Subject: The politic system of china

The Chinese government has advanced to become one key players in international politics. Without undertaking a thorough analysis of the political system it is not possible gain a clear understanding for China’s rise. What contribution has the political system and government activity made in respect to China’s economic transformation? What consequences will the economic modernisation and world-economic integration have on the political system? Is the political system able to adapt to changing economic, technological, and international conditions? Which potentials and risks will shape the mid-term development of the political system?

The objective of this book is to offer a differentiated understanding of the conditions, potentials and risks of the political development in China. It is based on a comprehensive of analysis of Chinese resources and gives readers the most current analysis of international China research.

1. The Constitutional System
The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state.
The existing Constitution was adopted for implementation by the 5th Session of the 5th National People’s Congress on December 4, 1982. Amendments were made to the Constitution respectively at the 1st Session of the 7th National People’s Congress on April 12, 1988, the 1st Session of the 8th National People’s Congress on March 29, 1993 and the 2nd Session of the 9th National People’s Congress on March 15, 1999.
I. Major stipulations in the Constitution in regard to China’s political system
1. Major political principles in China
(1) The Communist Party of China is the country’s sole political party in power.
The People’s Republic of China was founded by the Communist Party of China which is the leader of the Chinese people.
(2) The socialist system
The socialist system led by the working class and based on the alliance of the workers and farmers is the fundamental system of the People’s Republic of China
(3) All rights belong to the people
All the power in the country belongs to the people who exercise their power through the National People’s Congress and local people’s congresses at all levels.
The people manage the state, economy, culture and other social affairs through a multitude of means and forms.
(4) The fundamental task and goals of the state
2. The System of People's Congress
  1. The nature and position of the system of people’s congress
The system of people’s congress is an organizational form for the state power in China. It is China’s fundamental political system.
The power in the People’s Republic of China belongs to the people and the organ for the people to exercise state power is the National People’s Congress and local people’s congresses at all levels.
The National People’s Congress (NPC) and local people’s congresses are established through democratic elections, responsible to and supervised by the people.
State administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs are created by, responsible to and supervised by the people’s congresses.
The National People’s Congress is the highest organ of state power. Local people’s congresses are local organs of state power.
II. The National People’s Congress
1. The composition and term of office of the NPC
The NPC is composed of deputies elected from the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and deputies elected by the armed forces.
Deputies to the NPC are organized into delegations according to the units they are elected from. Each delegation is headed y a chairman and vice chairmen.
All the ethnic minorities are entitled to appropriate representation.
The NPC is elected for a term of five years.
The Standing Committee of the NPC must ensure the completion of election of deputies to the succeeding NPC two months prior to the expiration of the term of office of the current NPC. Should extraordinary circumstances prevent such an election, it may be postponed and the term of office of the current NPC extended by the decision of a vote of more than two-thirds of all those on the Standing Committee of the current NPC. The election of deputies to the succeeding NPC must be completed within one year after the termination of such extraordinary circumstances.
The NPC meets in session once a year and is convened by its Standing Committee.
A session of the NPC may be convened at any time the Standing Committee deems it necessary or when more than one-fifth of the deputies to the NPC so propose.
3. The Party in Power
The Communist Party is the sole party in power in China.
Founded in 1921, the Communist Party of China (CPC) established the People’s Republic of China in 1949 through years of armed struggle.
The CPC now has more than 60 million members in more than 3 million grassroots organizations.
The CPC has established formal (through elections within the Party) and informal (appointed by the organization of the higher level) organizations within the Chinese government and various levels and walks of life in the country.
I. The nature of the CPC
The CPC is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the faithful representative of the interests of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and the core of leadership over the socialist cause of China.
CPC’s maximum program of long objective is to realize the Communist social system and the minimum program at present is to build socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The CPC takes Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory as the guidance of its actions.
The CPC’s basic line for the primary stage of socialism is to unite with and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the endeavor to build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic and highly civilized modern socialist state by taking economic development as the central task, adhering to the Four Cardinal Principles (adherence to the socialist road, the people’s democratic dictatorship, the leadership of the Communist Party, and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought), persisting in reform and opening up, developing the spirit of self-reliance and pioneering enterprises with painstaking efforts.
