Biblical Seminary of the Philippines

Attach Recent
(With your name printed
at the back of the photo)

77-B Bible Street, Karuhatan Road, 1441 Valenzuela City, Philippines

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 11, 1469 Valenzuela City, Philippines

Telephone Nos. (63-2) 292-6795; 292-6798: 292-6827

Fax: (63-2) 292-6675 E-Mail: Website:




Name (Eng) ______(Chi)______

(Last) (First) (Middle)

Date of Birth _____/_____/_____Place of Birth ______Gender ______

Month Day Year

Nationality ______E-mail:______Mobile #:______

Address (city) ______Landline No.:______

Address (prov) ______Landline No.:______

Marital Status (Pls. Tick):  single going steady engaged divorced widowed separated

married: Date of Marriage ____/____/____Name of Spouse______No. of Children _____

What ages ______Is your spouse in sympathy with your attendance at BSOP?______


The applicant is required to furnish two references one from his/her pastor, one from a Christian worker or leader other than family member or BSOP faculty member. Please indicate below the names and addresses of the individuals to whom you have given the reference forms.

1. Pastor: ______Address: ______Tel:______

2. Christian worker/leader: ______Address: ______Tel:______


List all the schools attended beyond elementary: (High School, College/University, Seminary)

Name of School / Address / Course / Dates Attended / Degree


Name of Parents/Guardian ______Relationship______

Address ______Occupation______

Is he/she in full sympathy with your preparation for Christian service?______

Is there any family situation that may interfere with your theological training?______

Do you have sufficient funds for your Seminary training? ______

If not, how do you plan to meet expenses? ______



Have you borrowed money or is still indebted to someone as of the present?______

Do you have outstanding debts? Yes No

If yes, pls. explain. ______

If you are still enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program of studies, please list the courses which you

intend to complete before coming to BSOP, but which do not yet appear on your transcript of records.




Have you ever been refused admission to, suspended by, or dismissed from a school or seminary?Yes No

If yes, please explain______



Have you ever had any promiscuous activity before (Ex:extramarital affair, pre-marital sex, homosexual)? ______

If yes, please share your experience in 4-5 paragraphs.

Have you repented?______

Do you have any vice (smoking, gambling, drug addict, going to night club regularly)? Yes No

Are you now or have you ever been: An inmate of a penitentiary, jail, reformatory or prison?

On probation?On parole?


If yes, please share your experience in 4-5 paragraphs stating the who, when, what, why, how and results of

such an encounter.

In the past three years, have you been convicted of an indictable offense (crime)? ______


Are you now charged with a crime? ______

Are you now, or have ever been, under a removal order (have you been asked by immigration officials to leave

Philippines )? ______

Are you under investigation charged with a war crime against humanity or have you ever been convicted

of a war crime or a crime against humanity? ______

Have you had any serious physical or mental illness (psychological/psychiatric) that required major operation,

or hospitalization? ______

Which program of study do you wish to enroll?(Pls.Tick )

Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies (MDiv-BS) Diploma in Christian Ministry (DCM)

Master of Divinity in Christian Education (MDiv-CE) Master of Arts in Christian Education (MA-CE)

Master of Divinity in Pastoral Counseling (MDiv-PC) Bachelor of TheologyTESOL

Master of Divinity in Missions Certificate in Biblical Theological Studies

Do you plan to study Full-time Part-timeAudit StudentSummer Modules

Are you a New student TransfereeCross-Enrollee

Are you presently employed or attending school? ______Where? ______

Language Proficiency: What kindSpeakListen ReadWrite

Native Language: 

Acquired Language: 

Acquired Language: 


When and where were you saved? ______

Baptized? Yes No Date? ______Place?______

When and where did you commit yourself for full-time service to God?______


To what church do you belong? ______

To what church were you baptized? ______

Church background or Denomination: ______

Church Presently Attending: ______

Pastor’s Name and Address: ______

List the various kinds of Christian work you have done:

Kinds / Places / Dates

What type of Christian work do you desire to do? (List in order) ______


State briefly your practice of using the Bible in your devotional life.



State briefly your practice in personal prayer.



How did you find us?______


In what academic subjects are you personally interested? ______

What do you do for amusement and recreation? ______

In what student activities have you taken an active part?______

List some of the books and periodicals (other than religious or those assigned for school work) which you

have read during the past few years ______


Name the 3 religious books that have influenced you the most.




The BSOP faculty holds the right to choose the program of study for you, are you completely in

agreement with this principle? ______

Have you read our Student Handbook and Catalogue? ______

Are you in accord with our Statement of Faith, Mission Statement, Objectives, Rules and Regulations?______

If not, please state the areas in which you differ ______


Atpresent, what are your vocational objectives? (Using 1 as the highest preference)

 Campus MinistryCounseling Christian Education MinistryTeaching

Children’s MinistryEvangelism Lay Christian ServiceChaplain

Pastoral Ministry Youth MinistryMissionary ServiceDiscipleship

Others, pls. specify

Is there anything in your past or the present that may affect or hinder your study at BSOP or jeopardize

the reputation of the seminary? Yes No

If yes, please explain and use separate sheet.


Applicant’s Signature




(3-5 pages, double-spaced or 1,000 – 1,500 words)

DESCRIBE YOUR CALLING INTO THE MINISTRY (include your reasons for wanting to have theological training and factors that led you to BSOP). OrDESCRIBE YOUR EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES (past, present, and future)

(3-5 pages, double-spaced or 1,000 – 1,500 words)

Registrar’s Remarks:

reference forms (2)

entrance examination

medical records (blood exam)

transcript of records

average grade


course enrolled
