.
Lesson 15.1 Solid figuers Students will learn to identify shphers, cones, cubes, cylinders, rectanglar prisms, and pyramids, to sort and classify them by properties, and to relate them to everyday objects. page 251-252
Tuesday: Lesson 15.2 Faces and vertices Students will learn how to sort and classify solid figures by the number of faces and vertices. page 253-254.
Wednesday: Lesson 15.3 Plane shapes on solid figures Students will learn to identify plane shapes on solid figures. page 255-256.
Thursday: Review names of solid figures. Students will practice adding 8 math facts. Math Practice book page 74, 75, and 76 do together with students in class.
Friday: Lesson 15.4 Sort and Identify Plane Shapes Students will learn to sort and identify plane shapes by the number of sides and vertices. page 257-258.
Monday: Lesson 15.5 problem solving strategy make a model To use the problem solving strategy make a model to solve problems page 259-260.
Adding 9 Math facts. We will be practicing these facts all week and test them on Friday.
Tuesday: MSU student teacher will teach page 405-406 Telling time to the hour.
Wednesday: Chapter 15 Solid figures and Plane shapes Extra Practice Review for test page 261-262. Math Practice book page 78 Problem Solving Make a model
Thursday: Chapter 15 Test over Solid figures and Plane Shapes
Friday: Chapter 16 Spatial Sense page 265-266 Check what you know Lesson 16.1 open and closed page 267-268 To identify open and closed figures.
April 5-9
All week we will be working on adding math facts by 10.
Monday: Chapter 16 Spatial Sense page 269-270 problem solving skill use a picture vocabulary: above, close by, near, next to, to the left of, to the right of, below, over far, beside.
Give and follow directions vocabulary up, down, left , right page 271-272.
Tuesday: MSU student teacher will be here to teach a lesson on time to the half hour.
Wednesday: Symmetry page 273-274 Students will draw a line of symmetry.
Thursday: Slides and turns page 275-276 Students will slide and turn figures.
Friday: Extra practice page 277-278, 279
Monday: Students will work in math practice books page 80, problem solving use a picture, page 81 give and follow directions, page 82 symmetry, page 83 slides and turns, and page 84 algebra describe and extend patterns.
Tuesday: MSU student will be here to teach a lesson on telling time to the hour and half hour.
Wednesday: Students will review concepts and skills covered in Chapter 16 Spatial Sense. Test on chapter 16.
Thursday: Chapter 17 Patterns Lesson 1 Algebra Describe and Extend Patterns
Friday: Chapter 17 Patterns Lesson 2 pattern units
Monday: chapter 17 test and open response
Begin working in Unit 5 Money, Time, and Fractions.
Chapter 21 Fractions Lesson 21.1 halves Students will identify halves and 1/2 of whole.
Tuesday: Chapter 18 test and open response
Lesson 21.2 fourths Students will identify fourths and 1/4 of whole.
Wednesday: Math Facts timed test on 8 and 10.
Lesson 21.3 Thirds Students will identify thirds and 1/3 of whole.
Lesson 21.4 problem solving Strategy use Logical reasoning Students will use the problem solving strategy use logical reasoning to solve problems.
Thursday: Lesson 21.5 Parts of Groups Students will identify 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 of a group.
Chapter 21 fractions to provide extra practice for the skills presented in this chapter. Standardized test prep chapters 1-21.
Re test on adding 8 facts.
Chapter 23 Using Money Lesson 23.1 Trade pennies, Nickels, and Dimes Students will trade coins to show the same money amount, using different coin combinations. Lesson 23.2 Quarters Students will use quarters to make an amount. Lesson 23.3 Half Dollar and Dollar Students will identify a half dollar and a dollar and show ways to make them. Lesson 23.4 Compare Values Students will compare the values of groups of coins. Lesson 23.5 Same Amounts Students will use coins to show an amount in two ways. Lesson 23.6 Problem Solving Strategy: Act it out Students will use the problem solving strategy act it out to solve problems.
Adding two digit numbers on page 144, 145, 146 in the math practice book.
May 3-7
Chapter 24 Telling Time Lesson 24.1 Read a clock Students will identify the parts of a clock, to write the time to the hour. Lesson 24.2 Problem Solving Skill: use Estimation Students will use the problem solving skill use estimation to solve problems. Review Lessons 24.3 time to the hour in practice workbook, Lesson 24.4 tell time to the half hour in practice workbook, and practice time to the hour and half hour in the practice workbook. End of Chapter 24 extra practice page, review /test, and standardized test prep.
Tuesday: Give retest to some students on chapter 19.
Chapter 25 Time and Calendar Lesson 25.1 Use a Calendar Students will read and understand a calendar. Lesson 25.2 Daily Events Students will understand and show the order of daily events. Lesson 25.3 Problem Solving Strategy: Make a Graph Students will use the problem solving strategy make a graph to solve problems. Lesson 25.4 Read a ScheduleStudents willuse a schedule to get information and compare events. Lesson 25.5Problem Solving Skill:Make Reasonable Estimates Students will use the problem solving skillmake reasonable estimates to solve problems.
Wednesday: Chapter 20 Test
Thursday: Fractions in the practice book.
Friday: Test on Chapter 21 Fractions
May 10 -14
Students will work on counting money this week. Students will be tested on Friday over concepts covered.
Chapter 22 Counting Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes Lesson 22.1 Pennies and Nickels Students will identify the penny and nickel and their values, to count groups of pennies and nickels. Lesson 22.2 Pennies and Dimes Students will identify the dime and its value in pennies, to count collections of dimes to 90 cents. Lesson 22.3 Count Groups of Coins Students will count groups of pennies, nickels, and dimes. Lesson 22.4 Count Collections Students will find the value of collections of dimes, nickels, and pennies. Lesson 22.5 Problem Solving Strategy Make a List Students will use the problem solving strategy make a list to solve problems.
May 17-21 (No school Tuesday, May 18th Election Day.)
Chapter 26 LengthLesson 26.1 Compare Lengths Students will put objects in order by length. Lesson 26.2 Use Nonstandard Units Students will estimate and measure length to use nonstandard units. Lesson 26.3 Inches Students will estimate and measurelength to the nearest inch, to use an inch ruler. Lesson 26.4 Inches and Feet Students will select inches and feet as the appropriate unit. Lesson 26.5 Centimeters Students will estimate and measure length to the nearest centimeter to use a centimeter ruler. Lesson 26.6 ProblemSolving Skill Make Reasonable Estimates Students will estimate about length.
May 24-28
Chapter 27 Weight Lesson 27.1 Use a Balance Students will estimate compare and order objects according to weight. Lesson 27.2 Pounds Students will estimate, measure, compare, and order objects according to weight in pounds. Lesson 27.3 Kilograms Students will estimate, measure, compare, and order objects according to weight in kilograms and grams. Lesson 27.4 problem Solving Strategy: Predict and Test Students will use the problem solving strategy predict and test to solve problems.