Developmental Guidance Curriculum Goals:
Grades K-2
1.Develop appropriate communication skills to foster friendships and positive interaction with others.
- Be aware of socially acceptable behaviors and how to successfully interact with others; develop conflict resolution skills.
- Learn that there are many ways to express our feelings and violence towards others is not acceptable.
- Recognize the role of adult helpers in the school who can assist with problem situations.
- Recognize the uniqueness of others.
Grades 3-6
- Understand the need to accept responsibility for behavior in the home, school and community.
- Learn conflict resolution skills as a positive alternative to violence in resolving conflicts with others.
- Have the opportunity to participate in an intergenerational program at a local senior center as a way to gain community service experience.
Curriculum Activities:
Grade K:
- Learning for Life
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Chester’s Way, Spot’s First Day of School, Let’s Be Enemies, & Listening Activity with Froggy and Friends.
- Bully Prevention Activities
Grade 1:
- Learning for Life-monthly activities
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: A Busy Year, Franklin is Bossy, Courtesy is Caring,
- Bully Prevention Activities
Grade 2:
- Learning for Life-monthly activities
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Communication with Friends, The Puppy Problem, Heartprints, Autograph Books, Oliver Button is a Sissy, & The Cow That Went Oink-understanding differences of others.
- Bully Prevention Activities
Grade 3:
- Learning for Life-monthly activities
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Responsibility Bingo, Conflict Resolution, & The Meanest Thing to Say.
- Bully Prevention Activities
Grade 4:
- Learning for Life-monthly activities
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Solving Conflicts Peaceably, & Simon’s Hook Conflict Resolution.
- Bully Prevention Activities
Grade 5:
- Learning for Life-monthly activities
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Responsibility Bingo, & Conflict Resolutions Skill Development.
- Bully Prevention Activities
Grade 6:
- Learning for Life-monthly activities
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Alternatives to Violence/Solving Conflicts, & Field Trip to Two-Lick Valley Senior Center/Community Service Project.
- Bully Prevention Activities
Grades 7-9
1.Develop problem solving techniques, communication/Listening skills, and effective decision making skills,
and apply them in the group setting.
2.Learn ways to maintain respect for others and build positive peer relationships without losing individual identity.
3.Be aware of the impact of peer pressure upon one’s decisions and learn effective strategies for dealing with it.
Grades 10-12
- Learn a repertoire of interpersonal strategies which could enhance relationships with others within the school, family, and community.
- Utilize skills, talents and abilities to assume a productive role in the community.
A.Alice Paul House/Secondary Curriculum for Violence Prevention
Learning Objectives:
- Students will be able to recognize and define violence in its many forms.
- Students will learn ways that violence can be prevented.
- Students will demonstrate communication and critical thinking to defuse anger and violence.
- Students will learn basic safety strategies to cope with violence in their lives.
Grade Seven – Conflict Resolution
- Violence in our society
- Preventing violence with effective communication
Grade Eight – Interpersonal Violence
- Family Violence
- Teen Violence
Grade Nine – Domestic Violence
- Spouse abuse: psychological, physical and sexual
- Friendship and dating: promoting violence-free relationships
Grade Ten – Sexual Harassment
- Definition and causes of sexual harassment
- How can we stop sexual harassment?
Grade Eleven – Date Rape
- Facts and myths about sexual assault
- Solving the problem of rape
Grade Twelve – Dating Violence
- Warning signs of an abusive relationship
- Prevention and coping strategies
B.Secondary Curriculum for Conflict Resolution Seminar – Eighth Grade
Learning Objectives:
1. Students will demonstrate common ways of responding to another person that may block
- Discuss what constitutes effective and ineffective communication.
- Students will apply knowledge of four types of conflicts to real life situations.
- Students will learn various conflict resolution techniques.
Curriculum Overview and Activities:
1.Communications Creations
- “Four Corner Rope”
- Listening Activity
B.Nature of Conflict
1. Discussion on types of conflicts
- Language of conflicts – Analysis of conflicts through media
3. Conflict Escalator Guide
C.Conflict Resolution Techniques
1.Conflict Resolution Tree – handouts and discussion
2.Steps in problem solving
3.Decision making
4.Developing a plan for problem
Developmental Guidance Curriculum Goals:
Grades K-2
- Develop a positive attitude towards self as a unique person.
- Become aware of one’s feelings as a natural response to life situations and learn to communicate them in an appropriate way.
- Understand one’s significance as a member of a family; recognize that all families are different.
Grades 3-6
- Recognize own interests, abilities, aptitudes and accomplishments as components of personal uniqueness.
