By: Te Whetu o Rongo


One of the most important principles inadministrative law, established by the Supreme Court inChevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984).

The case raised the issue of how courts should treat agency interpretations of statutes that mandated that agency to take some action.The Supreme Court held that courts should defer to agency interpretations of such statutes unless they are unreasonable.


1.  Chevron makes large campaign contributions to both Democrats and Republicans. It will even finance genocide regimes in order to make a buck. No qualms.

2.  The Courts, the Congress and the White House are owned by Wall Street.

3.  Chevron provides the grease for the wheels of Wall Street who in turn throw crumbs to politicians across the political divide aided by the Koch Brothers and other right-wing and left-wing psychos masquerading as think-tanks and policy directing maniacs.

4.  Agencies interpret the rules, regulations, orders, and statutes that is granted to them under delegated powers by Congress. In essence, the bullshit that only Congress shall make laws is nothing but pure, unadulterated bullshit.

5.  Agencies always interpret the law in favor of the campaign contributors.

6.  Once an agency has made a administrative ruling/decision, it is purely a matter of window dressing and public relations for a court of law to review that decision. Seldom will they find unreasonableness although the Chevron doctrine says so. Mind you, this is case law, NOT cast in concrete.

7.  With police power, tribal and ecclesiastical governments will have the wherewithal to arrest the bullshitting bastarddds who make, unmake, create and destroy the cause of justice. BTW, a bastttard s one who may have had three fathers.

8.  Always remember that bullshit reigns and rules supreme in any court where the rule of law is the pivotal mechanism.

9.  Tribal and ecclesiastical governments use the cause of justice as the principal sword and shield.

10. The Chevron doctrine is used worldwide because Uncle Sam says so, otherwise another Iraq or Afghanistan, maybe a Grenada will be unleashed.