Ali Reading Check Quiz

Form: Cage

131. Ali begins the preface by discussing what prompted her to explore this topic. What was it?
A.  9/11
B.  The attacks in Paris
C.  Her conversion to Christianity
D.  The violent reaction to her previous book
E.  Her meeting with the Nigerian reporter
132. Where was Ali born?
A.  Iran
B.  America
C.  Denmark
D.  Somalia
E.  Iraq
133. Why does she mention multiple Western philosophers?
A.  To point out the similarity to Muhammad's teachings
B.  To suggest that they can also be a source of morality for Muslims
C.  To point out how those philosophers, too, were immoral in their personal lives
D.  To criticize how the West has ignored their views
E.  To point out how they are not in conflict with Christianity
134. Why does she mention the Miss World beauty pageant from 2002?
A.  To point out that the West objectifies women, too
B.  To discuss the violent Muslim reaction to a reporter's comment
C.  To point out the emancipation of women in the West
D.  To demonstrate how Nigeria is being torn apart by religious conflict
E.  To justify her criticism of Christians
135. Ali mentions the murder of someone close to her. Who was it?
A.  Her mother
B.  Her sister
C.  Her husband
D.  Theo van Gogh, a filmmaker
E.  Salman Rushdie, a poet / 136. In large part, Ali blames Islam for
A. her failed marriage
B. how Muslim nations are lagging behind the West and Asia
C. the Iran Iraq war in the 80s
D. the collapse of the Egyptian government
E. the economic sanctions on Iran
137. In the preface, Ali criticizes
A. Muslims
B. The West
C. Christianity
D. Women for being complicit in their own oppression
E. A and B
138. Ali received criticism and death threats for
A. her film Submission: Part I
B. being a woman in parliament
C. burning the Koran
D. drawing cartoons of the prophet
E. encouraging Iranian women to take off the veil
139. Ali argues that European nations that are considering limiting freedom of the press to discuss Islam are
A. doing the right thing, because unchecked freedom is leading to bloodshed
B. doing the right thing because the press has become offensive and racist in places
C. doing the wrong thing because Muslims must learn to accept criticism
D. doing the wrong thing because such measures are only justified in Muslim countries
140. Ali includes a brief anecdote about her childhood, when she observed that some non-Muslims were nice. Her family’s response was
A. to hit her
B. that if they were actually good people, they would
be Muslims.
C. if she spoke to them, she would go to Hell
D. that they were the enemy, and deserved to die
E. that they meant well, but would never respect her
because she wore the veil