II. Four basic demands for the building of the Party
First, uphold the Party’s basic line;
Second, adhere to the principle of emancipating he mind and seeking truth from facts;
Third, persist in serving the people wholeheartedly; and
Fourth, uphold democratic centralism.
III. The political and organizational principle of democratic centralism
1. The basic principle of democratic centralism
(1) The individual Party member is subordinate to a Party organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level organization is subordinate to the higher level, each organization and all members of the whole Party are subordinate to the Party’s National Congress and the Central Committee.
(2) Leading bodies at various levels of the Party, except for their agencies and for leading Party groups in non-Party organizations, shall all be elected.
(3) The Party’s supreme leading organ is the National Party Congress and the Central Committee it elects. The Party’s leading bodies at all levels in the localities are the Party congresses at these levels and the committees they elect. Party committees at all levels are accountable and report work to the congresses at their respective levels.
(4) Party organizations at a higher level shall frequently listen to the opinions of lower organizations and Party members in general and solve their problems without delay. Lower Party organizations shall ask for instructions from and report on their work to higher organizations, and also be responsible for solving problems independently within the scope of their official duties. Lower and higher organizations shall keep each other informed, and support and supervise each other. Party organizations at all levels shall help Party members to have a better understanding of and more participation in inner-Party affairs.
(5) Party committees at all levels carry out a system that combines collective leadership with divisions of work and personal responsibility. Major issues shall be discussed and decided collectively by the Party committee; and committee members shall earnestly perform their duties in accordance with the collective decisions and divisions of work.
(6) The Party prohibits personality cult in any form. There must be a guarantee for the activities of Party leaders to be placed under the supervision of the Party and people, while at the same time safeguarding the prestige of all leaders representing the interests of the Party and people.
4. The System of Multi-Party Cooperation and Political Consultation
I. The essence of the multi-party cooperation and political consultation
The multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is a basic political system in China.
The system means that the CPC is the only party in power in the People's Republic of China while under the precondition of accepting the leadership of the CPC, the eight other political parties participate in the discussion and management of state affairs, in cooperation with the CPC.
Political consultation means that under the leadership of the CPC, all parties, mass organizations and representatives from all walks of life take part in consultations of the country's basic policies and important issues in political, economic, cultural and social affairs before a decision is adopted and in the discussion of major issues in the implementation of the decisions.
Political consultation takes the organizational form of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Political consultation is the most important political and organization form of the multi-party and political consultation system.
Cooperative relations between the CPC and other political parties are based on the principle of "long-term coexistence and mutual supervision, treating each other with full sincerity and sharing weal or woe."
II. Political parties participating in the discussion and management of state affairs
This refers to the eight political parties other than the CPC.
These parties are those established before the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, which were then dedicated to the realization of a bourgeois republic in China and supported the CPC in the latter's effort of overthrowing the rule of the Kuomintang. They are independent in organization and enjoy political freedom, organizational independence and legal equality under the Constitution.
1. China Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang
Officially founded on January 1, 1948, its main constituents at the time were former Kuomintang members for democracy and other patriotic personages. Their political stand was to overthrow the dictatorial rule of the Kuomintang and realize independence, democracy and peace in China.
Its Constitution revised in November 1988 stipulates that its political program at the present stage is to lead all party members, unite patriots living in China and residing abroad in favor of the unification of the motherland to strive for the unification and rejuvenation of China, under the guidance of the basic line for the primary stage of socialism.
Its members come from mainly four areas: those with relations with the Kuomintang, those with relations with people of all walks of life in Taiwan, those dedicated to the unification of the motherland and others. The party mainly draws members from representative people and middle-level and senior intellectuals.
By the end of 1997, the party had a membership of 54,000 and He Luli is its chairwoman.
2. China Democratic League
First established in November 1939, it took its present name in September 1944. At the time, it was a united political organization consisting of political parties and forces favoring the middle road and democracy.
