I.  Call to Order

A.  President: Armando Figueroa

B.  Vice President: Maxwell Kappes

C.  Senate President Pro Tempore: Robyn Huey

D.  Senator: Artem Senchev

E.  Senator: Nicholas Sanchez

F.  Senator: Andrea Velazquez

G.  Senator: Azka Fayyaz

H.  Senator: Amelia Helland

I.  Senator: Eugenia Chung

J.  Senator: Anabiah Syed

K.  Senator: Roman Rivilis

L.  Senator: Reem Fatayerji

M.  Senator: Casey Nguyen

N.  Senator: Alex Lee

O.  ECAC Chair Nilofer Chollampat

P.  EPPC Chair Marissa Ayala

Q.  IAC Chair Nathan Bentham

R.  EAC Chair Abire Sabbagh

S.  AAC Chair Allan Bach

T.  GASC Chair Ivon Garcia

U.  B&F Joanna Jaroszewska

V.  Outreach Assembly Lauren Ashe

W.  Controller: Rylan Schaeffer

II.  Quorum Roll Call

III.  Appointments and Confirmations

IV.  Unit Director Reports

A.  CCE – 6:56

  1. Rosalyn – This quarter, just had Eco Network Symposium. People from 15 different organizations attended. ESLP, just received grant for $1700. 5 speakers for the class already. Went through and planned for next year’s budget, decreased overall by $1,300 by condensing staff positions. Some plans to start selling succulence and plants and things. Plant starting event at greenhouse. Just wanted to reiterate what CCE does: the difference between EPPC and CCE, EPPC only does legislation and internal things, and we mostly do external things.
  2. Huey – I love the succulent ideas. Thank you for taking in a lot of issues that are happening in the association. I appreciate how you’ve looked into your own budget and made cuts. I can see a lot of potential collaborations in the future. Thank you so much.
  3. Rivilis – I was at your symposium, really enjoyed it. Is that a project that CCE has been working on, because I’ve been thinking about creating spaces for campus events.
  4. Rosalyn – Been working on a sort of community space. The opening of our space has been delayed because of the fire marshal.
  5. Lee – Could you clarify how much you’re saving again?
  6. Rosalyn - $1380.
  7. Lee – Bennett brought up improving the building you’re in. Who owns it?
  8. Rosalyn – Not sure, I know there’s construction planning in progress.

V.  Committee Reports – 8:35

A.  Nguyen – SFAAC meeting got cancelled, meeting on March 6th. Champagne Award candidates chosen.

B.  Senchev – Efund is still doing intake for grants.

C.  Rivilis – We need to figure out URSAC.

D.  Helland – The SAAAC is talking about an awareness campaign, a film screening with WRRC about teen dating violence. Trying to work with international students and undocumented student population. Everyone should’ve gotten an email from regarding the UCOP workgroup committee. They met on Wednesday. People are doing policy changes to make policies more specific about what constitutes disciplinary action if someone is a perpetrator. Outlining specific details of the process.

E.  Kapur – I stood on two committees about reconstruction. I just want you to all know how admin is scheduling meetings that are supposed to have students there during finals week. They shouldn’t be treating students this way.

F.  Fayyaz – Lecture hall workgroup: they did ask student representatives if they could attend, based on their responses, they might reschedule. So in this case I think it’s unfair to say they’re not taking us into consideration.

VI.  Presentations

VII.  Public Announcements – 6:27

A.  Emily (CALPIRG) – Quick announcement about fulltime jobs. We’re looking for our next generation of organizers; application deadline coming up March 1st. If you know anyone who is graduating or if any of yourselves are interested, contact me. I can also send out our job description to Senate listserve.

B.  Kapur – On Friday, they’re doing election results. 3:00, Olson 206. Katehi has office hours on Tuesdays. If you want to talk to admins, they’re coming to CoHo to talk to students.

C.  Rivilis – Meals with Meals is still accepting applications.

D.  Kapur – Office of Advocacy meets on Wednesday nights in the Moss room.

E.  Ashe – Fashion association looking for videographers, fashion designers, etc.

F.  Kappes – Housing Day next week on Tuesday, need volunteers. If you wanna come and help out, please contact me.

G.  Bentham – Sigma Nu is putting on annual Sigma Noodles. Annual fundraiser, biggest one of the year. 3 dollars right now if you want to buy a ticket. All you can eat homemade pasta.

H.  Chung – Chi O Casino fundraiser, all proceeds go to Make-a-Wish.

I.  Senchev – Theta Chi fundraiser tomorrow night at 10 pm. Miracle Munchies.

J.  Sarah – Vagina: Our Stories. Buy tickets at WRRC. 7 dollars today and tomorrow, 10 dollars next week.

K.  Kappes – Open Mic Night next Thursday at 6.

L.  Conrad – Sigma Chi puppy love, Sat. March 7th.

M.  Garcia – If you want to support GASC, tomorrow is “Crafternoons” with the Aggie Reuse Store.

N.  CALPIRG – Affordable textbook campaign. We’re releasing our tenth annual report on how much students can save on open-source textbook program. We’re going to be showing our support for affordable textbooks through this program.

