Name: ______Period ______

Study Guide Chapter 18: Reconstruction and the Changing South (pgs 514-535)

American Nation text

Vocabulary and people

Section One

1.  freedmen

2.  Ten percent plan/Abraham Lincoln

3.  Freedmen’s Bureau

4.  John Wilkes Booth

5.  13th amendment

6.  Andrew Johnson

Section Two

7.  black codes

8.  Radical Republicans

9.  14th amendment

10. impeach

11. 15th amendment

Section Three

12. scalawags

13. carpetbaggers

14. conservatives

15. Ku Klux Klan

16. sharecropping

Section Four

17. election of 1876

18. poll taxes

19. literacy test

20. grandfather clause

21. segregation

22. Jim Crow Laws

23. Plessy Vs. Ferguson

Section One: Early Steps to Reunion

Key concept: After the Civil War, the country had to repair the damage done by fighting and find a way to rebuild.

I. Post War Problems

A. About ______Union soldiers needed jobs.

B. Most Northern farms and cities were ______touched by war.

C. In the South, ______of the railroad tracks were destroyed and cities such as ______were destroyed. Confederate ______was worthless.

D. The biggest change in the South was that four million former slaves were now called ______.

II. Early Steps Toward Reconstruction

A. Lincoln felt the earlier the South rejoined the Union, the ______.

B. Lincoln’s plan was called the ______Plan. When ______of voters swore loyalty and slavery was abolished, that state could be part of the Union.

C. Which Confederates were not given amnesty and why do you think this was so? ______


D. ______in Congress said the 10% plan was too lenient. The Wade-Davis Bill said a ______loyalty oath and any former volunteer for the Confederacy could not ______or ______. Why did Lincoln refuse to sign this? ______

E. Before the end of the war, the ______was established to provide (list 3 things)




III. Lincoln Is Assassinated

A. Five days after the surrender, Lincoln was shot at ______by John Wilkes Booth.

IV. The New President

A. Andrew Johnson was from ______and Congress thought he would want what type of Reconstruction Plan? ______

B. Johnson’s Plan called for ______loyalty oath, and to ratify the ______amendment which banned slavery. Why was the 13th amendment necessary after the Emancipation Proclamation? ______

C. Why were Republicans in Congress so upset (2 reasons)?



Section Two: Radical Reconstruction

Key Concept: Angered by the South’s response to President Johnson’s Reconstruction program, Republicans in Congress put in place a harsher plan.

I. Black Codes Anger Congress

A. What was passed in reaction to the 13th amendment? ______

B. List 2 rights gained:



C. List 2 rights taken away:



D. Whom did the Republicans in Congress blame for the black codes? ______

II. Rise of the Radicals

A. The two leading Radicals were ______of Pennsylvania and ______of Massachusetts.

B. Which region of the country were the radicals from and why?


B. To stop the black codes, Congress passed the ______to protect the citizenship of freedmen. President ______vetoed the bill.

C. The ______amendment guaranteed citizenship. This was so the Civil Rights Act would not be ruled against. Which former Supreme Court case made Congress distrust the Courts? ______

III. Radicals in Power

A. President Johnson was against the ______amendment.

B. By 1867 the Republicans in Congress had a majority and could ______the President’s vetoes and this time period is called ______.

C. There were Reconstruction Acts that stated:

1. Each state must ratify the ______amendment.

2. The South was in ______military districts.

3. African Americans must be allowed to ______.

4. Former Confederate officials could not ______. Which political party do you think this meant lost power? ______

D. The ______won control of Southern governments with the help of which new voters? ______

IV. Impeachment and a New President

A. In 1868 the House ______Johnson, which means to bring formal charges against. He was found ______by the Senate by one vote.

B. ______was elected President in 1868. He was helped by ______black voters.

C. In 1870 the ______amendment was ratified and this guaranteed the right to vote for African American males over 21.

Section Three: The South Under Reconstruction

Key Concept: Reconstruction governments tried to rebuild the South despite some fierce opposition.

I. New Forces in Southern Politics

A. Many whites in the South called any white, southern supporters of Republicans scalawags. What does this term imply the South thought about scalawags? ______

B. Why was the South against carpetbaggers? ______

C. The third new group to hold power in the South were the ______. Which political party were they? ______

II. Conservatives Resist

A. The ______held power in the South before the Civil War and were Democrats.

B. A dangerous group to stop freedmen from having power was the ______.

III. The Challenge of Rebuilding

A. In the South, schools, railroads, ______, bridges and roads were rebuilt.

B. What were two reasons the Southerners with the Reconstruction governments?



IV. A Cycle of Poverty

A. Many Radicals promised the freedmen ______by breaking up large plantations.

B. Many freedmen became sharecroppers. Draw a diagram of how sharecropping worked.

Section Four: The End of Reconstruction

Key Concept: When the North lost interest in protecting the goals of Reconstruction, the era of Reconstruction came to an end.

I. The End of Reconstruction

A. By the end of the ______, the North was ready to be finished with Reconstruction.

B. The ______were hurt by the corruption in the Grant administration.

C. In 1872 ______was granted to all white Southerners, which included the right to vote.

D. The Election of ______ended Reconstruction. After a disputed election, Hayes (Rep) became President instead of ______(Dem) because he would end Reconstruction by removing ______from the South.

II. Restricted Rights

A. To stop freedmen from voting (they would vote Republican), southern states passed ______. Freedmen could not afford this.

B. ______were also required in order to vote and freedmen could not read well.

C. Poor whites could vote due to the ______.

D. ______, or legal separation, became the law in the South.

1. These laws were called ______.

2. In ______, segregation was challenged. The Supreme Court ruled separate but equal facilities were legal.

Essential Questions: Reconstruction

1.  What impact did Lincoln’s assassination have on Reconstruction?

2.  What were the successes and failures of Reconstruction in your opinion?

3.  What steps did the Federal Government take to unify the nation? Write next to each step was it a success or a failure.

4.  In what ways did the Southern states violate the Civil War amendments?

Big Analysis and Application Question:

If you could design your own Reconstruction plan with the information from the chapter and the world today, what would the plan look like?