Helms Elementary
SDMC Minutes
January 12, 2012
Meeting began at 3:35 pm
Members present: Diana Del Pilar, Elena Coates, Jennifer Martinez, Maria Elena Rangel, Daniella Andrade, Mr. Cola, Geneva Coates, Tamara Williams, Julie Sanchez, Tim Beally (invited guest)
Tim Beally spoke on the building renovations. Bids have come in and based on those bids, the number of want to’s that can be addressed through the renovations had been over estimated. Therefore, a number of things are being taken out of the proposal to keep it at budget. As many of the extras as possible had been put in to the first proposal and now the nonessentials that cannot be sustained are being taken out (eg: lightning protection system). He assured the committee that Helms had not lost any money, but the cost of some of the things that the school had wanted was prohibitive considering what “needed” to be done. No other school was benefiting from Helms’ bond money.
Work on the renovations will start in a month or so. Someone mentioned involving Ms. Eastman to insure equity in the treatment of Helms. (Ms. Eastman has discretionary funds to put toward any school she wants). Mr. Beally advised against it saying it would just slow down the renovation.
The survey about “free dress” for $1 will go out to the younger siblings and when at least 100 have been returned, they will be counted. Majority wins. The uses for the money can be found in the agenda and handouts. Someone asked if we were allowed to charge for “free dress”. Ms Del Pilar informed the group that it was a process. First, the SDMC decides about the survey and what the money will be used for. The survey goes home. The votes are counted and the result goes to the SIO.
There is a Dual Language Symposium on Saturday, January 28, 2012. Helms will provide childcare. Teachers can recommend parents to go. A bus will be provided by multilingual. We will touch base with Terrie Armstrong about breakout sessions and times.
We need to drum up 12 more parents for the adult computer class offered by the Instituto Mexicano. Classes will begin on Wednesday, January 18, 2012. Call outs to people who stated interest will be made.
We need to get with Ms. Shaw about her username and password for getting her students tested for TPRI. We will ask Zulma Cadena to do the testing.
As per parent concerns that children were eating too early, a new lunch schedule was designed. The new lunch schedule was reviewed by the SDMC. It was suggested by Ms.
SDMC Jan 12, 2012 (cont.)
Andrade that the times be made into increments of 5 or 10 minutes to be easier to remember. Ms. Martinez suggested that the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade groups all come to lunch
as a grade level, with time between grades. Whoever got to the cafeteria first would go first. Also, it was suggested that PK go to lunch last. (They can snack in the morning and will have a chance for more instruction before lunch and nap). Administration will rework the schedule and implement it. Feedback will be taken from staff to make any further adjustments.
Elena Coates will send Ms. Del Pilar the notes from the last SDMC about the Emergency Plan so that we can finish up anything left incomplete.
The dismissal plan was reviewed including a dismissal contract, a procedures sheet and general notes. Copies of all were distributed to all committee members. Ms. Martinez felt that a contract and the check off roster were a bit too much. Ms. Del Pilar explained that the contract and the roster were a direct result of meeting parent concerns about children still remaining after teachers had gone inside and of unapproved persons picking children up from school. Ms. Del Pilar said she would consider these changes. Also, the pink cards, it was suggested, should be different. Perhaps, the best kind of roster that could go outside might be one where all permitted pick-up people were listed and where, if the person was not recognized, they could be looked up. If parents call ahead to say that someone else will be picking up a child, that information needs to get to the teacher as soon as possible. New car tags and walk-up identification will be made. The walkup id’s will be laminated so as not to allow anyone to add extra people. A copy of these will be kept in the office.
Meeting closed.