VIII.  Status of Legislation Previously Passed – 6:19

A.  Passed

IX.  Introduction of New Legislation – 8:32

A.  ASUCD SB to make the SAAAC a permanent committee of the ASUCD Senate

B.  ASUCD SB to implement a spring training course for new UD to better train them for their positions

C.  An ASUCD SB to allocate $4000 to EC for Lawntopia.

X.  Consideration of Old Legislation – 7:52

A.  SB #38

  1. Rivilis – The gist of it is that it if you miss mandatory retreats, your paycheck is withheld until you make it up, unless in case of emergency situations. If you do have an emergency, you can contact Janice. OA speakers and ASUCD Commission Chairs don’t have to go, but we can change that. It was just suggested to me.
  2. Commission Recommendation
  3. IAC – Vote correction. We had a pretty large conversation about the OA speakers and commission chairs. We agreed that how it currently stands is the best way to word it.
  4. Questions in Text
  5. Public Discussion
  6. Janice – Can’t withhold paycheck, but there are other alternatives
  7. Rivilis – Didn’t know that, will change the wording
  8. Kappes – If we want to retool this so it’s not about pay, we might want to just table it until you can change it. This substantively makes sense.
  9. Rivilis – The basic idea is to set up consequences.
  10. Huey – There’s nothing in the bylaws that detail what specifically different positions are supposed to do, and this is a good start to that.
  11. Senchev – Something to consider; I couldn’t make it to the next retreat, and my delegate couldn’t attend. And I was excited to go to today’s meeting, but it was cancelled. So do I just wait for my paycheck?
  12. Rivilis – We just fixed that issue… I motion to table.
  13. Tabled

B.  ASUC Resolution – 8:04

  1. Kappes – SR to urge Berkeley to change their name to ASUCB. ASUC is a confusing name, makes it seem like Berkeley is representing all of the UC campuses.
  2. Questions in Text
  3. Public Discussion
  4. Ashe – I was curious why you weren’t sending this to the ASUC President.
  5. Lee – Motion to send this to ASUC President and External VP.
  6. Bach – If I was president, I wouldn’t change my name. Do you know how likely they will be to change this?
  7. Kappes – Not too likely, but something is better than nothing.
  8. Senate Discussion
  9. Helland – I wanted to know if this pertains to student welfare.
  10. Kappes – Yes, because they currently could be construed to be representing us.
  11. Helland – I just wanted to know how that affects us
  12. Kappes – Let’s say they pass a resolution banning the timber industry… it could look like we’re doing that
  13. Bentham – This is totally pointless, if you’re going to support it, then just pass it already
  14. Call to Question
  15. Roll Call Vote
  16. 6-1-5 (Kappes in favor)
  17. Passed

C.  Roseanne Barr Resolution – 8:15

  1. Kappes – Roseanne Barr said some mean things about us. We shouldn’t be complicit in this and we should urge her not to nuke us.
  2. Questions in Text
  3. Public Discussion
  4. Fayyaz – Can we list out the actual tweet?
  5. Kapur – I’m not Kabir walking in. I’m an undergraduate walking in, and I realized there are 2 joke resolutions that we’re actually editing them seriously? If you’re not embarrassed voting on this bill…
  6. Kappes – I’m surprised that you’re agreeing with admin at this. But you’re right. This shouldn’t take more than 5 or 10 minutes.
  7. Kapur – You should be talking about campus climate.
  8. Colton – Someone was asking earlier if we should get the actual tweet in the bill. “I hope all the Jews leave UC Davis and then it gets nuked.” “#NukeUCDavisJewHaters,” “They welcome Nazis,” etc. This was not a single tweet, it was a series of inflammatory tweets accusing the campus.
  9. Kappes – We should add it after line 4.
  10. Senchev – Why are we validating what these people have to say?
  11. Senate Discussion
  12. Kappes – Who wants to tweet it?
  13. Ashe – OA has a Twitter, but I don’t want to tweet it from there.
  14. Bentham – This is pointless. We’re validating her opinion, she’s stupid, we all know she’s stupid. Second, this is honestly, these bills are for the amusement of Max. I think you should all vote no. We aren’t serving the students by passing this. We’re not bettering the campus climate.
  15. Helland – I withdraw this bill.
  16. Call to Question

XI.  Ex-Officio Reports – 6:19

A.  Garcia

  1. Queer Art Night: Wednesday 25th, no room reserved; sickspits spoken word event showing/screening various short films
  2. Crafternoons with Aggie ReUse this coming Friday
  3. Hiring for GASC will start much sooner this year, hopefully more people will apply
  4. Tabled at the Volunteer Fair
  5. Interview with student regarding gender equity on UCD campus
  6. PRIDE Month; attended a subcommittee meeting regarding a conference for queer identified high school students of the Yolo & Solane district
  7. Attended a PRIDE Month meeting; LGBTQIA RC’s month long series of events, GASC will be involved
  8. Meeting with WRCC to discuss their professionalism career series
  9. Seeing more grant funding requests