- Develop effective listening/communication skills.
- Develop an understanding of the dynamics of group interaction and the decision-making process.
Curriculum Activities:
Grade K:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: I’m Thumbody Special, & Me-Shirt Activities.
- Alice Paul House Presentation-Personal Safety
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention-Red Ribbon Week
Grade 1:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Feelings Identification Activities, All Kinds of Families, & The Band-Aid Chicken-Bully Prevention.
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention-Red Ribbon Week
Grade 2:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Accepting self as a unique person, Mean Soup-Feelings Identification, & Family Dynamics.
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention-Red Ribbon Week
Grade 3:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Develop Effective Listening/Communication Skills, Prize Ribbons for Personal Uniqueness, & Group Work with Decision Making.
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention-Red Ribbon Week
Grade 4:
1. Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Develop Effective
Listening/Communication Skills, coping with Peer Pressure, Conflict Resolution
Skills in a Group Setting – In A Pickle.
2. Drug and Alcohol Prevention – Red Ribbon Week
Grade 5:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Communication Skills-Reflective Listening, Listening for Information and Empathic Listening, & Choice of Champions-Decision Making Process.
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention-Red Ribbon Week
Grade 6:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: My Personal Strengths Activities, The Three R’s of Growing Up-The Power of Choice Video Series, & Developing Communication Skills.
- Drug and Alcohol Prevention-Red Ribbon Week
Grades 7-9
- Learn to accept responsibility for one’s decisions and the consequences of behavior/peer pressure.
- Understand and develop coping skills to deal with physical, emotional and social changes of adolescence.
Grades 10-12
- Learn ways to assess personal strengths and positive thinking in coping with difficult situations and disappointments.
- Develop and maintain a workable support system for personal, social and academic growth.
- Understand how interests, abilities and achievement affect the attainment of personal goals.
A.Freshman Seminar “Power of Choice” Video Series – Grade 9
Learning Objectives:
- The student will observe other students’ discussions of personal developmental problems in the video.
- The student will develop empathy for others while sharing the problems depicted in the videos.
- The student will explore various alternatives for problem solving and coping skills through application of the “Power of Choice” format.
Curriculum Overview and Activities:
- This video series will take place as part of Freshman Seminar.
B.“The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens” Seminar – Grades 11 and 12
Learning Objectives:
- The student will become familiar with the principles of the “seven habits.”
- The student will demonstrate their ability to apply the seven principles to their academic and social life.
Curriculum Overview and Activities:
- A one-day seminar will be held during fall and/or spring semesters conducted by
Dr. Sgriccia.
- Students will participate on a voluntary basis.
- The student will use materials found in the “Seven Habits” packet.
Grades K-2
- Develop success oriented work habits including: following directions, completing assignments, working cooperatively, and focusing on tasks.
- Know the importance of following school rules and regulations.
Grades 3-6
- Understand that self-discipline, self-motivation, and attendance are related to the achievement of learning in school.
- Learn ways to organize school work and explore good study habits/test taking strategies.
Curriculum Activities:
Grade K:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: “I’m A Good Listener”.
Grade 1:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: “Working Together”.
Grade 2:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: “Responsible Me-Following School Rules” & Success Oriented Work Habits.
Grade 3:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: “Self-Motivation, Attendance, and Discipline—How They Relate To School Achievement”, & Organization of Schoolwork.
Grade 4:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: “Exploration of Good Study Habits and Organizational Skills”.
Grade 5:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: “Achievement in School, Practice for the PSSA”.
Grade 6:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Practice for the PSSA
Grades 7-9
1. Develop effective study habits including note taking, outlining, time management,
summarizing, and test taking skills.
Grades 10-12
- Develop strategies for enhancing strengths, or meeting needs while accentuating the
positive aspects of individual learning styles.
A. Study Habits – Grade 7
Learning Objectives:
1. Students will be able to demonstrate proper note-taking skills.
- Students will demonstrate time-management skills.
- Students will demonstrate proper test-taking skills.
- Students will learn how to organize and prioritize their work.
- Students will understand that they are responsible for their learning and behavior.
Curriculum Overview:
1. Complete “Student Responsibility Quiz” and discuss results.
2. Discussion of note-taking “Keys to Success”
3. Discussion of study skills and test-taking strategies for various types of exams.
4. Complete “Today’s Priority List” handout and review time-management strategies.
5. Discuss and review “Teaching Children Responsibility for Their Learning & Behavior
B. Planning for College Classroom Presentation – Grade 11
Learning Objectives:
1. The student will be able to organize the college planning process
2. The student will be able to compare and contrast various college characteristics.
3. The student will be able to develop strategies for campus visits in order to obtain an
overall view of the campus.
