Great Basin College
Fall Semester 2013
GRC 119-1002
Computer Graphics/Digital Media

Instructor Michael Bail


Phone: 775.340.0318

I do not check email or voice mail on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

If you would like to meet in person outside of class hours, please speak with me and we will arrange a meeting.


or, access through the WebCampus classroom


/ Multimedia: Making It Work
Eighth Edition
Vaughan, Tay
ISBN: 978-0-07-1748469

Catalog Description

Introduction to the key digital elements of multimedia. Overview of hardware & software, design principles, and management skills needed to develop dynamic, interactive multimedia products. Comfort using a recent Windows operating system is strongly recommended.

3 credits.

Course Description

This class requires reading the textbook, handouts, and online resources; completing written assignments based on the reading; hands-on activities related to weekly topics; and participating in class discussions.

Many different Windows-based software applications related to multimedia are addressed with hands-on activities. These activities are designed to provide a broad overview of many applications, and are not designed to be in-depth training for multimedia software applications. There are many other courses offered at GBC that do go in-depth with software training; please contact the instructor if you are interested in in-depth software training.

The Final Project completed at the end of the semester is an application of many of the concepts addressed in the class.

Expected Learner Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this class, students will… / Measurements of learner outcomes:
1. / be able to comprehensively define multimedia; / Participation in Class Discussions, Written Assignments, Hands-On Assignments and the Final Project
2. / be able to identify the elements of multimedia such as text, static graphics, sound, animation, and video; / Participation in Class Discussions, Written Assignments, Hands-On Assignments and the Final Project
3. / have used multimedia authoring software tools; / Hands-On Assignments and the Final Project
4. / be able to describe computer system requirements for multimedia development and playback; / Participation in Class Discussions, Written Assignments, Hands-On Assignments and the Final Project
5. / have worked with text, static graphics, sound, animation, and video in the context of basic multimedia development on a Windows-based computer; / Hands-On Assignments and the Final Project
6. / have planned, designed, created, and tested a basic multimedia title with development and completion of the final project; / Participation in Class Discussions, Written Assignments, Hands-On Assignments and the Final Project
7. / be able to explain considerations when developing multimedia for the web and when developing for other delivery methods; / Participation in Class Discussions, Written Assignments, Hands-On Assignments and the Final Project
8. / be able to demonstrate understanding of project management regarding multimedia title development. / Participation in Class Discussions, Written Assignments, Hands-On Assignments and the Final Project

Your Computer’s Security

For this class you will be online with your computer. Your computer’s security is your responsibility. I strongly recommend that you have security software installed on your computer and that you keep it updated. There are many options available; you might want to do online research to determine what security software is best for you. A good place to start your research is to type “security software” into Google or another search engine.

If you are using a computer with Windows you may also want to consider installing the free download Microsoft Security Essentials (if it is not already installed on your computer). Visit this website to learn more:

Michael's Schedule for Fall 2013

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
7:00 – 8:00
PEX 170 / 7:00 – 8:00
PEX 170
1:00 - 3:45
GRC 119
Online classes: GRC 119

If you would like to meet with me, please send me an email and we will set up an appointment.

Methods of Instruction

o  weekly modules in WebCampus

o  explanation, demonstration, and examples of multimedia concepts and software tools and techniques using various resources

o  hands-on assignments incorporating multimedia concepts and software tools and techniques

o  reading and written assignments from textbook, handouts, and online sources

o  WebCampus discussions based on assigned readings and hands-on assignments

o  individual work



You must log into the WebCampus classroom at least a couple of times per week to demonstrate “attendance” in the class. You are expected to read the weekly instructions posted by each Wednesday afternoon; to read, post, and reply to discussion topics; and to submit assignments on time.

“An instructor may drop any student who has excessive unexcused absences. An instructor has the sole right to excuse an absence, assign makeup work, or apply a punitive grading policy as established by the instructor’s syllabus for the class. Specifically, you are expected to comply with the attendance policy set by each instructor.” (p. 49 of the 2013-2014 GBC General Catalog)

If, for some reason, you feel that you cannot complete the course, you must officially withdraw from the class by the course drop deadline (Monday, October 28th, 2013) by contacting Admissions & Records at 753-2102, and completing the Course Withdraw Form.

§  Officially withdrawing results in a "W" on your grade report. The "W" is not used in computing your cumulative GPA; it will appear on your transcript and be permanent.

§  If you do not officially withdraw, your grade will be based on the work you have completed averaged with zeros for work you have not completed.

Class Work

Students should keep their graded work until they know their final course grade at the end of the semester in case there is any discrepancy in grades.


Grade Appeals

If a student has concerns or complaints about grading, s/he should follow the steps of the published procedures as stated on page 51 in the 2013-2014 GBC General Catalog.

Course Grade

Grades describe the quality of work completed. Grading in this course is based upon the following:

Participation 30%

WebCampus discussions and hands-on assignments count as this part of the class grade.

Weekly Assignments 50%

Weekly Assignments #1 - #13 count as this part of the class grade.

Final Project 20%


·  WebCampus discussions are evaluated using a “Discussion Topics Rubric,” and each graded topic is worth 100 points.

·  Some hands-on assignments are evaluated using a “Hands-On Assignment Rubric,” and each graded hands-on assignment is worth 100 points.

Course Grade, continued

Weekly Assignments

·  Each weekly assignment (Assignment #1 through Assignment #13) has its own handout giving the specifics of the assignment; each graded weekly assignment is worth 100 points.

·  Weekly assignments are based on textbook reading, and can also involve research for information beyond what is presented in the textbook.

·  No late work is accepted, unless it is approved in writing by the instructor by 5:00 p.m. PST the day prior to the assignment’s due date. For example, if an assignment is due on Wednesday, written approval to submit the assignment late must be given by the instructor to the student by 5:00 p.m. PST on Tuesday.

