2005 Officers:

President: Chuck Dasnoit

Vice-President Barbara Thompson

Secretary: Cathy Whitaker

Treasurer: Lynn Michael

Board Members: Shauna Dasnoit, Krystn Messer and Barbara Nelson

Newsletter Editor: Cathy Whitaker,


Membership Chairman: Kristy Pedersen,


This is the official publication of the Triangle Shetland Sheepdog Club of NC, and is published at least quarterly in the interests of the club members. Articles of interest to sheltie owners will be accepted for publication; views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the club members or the club itself.

Membership information: Annual dues for an individual are $10.00, and $15.00 for family membership. Dues are payable to the Membership Chairman when submitting an application or in December for the following year.

Meetings: Meetings are held on the second Thursday at 7:00 PM, usually in the homes of members. Meeting locations, dates, and directions are published in the newsletter for your convenience.

Advertising is accepted for the publication, at a rate of $5.00 per page. Ads can be sent to the Editor with the appropriate fees.

Upcoming Meetings:

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Meeting at Lynn Michael’s Kennel House

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Meeting at Elizabeth Sandling’s House

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Meeting at Alison Parr’s House

Meeting Minutes:

February 10, 2005

The President called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.

The President read the minutes of the January meeting.

Membership Chairman’s Report – Membership chairman not present but no new membership applications were received.

Secretary’s Report – Received a request from the ASSA to consider being the host club for the 2009 ASSA National. Barbara Thompson made a motion that we not apply to be the host club. There was no second or vote, but it was agreed by the members present that we would not apply to be the host club.

Treasurer’s Report – We had a beginning balance of $7,333.60, expenses of $82.06, income of $10 leaving us with an ending balance of $7,266.54. Lynn looked into interest earning savings accounts and CDs for the Club. With a minimum balance of $3,000 we could open a 90 day CD and earn 1.25% or a 1 year CD which would earn 2.25%. No action was taken on this item.

Old Business:

2005 Specialty: Lynn Michael contacted APS the first week of February to get a contract for this year’s show. As of the date of this meeting she had not received anything. She will contact them again. Chuck Dasnoit has agreed to follow up with them if necessary. Elizabeth Sandling agreed to be the Show Secretary again this year.

Barbara Thompson had samples of Yummy Chummies (salmon treats for dogs) that she had gotten and suggested we give to the 1st place winners in each of the breed and obedience classes. After a discussion about whether to buy individual packages or bulk and repackage them, Chuck made a motion to buy individual packages. The motion was seconded by Bob Jordan and unanimously passed. Barbara will contact the company about a possible bulk rate discount for buying the individual packages.

New Business:

A Board meeting was held in January. One of the topics addressed was that of new members who do not attend meetings once approved for membership and the problem this can create for voting quorums, etc. Suggestions were made for membership qualifications to help resolve this potential problem. Barbara Nelson made a motion to suspend the acceptance of new membership applications until the establishment of these qualifications has been completed. This motion was seconded by Bob Jordan and unanimously passed. The Board will meet again on February 26 to finalize these qualifications and will then distribute them to the membership*****.

A constitutional review committee was appointed. The members are Lynn Michael, Bob Jordan and Barbara Nelson. Lynn will chair the committee.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Members present: Lynn Michael, Chuck Dasnoit, Cathy Whitaker, Krys Messer, Alison Parr, Barbara Nelson, Bob Jordan, Shauna Dasnoit, Eliizabeth Sandling and Barbara Thompson

*****It was determined at a subsequent Board meeting that this motion was unconstitutional based on the club’s constitution and by-laws and will be corrected in the minutes of the next meeting.


Dues: Membership dues should have been in to Lynn Michael by December 31, 2004. If you have not sent them into Lynn, please get them in as soon as possible. I will be updating the membership list in March and removing anyone who Lynn indicates has not paid their 2005 dues.

From Barbara Thompson: Am & Can Ch Sunebank Caerleon Quest will be standing at Stud at Barwood for awhile. Carolyn Vack has graciously allowed him to visit the Carolinas. His beautiful daughters that I own hopefully will encourage people to use him while he is here. Only a breeding fee of $150.00 to be paid up front. Anyone wishing to see him need just to call me 919-854-0850.