4. The student will obtain various college and post-secondary applications and apply for
- The student will begin to understand the financial aid process and develop a plan to finance
their education.
Curriculum Overview and Activities:
1. Two day classroom presentation
2. Student packet “Planning for College”
3. Resources from the Career Center
4. “CHOICES” program
5. Introduction to various college and career planning websites
Developmental Guidance Curriculum Goals:
Grades K-2
- Develop a positive attitude towards work through exploration of careers in the community.
Grades 3-6
- Learn how to relate personal interests, leisure time activities, and abilities to possible occupational choices without prejudice, bias or stereotyping.
- Develop an awareness of the relationship between and importance of school subjects and future occupational choices.
Curriculum Activities:
Grade K:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Career Puppets.
Grade 1:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Career Exploration within the community.
Grade 2:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Developing a positive attitude towards work through career exploration of the community.
Grade 3:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Relating personal interests, abilities and leisure time activities to possible occupational choices, Develop an awareness of the changing roles of males and females in the workplace.
Grade 4:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Relating personal interests to possible career choices without prejudice, bias or stereotyping.
Grade 5:
- Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Develop an awareness of the relationship between the importance of school subjects and future occupational choices, Discussion of how hobbies can be future occupations, Discussion of roles of males and females in the workplace.
Grade 6:
1. Classroom lessons conducted by the elementary counselor: Using the Young Person’s
Occupational Outlook Handbook, students will research a variety of career areas that
Parallel their interests.
- Career speakers will visit during the second semester of the school year and students
will have the opportunity to attend career workshops for lectures and discussions.
Grades 7-9
- Understand that achievement of one’s goals in life is related to a positive attitude toward work and learning.
- Understand how interests, work values, achievements, and abilities impact upon the career choice.
Grades 10-12
- Learn how to modify career/educational plan based upon realistic assessment of strengths, needs and achievements in both academic and non-academic areas.
- Know how to select a program of study based upon current career information that will prepare for the demands of the selected occupation/career.
A. Freshman Seminar – Grade 9
Learning Objective:
- Students will complete CHOICES interest inventory.
- Students will be able to identify highest areas of interest based on inventory.
- Students will be able to identify and research occupations under their highest areas of interest.
Curriculum Overview and Activities:
1. Use of CHOICES Program
- Interest Inventory
- Interpretation of inventory-create career focus list
- Selection of occupation from inventory results
- Analysis of individual career
- Speakers for various career areas
B. Senior Conferences
Learning Objectives:
1. Through individual senior conferences students will be able to more realistically assess
career choices.
Curriculum Overview and Activities:
1. Individual Conferences
- Students complete individual profile (CHOICES Planner)
- Discuss individual profile with guidance counselor
Guidance Interventions
The counselors use five different strategies in the course of their professional duties.
1. Large Group Developmental Guidance:
Counselors use this intervention to accomplish goals associated primarily with the information services, such as classroom lessons, and placement services, such as scheduling. Classroom activities are conducted in relation to the developmental curriculum, which covers: Personal Development, Social Development, Career Development and Educational Development. Financial aid information for parents and students is disseminated in large group as is scheduling. School-wide programs, such as Learning for Life, are also fall under this heading.
2. Small Group Counseling:
Special topic groups that are facilitated by the counselors may include: Peer Relationships, Conflict-Resolution, Anger Management, Children of Divorce, Grief, and Study Skills. Referrals to the group may come from parents, teachers, administrators, outside agencies, or through individual/large group counseling of the student.
3. Individual Counseling:
Confidential and professional concern is offered in the one-to-one counseling sessions. The individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior are explored with the ultimate goal of increased self-awareness, decision-making and positive behavioral change. Individual counseling may be initiated by: students making a self-referral, teachers may request help, parents may request help, or counselors may choose to meet individually with the students.
4. Consultation:
Counselors may refer students to the SAP or ESA team. Consultation with teachers, administrators, psychologists, outside agency representatives, nurses and parents are all interventions that are pursued by the counselor.
5. Coordination:
The counselor coordinates the following: PSSA (Pennsylvania System of State Assessment), Standardized Achievement Tests, Group and Individual Ability Measures, the scholarship service, financial aid information, post-high school education fair and career speakers, inter-agency team meetings with mental health professionals in the community, as well as many other activities directed to helping the student.