The Final Project will be development of your own digital multimedia-rich product. Details about the Final Project will be provided later in the semester after you have completed several weeks of learning about multimedia.

The final course grade is calculated on a percentage scale and then recorded as the corresponding grade point value and letter grade as shown below.

Percentage Grade Point Value Letter Grade Quality of Work

94-100 4.0 A Superior

90-93 3.7 A-

87-89 3.3 B+

83-86 3.0 B Above Average

80-82 2.7 B-

77-79 2.3 C+

73-76 2.0 C Average

70-72 1.7 C-

67-69 1.3 D+

63-66 1.0 D Below Average

60-62 0.7 D-

<60 0.0 F Failure

Grade / General Definition / Work Demonstrated
A / Demonstrates Exceptional Competence / ·  An ability to transcend the obvious, apply principles innovatively, and relate theoretical concepts to everyday life. Resulting insights are often personal and illuminating.
·  A capacity to develop ideas flexibly and fluently, yet with control and purpose.
B / Demonstrates Competence / ·  Understanding of concepts and principles, and the ability to interpret them meaningfully in a personal context.
·  A capacity to develop an idea with a clear sense of order.
C / Suggests Competence / ·  Satisfactory understanding of concepts and principles.
·  Application of classroom-based learning often lacks depth and insight.
D / Suggests Incompetence / ·  A frequent inability to express competence.
·  A limited understanding of much of the subject matter.
·  A lack of commitment or failure to follow instructions.
F / Demonstrates Incompetence / ·  Work has failed to meet the minimum requirement for the course.
·  Student may not be adequately prepared for the courses which follow.

General Education Objectives

In addition to degree requirements, the faculty of GBC has established a goal to ensure that all students graduating with either an AA, AS, BA, or BS degree have had the opportunity to develop an awareness of and abilities in specific areas. These areas are detailed on pages 54 and 55 of the 2013-2014 GBC General Catalog.

GRC 119 is a General Education Technology Area class option, and therefore has particular emphasis with the following General Education Objectives.

1.  Communications Skills Objective

Students will be responsible for completing weekly assignments involving oral and written forms of communication, including presentations (informal and formal) and discussions.

Presentations and discussions will be evaluated on evidence of insight, quest for knowledge, and reflection.

Written assignments will be evaluated on content and mechanics.

Research, comprehension, and analysis of course-related materials will be expected from students throughout the course; materials will be from print and online resources.

The final project will be the development of an interactive digital multimedia project, which inherently requires effective written and graphic communication. The final project will be evaluated on content, organization, usability, layout, navigation, spelling, grammar, and appearance.

Students will give a descriptive oral and visual presentation of their final multimedia project. The presentation will be evaluated on preparedness, organization, clarity, content, appropriate length, and delivery.

Accessing Information

Students who complete General Education courses will demonstrate the ability to access information by

·  collecting information from electronic, print and live sources;

·  evaluating the validity of information;

·  organizing information into a usable format; and

·  documenting sources of information.

2.  Critical Thinking Objective

The progression of this class toward the development of an interactive multimedia project requires creativity, logic, quantitative reasoning, and inquiry as the means toward knowledge.

Quantitative Ability Element

Students will determine appropriate file sizes for elements in their multimedia projects. This determination includes calculating optimal image resolutions, image dimensions, and file formats of all the multimedia elements; and the calculation of the size of the finished multimedia project. Specific file size calculation is addressed each week beginning with Week 4.

When designing with multimedia elements, students will have to consider varying capabilities of playback systems, and speed/size limitations of online delivery. These considerations are addressed from Week 3 through final project work.

Reasoning and Independent Thought Element

Students will search the Internet for class resources. Potential resource sites will be evaluated based on relevancy to class concepts, authority of sites, credibility of sites, and usefulness of sites. Students will contribute to an online resource guide on the class web site in the areas of multimedia planning, design, software, development, and testing. Online searches and referencing begin in the second week of class and continue through final project work.

Beginning with Week 2 and continuing through Week 13, students will analyze existing multimedia projects based on design, content, and usability.

Beginning with Week 2 and continuing through final project work, students will evaluate types of software available and will determine what is appropriate for creation of various multimedia elements.

Beginning with Week 2 and continuing through final project work, students will learn and apply steps involved in the management of a multimedia project, including planning, development, design, and testing.

Scientific Understanding Element

By experimenting with methods of multimedia project development throughout the course, students will gain relevant hands-on experience and knowledge.

Each week, Week 1 through Week 13, students will participate in inquiry-based discussions about the characteristics of a well-designed multimedia project. These characteristics emphasize user-centered design, which is a process that focuses on cognitive factors (such as perception, memory, learning, and problem-solving) as they occur during a person’s interaction with a multimedia project. They will apply knowledge of these characteristics to the development of their own multimedia projects in their final projects.

Concepts such as digital data representation and additive vs. subtractive light will be addressed.

3.  Technological Understanding Objective

The primary tools used in this class will be technology based: computer hardware and software.

Students will use standard computer hardware, and may use a DVD burner, jump drive, graphics tablet, scanner, and digital camera.

Students will use a variety of software, which may include file management, word processing, database, presentation, animation, web browser, web page design, vector graphics, bitmap graphics, authoring, digital video editing, and digital audio editing.


Student Conduct and Academic Honesty

Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with college standards. GBC’s Student Conduct Policy is outlined on pages 27-29 of the 2013-2014 GBC General Catalog.

Students are expected to be academically honest. GBC’s Academic Honesty section of the 2013-2014 General Catalog is on page 29.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Director of Services for Students with Disabilities (Julie G. Byrnes) will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services. For more information or further assistance, please call 775-753-2271.