

by Jeremy Taylor


  1. Look at the clues and write the answers in the spaces.

A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J

1. What is Luke’s family name?

2. What is Rachel’s family name?

3. What is the nickname that Adrian gives Luke when he loses his hair?

4. What is the short form of the treatment that Luke got to kill the cancer cells in his body?

5. Bobby Earl has two friends that had cancer, but now they don’t have it. The name for this is that they are in re…

6. On which day of the week does Luke’s team play their matches?

7. In which city do Luke and his family live?

8. Who is the brain in Luke’s family?

9. What is the word that Adrian uses when he loses an argument and wants out

of the discussion?

10. Who is Bobby Earl’s son?

  1. Now read the letters in column E. In which country is this place? Why was it important in the story?


  1. In the story…. Make sentences with the boxes below.

In the story / there was a young bike thief / where Luke stood / and he also managed the Bedminster Boys.
there was doctor / who wanted to study medicine / but rubbish at technical things on computers.
there was a supermarket / that Luke liked / and was very popular with many boys at school.
there was a man / who was very good at looking after children with Leukaemia / and got a small kick up the backside from Adrian Earl.
there was a nurse / who stole Mark Hutton’s bike / rattling his tin to collect money for Leukaemia research.
there was a smart girl / who was a car mechanic / and she gave him a kiss and hugged him.
  1. Positive or negative?

In the story there are many adjectives. Can you decide which ones are positive, which ones are negative and which ones are neutral? Can you remember what the adjectives were describing in the story? Can you put the adjectives into (new) meaningful sentences?

Put these adjectives into the correct column
dark, tall, thin, shy, academic, brainy, good looking, wonderful, silly, poor, great, bad, new, happy, muddy, special, brilliant, small, neat, terrible, funny, excellent, fine, hot, normal, shitty, bald, rubbish, old, dumb, honest, innocent, miserable, proud, fantastic, shaggy, special, petty, deadly, long, dirty, anonymous, kind, professional, gloomy… More?
Positive / Neutral / Negative