Anyone with puppies available, litters due soon, or adults looking for homes...please send an email to Krys at (or ) with a brief note to let her know the basics like date of birth, color, sex. This is a great help in keeping the info current and available to pass on to callers or email inquiries. Thanks!


A few brags from our performance members . . .

Obedience news . . .

Rhonda Morin and Amber earned two legs in Novice B competition toward their UCD.

Debbie Sugg and Christopher also earned two legs toward their UCD.

And some agility news . . .

. . . from Alison Parr--Sadie placed 7th in the Hybrid Class at the 2005 AKC Nationals. She has qualified to go to AKC World Team Trials in May. We recently went to a USDAA trial where she earned her Starters relay title with 2 first place finishes. She placed first in Starters Snooker and rounded out her weekend with 2 more second places and a 4th place.
. . . and from Bob Jordan--we qualified for the AKC Nationals (Bunny) and went to Tampa in January to participate. Bunny had two qualifying runs out of three in the championships. Cassie (Barwoods Cascade) attended her 1st trial earlier this month and hadtwo qualifying runs in the Jumpers class.

And now from conformation . . .

Alison Parr’s Jade Mist Durali Modern Life, "Rocco", placed second in the 6-9 months class in Greenville. From Alison--this was HUGE for us, because we had been last for all our shows and we actually beat three dogs that show!!!

From Echowyn: Congratulations to Simone. After adding “Champion” to her name last year she has now added “Canadian Champion” and is now Am/Can CH Skyward Echowyn Mystique.

From Barwoods: Barwoods Sweet Charity was WB and BOW for a fat 5 pt major at the Jacksonville Specialty. She was RWB (5 pts) the next day at the all breed.

Please send me your brags to share.

***If you would prefer to receive these newsletters via e-mail, please send me your e-mail address. Also, if anyone changes their current e-mail address, please send the new one to me so you can continue to receive these electronically.

Contact information for Triangle Sheltie Rescue:

Intake Coordinator, Mike Tickle (919) 606-7132 - Adoption Coordinator, Randy Ross (704) 965-5432

web site -


Show Report for November 6th and 7th 2004


Entry Fees $3391.00

Additional at show 6.00

Total $3397.00


Raffle Saturday 409.00

Raffle Sunday 495.00

Catolog Sales Sat. 195.00

Catolog Sales Sun. 15.00

Catolog Presales 48.00

Calandars (29) 178.00

Catalog advertising 140.00



Site 500.00

AKC Fees

Saturday 156.00

Sunday 158.00

Original Application Fees 100.00

Insurance Policy for Interim 128.00


Sat. 781.57

Additional Lodging 72.23


Sun. 824.24

Judges food at site 17.25

Judges Gifts 58.32

Photographer 50.00


All left over from previous year

Sweeps Disbursements 278.00

Ribbons MB-F 169.48

Show Secretary Stipend 50.00

Premium Lists

Printing 59.30

Postage 111.00

*****Catalog printing donated by Frank Fletcher

Cathy Whitaker Plastic tape 154.02

Cups/napkins Signs

Hospitality Room Items

Drinks 13.97

Profit from Show $ 1323.23


Krystn Messer for receiving entries, the typing for the catalog, confirmation of entries and class scheduling, as well as the many extra items needing personal attention.

Frank Fletcher for the catalog, again this year, it was lovely.

Thanks are in order to Cathy Whitaker for being Show Chairman and Elizabeth Sandling for assuming the position of Show Secretary.

Barbara Thompson for once again taking care of ALL the trophies and judges gifts.

Shauna and Chuck Dasnoit, the Raffle table was great. It is the raffle that lets us realize a profit for the show. We realized a larger profit being able to have a raffle both days. Many thanks Shauna and Frank.

Lynn Michael for keeping all the money straight and producing this great report!

Thanks to those members helping with set up and clean up. Big thank you to Shari Bryant and Cathy Whitaker for assuming most of the responsibility.