B.  Bentham

C.  Jaroszewska

D.  Ashe

  1. Held meeting
  2. Speed friending on 3/5
  3. Lunch with ASUCD 3/4 at 12
  4. Tabled for elections
  5. Met with members 1 on 1
  6. Tabled at Davis Volunteer & Service Fair
  7. We’ll table next week at Housing Day
  8. Working with CM on bill for 3-fold brochure
  9. Broke into OA sub committees for events

E.  Bach

  1. Held meeting last week
  2. Held office hours
  3. Met with Undergraduate Research Center advisors on Undergraduate Research Center. Worked on a project with them
  4. Working on a transfer student workshop with the Transfer Reentry Veterans, and Undergraduate Academic Programs

XII.  Elected Officer Reports – 8:41

A.  Fayyaz

  1. Meeting Steven Baissci and Student Affairs for foot washing stations
  2. Meetigh with ME/SA faculty to discuss academic concerns & improvements
  3. Met with coalition of MEMSA to discuss academic affairs and student life concerns
  4. Finally stopped getting death threats

B.  Rivilis

  1. Friday – Staff meeting
  2. Tues – EAC
  3. Wed – Lobbied at Assembly Committee Hearing on Higher Education Budget Transparency, SHAWC, Mitchell v. Senate
  4. Thurs – Stopped by Academic Senate about policy proposal

C.  Sanchez

  1. Talked to Effrain about DREAM committee
  2. DREAM Committee scheduled meeting with Adela

D.  Senchev

  1. OH
  2. Met with my adopted units
  3. Met with Greg, holistic view of synergies that are possible with ASUCD & Athletics
  4. Attended Volunteer & Service Fair
  5. Financial Training program week 6

E.  Nguyen

  1. West Coast Asian Pacific Islander Student Union Winter Summit
  2. SSFAAC Meeting cancelled
  3. Office hours on Wednesday
  4. Met with Lyndon about CFC Board hiring
  5. Champagne Awards meeting
  6. Was supposed to table at Volunteer Service Fair but Lobby Corps/OASR didn’t show up
  7. Met with prospective candidate
  8. GAAAP Graduate Student of Color mixer

F.  Huey

  1. 2/13 – Met with Greg Ortiz about Campus Land Use Planning Committee
  2. 2/13-2/15 – Went to UCLA for the West Coast Asian Pacific Student Union Winter Summit
  3. 2/24 – Had a meeting with Mariah and Janice, ASUCD elections candidate forum
  4. 2/25 – VSA’s Lunar New Year celebration
  5. Pulled 2 all-nighters, met all my academic project deadlines this week. Yay.

G.  Helland

  1. Senate OH
  2. Wrote SAAAC permanent committee bill
  3. Meeting with KDVS PAB member
  4. So much homework/school… midterms this week and next!
  5. Started writing an opinion article about ASUCD, expect a lot of those to be coming out once I term out!

H.  Velazquez

  1. Juvenile Review Board at Yolo County Probation Department
  2. National MECHA Liaison Planning/Conference calls
  3. OH
  4. Hire packet to ASUCD
  5. Met with Janice
  6. Met with Anabiah

I.  Syed

  1. Met with Azka
  2. Meeting with MSA President Rangeena Salim
  3. 2 Separate staff meetings
  4. 3rd & U – good conversations with Roman and Lauren
  5. Met with Andrea
  6. Feb. 28th – PSA Banquet

J.  Lee

  1. Staff meeting
  2. Met with Alex Park, Aggie TV, Max on restricting Aggie Studios
  3. Then had interview with Aggie about Aggie Studios
  4. Went to Lunar New Year events by USA and TAO
  5. Met with IAC member
  6. Went to EAC
  7. Davis Service Fair
  8. Did my interview for CSI
  9. CCE Symposium
  10. PO meeting

K.  Chung

  1. Davis Volunteer and Service Fair
  2. OH

L.  Kappes

  1. Working on more bills
  2. Helped the court
  3. Helped elections
  4. Scholarship stuff
  5. B&F
  6. Housing Day planning
  7. AggieTV restructure
  8. Student Affairs Forum planning
  9. Aggie interviews all day every day
  10. Cared about ASUCD <3
  11. Filmed for admissions video
  12. AAC meeting about AAC’s
  13. Visited TB24 + CCCNPO
  14. Met with admin
  15. ASUCB finally passed; dream come true!
  16. Found out ASUCD was complicit in nuke threats

XIII.  New Student Court Cases/Prior Weeks
Verdicts/ASUCD Court Announcements

XIV.  Closed Session

XV.  Approval of Past Meeting Minutes

A.  Approved