1.I am the applicant.

2.I married [spouse's full name] (“[spouse's short name]”) at [place of marriage] on [date].

3.[If applicable] We have [number] children, namely:-

(a)[insert first name and date of birth];

(b)[insert first name and date of birth].

They no longer live with us [or whatever the situation].

4.[Explain how the marital breakdown occurred, e.g. ]Our marriage was fine until about [number] years ago, when we stopped talking to each other as a loving couple. Our main problems were [insert just a line or two]

5.In about [month and year], we agreed that our marriage had no future. [If applicable – ] We had tried counselling and things hadn’t worked out between us. We had reached screaming point with each other. We discussed the idea of one of us moving out, but the enquiries we each made came up with the same reality that neither of us could afford to move out until our house was sold.

6.We agreed on dividing the house into separate living areas, so that we could each live quite separate lives until we were able to move out and find complete independence from each other. [Specify any other reason for remaining in the same home together. Also specify any intention to change that situation]

7.Before our marital breakdown, we lived as husband and wife, being and sleeping together, sitting down to meals, socialising together, talking together about our children/our shared lives. I would cook, wash and do housework and [spouse's short name] would do our gardening and household maintenance and look after our cars. Every morning and evening before and after work would be spent with each other.

8.After [same approx date as in 5 above], however, everything changed [OR ] by the time of [same approx date] everything had changed. We had stopped sleeping together, we moved into separate bedrooms, we began cooking our own meals and doing our own laundry, living as strangers. We never went out with each other again on family outings or other shared activities, and we also stopped having friends round. We stopped talking to each other. [Give detail - in the applicant's own language - of all other evidence of living quite separate lives]

9.[Add any other evidence relevant to the breakdown of the marriage]