Outline for Planning Commissioner Training

Part One: Introduction to Planning
1.A. What is Planning

1.B. Principles and Practice of Planning

1.C. Legal Foundation of Planning

1.C.1. Legal Foundation

1.C.2. Legal Issues and Case Law

Part Two: Decision Making and the Commission’s Role in the Planning Process

2.A. Powers, Duties, and Make-up of the Planning Commission

2.B. Ethics and Ethical Decision Making for Planning Commissioners

2.C. How to Prepare for and Conduct a Meeting

2.D. Working with Staff

2.E. Role of Expert Testimony and Consultant Reports

2.F. How to Prepare Findings of Fact; How to Reach and Record a Decision

Part Three: The Comprehensive Plan and Planning Tools and Techniques

3.A. The Comprehensive Plan

3.B. Elements of the Comprehensive Plan

3.B.1. Environment

3.B.2. Housing

3.B.3. Urban Design

3.B.4. Parks and Open Space

3.B.5. Economic Development

3.B.6. Infrastructure

3.B.7. Transportation

3.B.8. Urban Design and Design Review

3.B.9 Historic Preservation

Part Four: Special Plans for Special Areas and Resources

4.A. Arts and Culture

4.B. Neighborhood

4.C. Design Review and Historic Preservation

4.D. Downtown

Part Five: County, Regional, Federal, and Tribal Plans and Policies Related to Planning

5.A. County Planning and Interjurisdictional Planning

5.B. Regional Planning

5.C. Tribal Law and Planning with Tribes

Part Six: Subdivision and Site Plan Review Duties of the Planning Commission

6.A. Site Plans

6.B. Development

Part Seven: Other Plans and Techniques

7.A. Smart Growth

7.B. Health and Planning

7.C. Transfer of Development Rights

7.D. Food Systems Planning

7.E. Disaster Preparedness and Recovery

7.F. Climate Change Impacts

7.G. Social Equity

7.H. PUDs and Master Planning

Part Eight: Federal Laws and Case Law Related to Planning

8.A. First Amendment

8.A.1. Religious Freedom

8.A.2. Freedom of Speech

8.A.2.a. Signs

8.A.2.b. Adult Businesses

8.B. Telecommunications

8.C. Environment Protection (and wetlands, clean air, etc.)

8.D. Fair Housing

8.E. Americans with Disabilities Act

8.F. Takings

Part Nine: Zoning

9.A. Zoning

9.B. The Work of the Zoning Board of Adjustment/Appeals

9.C. Preparing and Updating Ordinances

9.D. New Urbanism and Form-Based Codes

Part Ten: Plan Implementation

10.A. Adopting, Implementing, and Amending the Plan

10.B. The CIP

10.C. Measurements and Indicators

10.D. Paying for Growth: Exactions, Dedications, and Impact Fees

Part Eleven: Engaging and Working with the Public
11.A. Working with the Public
11.A.1. Social Media and Online Tools

11.B. Informing and Responding to the Public

11.C. Techniques for Engagement

11.C.1. Youth Engagement

Part Twelve: Working with Elected Officials and Other Appointed Officials
Part Thirteen: Planning History and Landmarks

Part Fourteen: Emerging Issues