In 1997 it adopted a constitution which stipulates that its program is to hold high the banner of patriotism and socialism, implement the basic line for the primary stage of socialism, safeguard stability in the society, strengthen services to national unity and strive for the promotion of socialist modernization, establishment and improvement of a market economy, enhancement of political restructuring and socialist spiritual civilization, emancipation and development of productive forces, consolidation and expansion of the united patriotic front and realization of the grand goals of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
China Democratic League is mainly made up by middle-level and senior intellectuals in the fields of culture, education, science and technology. It has a membership of 157,000 and its chairman is Jiang Shusheng.
3. China Democratic National Construction Association
It was established on December 16, 1945. Its political stand at the time was to guarantee the basic political rights and human rights of citizens, protect and develop national industry and commerce and oppose the dictatorial rule of the Kuomintang.
Its present constitution calls for the implementation of the CPC's policy of focusing on economic construction, acceptance of the leadership of the CPC, persisting in the tradition of self-education, adhering to the principle of democratic centralism and carrying out the policy of multi-party cooperation and political consultation. Most of its 90,000 members are representative figures in the economic field. Its chairman is Cheng Siwei.
4. China Association for the Promotion of Democracy
When it was founded on December 30, 1945, it was made up mostly by people engaged in education and publishing and patriotic figures in industry and commerce in Shanghai who stood for promotion of democracy and reform of the political power. It called on the Kuomintang to return the political power to the people, the establishment of a united and constitutional government.
Its program drawn in 1988 stands for the promotion and improvement of socialist democracy, improvement of a socialist legal system, uplifting of the qualifications of the people, development of productive forces and turning China into a prosperous, culturally developed, democratic, strong and modern socialist country.
The association is mainly made up by representative intellectuals in the fields of education, culture, publishing and science. It had a membership of 99,000 at the end of 2005 and its chairman is Xu Jialu.
5. Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party
Founded in August 1930, its main political program was to oppose the dictatorial rule of the Kuomintang and establish the power of the people.
Its present program includes the stand to accept the leadership of the CPC, adhere to multi-party cooperation and political consultation, practice democratic centralism and safeguard the rights and interests of party members and associated intellectuals.
It now has a membership of over 80,000 and its chairman is Jiang Zhenghua.
6. China Zhi Gong Dang
China Zhi Gong Dang was founded in San Francisco, October 1925 by overseas Chinese organizations in North America.
According to its constitution, the party is made up mainly by the middle and upper levels of returned overseas Chinese and their relatives. Its job is to assist the CPC and the Chinese government, consolidate and develop political stability, safeguard the rights and interests of party members and associated returned overseas Chinese and their relatives, reflect their opinions and demands and practice democratic centralism.
It had a membership of nearly 16,000 at the end of 1997 and its chairman is Luo Haocai.
7. Jiusan Society
When it was first established in May 1946, its political stand was to carry on the tradition of democracy and science, oppose the civil war and practice democratic politics.
The present program of Jiusan Society stipulates that organizationally, the party draws members from representative middle and senior level intellectuals in the fields of science, technology, higher education and medicine. It stands for the multi-party cooperation and political consultation, democratic centralism and the safeguard of the rights and interest of its members.
It has a membership of 88,000 and its chairman is Han Qide.
8. Taiwan Democratic Self-government League
It was established on November 12, 1947 in Hong Kong. At the time it was a political organization of Taiwan residents which was founded and existed outside Taiwan Province, sought to become free from the rule of the Kuomintang, implement democracy and regional self-government. In March 1949, the league moved its headquarters from Hong Kong to Beijing.
Its present political program stands for patriotism and socialism, uniting with league members and Taiwan compatriots and striving for the acceleration of reform, opening up and socialist modernization drive, safeguarding stability and unity, improvement of socialist democracy and legal system and the realization of the peaceful unification of the motherland and "one country, two systems".
Most of the members are representative and upper level Taiwan compatriots living in large and medium-size cities on the mainland. It has a membership of over 1,800 and its chairman is Lin Wenyi.
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