We are excited to announce the fall schedule of classes with a new teacher and new locations.

All classes are 6-9 pm. Some are hybrid classes where classes alternate between online at home and at school. Our new location is at the Delta Family Center/Backpack Early Learning Academy. 822 Grand Avenue, Delta. The ECE205 Class will be in Ridgway at Mountain Trials Montessori School 80 N. Cora Street, Ridgway. Cost for a Hybrid is $284.50 Face-to Face is $274.50.

ECE 101 Introduction to Early Childhood Education Mondays September 8 – December 15 with Carol Phelps

ECE 103 Guidance Strategies for Children Tuesdays August 26 – December 2 with Deborah Dearmin (Hybrid)

ECE 205 Nutrition, Health, and Safety Thursdays August 28 – December 11 with Wendy Shima in Ridgway, (Hybrid)

ECE 220 Curriculum DevelopmentWednesdays September 10 – December 17 with Carol Phelps

ECE 241 Administration Human Relations for ECE Mondays August 25 – December 8 with Deborah Dearmin

ECE 260 Exceptional Child Tuesdays August 26 – December 9 with Tish Corbasson, (Hybrid)

ECE111 Infant and Toddler Theory and Practice $230.00

Note: ECE 111 will be offered in conjunction with EQ (Expanding Quality) through Bright Futures for Children. Classes start Saturday October 18th. Call 970-728-5613 for information.

Scholarship Application Session for All Interested Students

Tuesday, August 5, 4:00-5:00 at the Delta Family Center (BELA/Backpack), Community Room, 822 Grand Delta, CO

This is a scholarship application session to review scholarship opportunities and to fill out necessary paperwork.

DMTC Early Care and Education Program

The ECE Department offers four certificate programs: Early Childhood TeacherEarly Childhood Assistant Teacher, Preschool/Center Director, and Infant/Toddler Supervisor. Classes are accredited through the Community Colleges of Colorado and are transferable to Colorado community colleges. DMTC has an articulation agreement with Western Community College (Colorado Mesa University’s two year college) in completing an AA in Early Childhood. Many of the classes are offered online or as a hybrid taught by highly-qualified, dedicated instructors.

For more information, call 970.874.7671 or find us on the web at dmtc.edu under Early Childhood Profession