Volunteer Award

Scoring Criteria

This award recognizes a state employee or retiree who rolled up his or her sleeves and spent his or her personal time volunteering for a CFD campaign or CFD charity promoting a culture of giving.

Nominations come from the Thurston County CFD campaign or charity that received the benefits of this person’s commitment of giving personal time to make a difference.

To nominate someone for this award please complete this form and email it to o later than January 8, 2015 with a picture(s) of this person in action.

Nominee Information
Name / Did he or she volunteer in Thurston County?
Yes No
Phone / Is this person a retiree?
Yes No
If no, please complete the information below.
Email / Agency
Home Mailing Address (If retired from state service) / Agency mailing address / Mail Stop
Your Information
Agency/Charity / Position/Job Title
Email / Phone
How This Person Demonstrates Outstanding CFD Volunteerism
Gives more than askedand is respected by others (check one answer)
  1. Contributeshis or her personal time to the charity or CFD campaign.
Very often / Often / Sometimes / Unknown
  1. How many hours did he or she contribute?
  1. Volunteers for multiple CFD campaigns or charities. Yes No
  2. Please list the campaigns and charities.
  3. Volunteers regularly throughout the year. Yes No
  4. Charities and CFD campaigns look forward to having this person volunteer.
Yes No
  1. Please briefly explain why.
  1. Contributes meaningfully to the mission of the charity or CFD campaign.
Very often / Often / Sometimes / Unknown
Educates others about the charity or CFD campaign (check one answer)
  1. Seeks out new opportunities to learn about the charity or CFD.
Very often / Often / Sometimes / Unknown
  1. Answers questions about CFD and how charities benefit from CFD campaigns.
Very often / Often / Sometimes / Unknown
  1. Shares information about the charity or CFD (signs/posters, email, word of mouth).
Very often / Often / Sometimes / Unknown
Motivates and inspires others about the charity or CFD campaign (check one answer)
  1. Encourages others to volunteer for charities or CFDcampaigns.
Very often / Often / Sometimes / Unknown
  1. Helps increase awareness about the charity or CFD campaign to the public or staff.
Very often / Often / Sometimes / Unknown
  1. Leads by example being positive and excited about the charity or CFD campaign.
Very often / Often / Sometimes / Unknown
  1. Helped the charity or CFD campaign reach or exceed their goals?
Yes No
  1. Please briefly explain how.

Please provide a description or example of why you nominated this person.

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