St Lawrence Primary School 2016 Data

Item 1 / Contextual Information / St Lawrence Primary School, a single-stream Catholic co-educational primary school situated in the north-eastern region of Perth, caters for a current enrolment of 253 students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 6. The school has a strong sense of community with an emphasis on pastoral care and acceptance of different backgrounds and needs. The students, staff and parents have a close and collaborative relationship with the parish and also have a Pastoral Care Worker within the school. St Lawrence School has a very supportive parent body and an active School Board and Parents and Friends' Association. The staff are extremely committed to providing the best for the children in all learning areas. The school implements Levelled Literacy Intervention with a strong emphasis on early intervention. Reading Recovery is provided for students in Year One who need additional support in their reading and writing skills. Providing a quality Early Childhood Education is a strong focus at the school. There are specialist programs in Languages (Italian), Music, Drama, Physical Education and Library. The Gospel messages of love, truth and service and our School Motto - With Gods Friendship and Love We Grow - is embedded in the daily actions of all within the school community
Item 2 / Teacher Qualifications / All teaching staff was TRB registered. Seventeen teaching staff were 4 year trained, with two of the seventeen holding a masters Degree and 3 teaching staff members were 3 year trained. Eighteen were female and two male.
Item 3 / Workforce composition / Nine fulltime and eleven part-timeteachers were employed. Eighteen teachers were female and two teachers were male. The fifteen non teaching staff comprised of thirteen females and one male. There are no indigenous staff employed by the school.
Item 4 / Student attendance at school / Kindergarten –91.95%
Pre Primary- 91.67%
Year 1 94.18%
Year 2 95.09%
Year 3 94.41%
Year 4 94.59%
Year 5 92.56%
Year 6 92.45%
The average attendance for a student at St Lawrence in 2016 was
93.36%. This figure decreased from the 2014 data.Parents are notified by
text if there is an unexplained absence. Apart from overseas holidays
attendance is high.
Item 6 / Naplan Information / YEAR 3 / YEAR 5
Reading / 100% / 100%
Writing / 100% / 100%
Spelling / 100% / 100%
Grammar and Punctuation / 96% / 100%
Numeracy / 100% / 100%
Students at or above the national benchmark.
Item 7 / Parent teacher and student satisfaction / Letters, cards, notes, emails received, as well as P&F and School Board discussions and events. QCS survey data shows strong community involvement which was completed by staff, students and families. Students indicated through cards, drawings, notes and discussions that they enjoyed school at St Lawrence and in the QCS Survey data had a strong ownership of St Lawrence Primary School.In 2016 the School Board developed a
Item 8 / Post school destinations / Students from St Lawrence Yr 6 enrolled in the following Schools in 2017:
1.Servite College – 21 students
2.Newman College – 2 students
3.Balcatta Senior High – 2 students
4.Carine Senior High – 1 student
5.Sacred Heart College – 1 student
6.NSW -1 student
7.Victoria – 2 students
Item 9 / ASIP / Outstand results in NAPLAN where each class was above National Average for all five areas assessed. Have embedded practices and assessment for reading and comprehension. Ensure parents are catered for with a minimum of two parent teacher meetings throughout the year. Need to embed consistent accountability of all staff members to school goals. Capital development was completed in early childhood in February 2017. Students are becoming more aware of social justice issues.
Item 10 / School Income / All the information relating to St Lawrence’s school income is available on the My School website

School Performance 2016