/ MBAWare Enterprises, Inc.
4606 16th Street North
Arlington, VA22207


Business Valuation Software at MBAWare

An accurate, up-to-date valuation is critical for any business. Some common uses for business valuations include: buying or selling a business; pricing shares for new investors; private company incentive and stock plans; evaluating business performance; litigation support and much more.

Use the valuation software trusted for accurate, credible business valuations. We offer the ValuSource line of software that has been widely used for nearly 20 years by the customers who require the most accurate valuations available: CPAs and certified valuation analysts. ValuSource products are recommended by the most important professional organizations for valuations such as the AICPA and NACVA. Whether you are valuing your own company or performing business valuation services for other companies, you need a solution where you can trust the results.

Valuation Software Comparison

Business Evaluation Systems Pro / Express Business Valuation / ValuSource Pro
General Information
Purchased most by / Business Brokers / Accountants, Consultants, M&A Specialists, Corporate CFOs/Controllers / Accountants, Consultants, M&A Specialists, Corporate CFOs/Controllers
Ease of Use / Simplest—limited knowledge of financial statements and valuation theory needed. / Medium-High—requires an understanding of financial statements and valuation theory / Sophisticated—requires a more detailed financial statement and valuation knowledge.
Main purpose / Basic business evaluation and deal terms—best for firms under $1 million. / Business Valuation for firms of any size / Business Valuation for firms of any size
Used regularly for litigation support
Financial modeling / “Expert System” - Program handles nearly all details / User is more involved. Limited customization available. / Highly customizable and high user involvement on valuation details.
Financial Statement Format/Chart of Accounts / Limited financial statement data used / Standardized financial statements with a few income statement line items customizable / Fully Customizable financial statements and chart of accounts.
User Interface / Software - Interview format / Standalone software, but can switch into Excel mode. / Standalone software, but can easily switch into Excel mode for editing there.
Valuation methods / 11 Built-in methods / 19 Built-in methods / 19 Built-in methods including detailed discounted cash flow projection method with line-by-line financial statement projections.
Custom valuation methods can be created.
Valuation Statistics / Optional:
Bizcomps statistics of 7,300 small business.
Other data can be manually entered / Optional:
Bizcomps, Mid-market comps, SBBI, IRS, Mergerstat and RMA data can be auto-loaded / Optional:
Bizcomps, Mid-market Comps, SBBI, IRS, Mergerstat, RMA data can be auto-loaded
Report writer / Built-in 37 page report / Built-in 25+ page report. For more power, optional Business Valuation Report Writer for $395 ($100 discount). / Can print all charts and schedules. Optional Business Valuation Report Writer for $395 ($100 discount).
Extensive functionality including hotlinks and templates.
Assists in structuring deal terms / Yes / Limited / Limited
Geographic Use / North America / International / International
Price / $495 / $595 / $995
General Data Input
Appraiser Information / X / X / X
General Business Profile / X / X
Business Ownership and Shares / X / X
Federal Tax Table / X / X
Questionnaire topics include: owner’s discretionary income; equipment; leasehold improvements; vehicles; supplies; rent; intellectual property; deal structure/financing; employee information; customer information; competitor information. / X
Financial Statement Input
Balance Sheet / Standardized line items / Detailed, customizable line items
Income Statement / Revenue, owner discretionary income / Standardized with some customizable line items / Detailed, customizable line items
Cash Flow Statement / Manually entered cash flow / Derived / Derived
Summary Statements and Charts Created from financial statement input / Yes / Yes
Financial Statement Adjustments / GAAP and other adjustments for Going Concern, Liquidation value / GAAP and other adjustments for Going Concern, Liquidation value
Historic Financial Statement Periods / Annual / Annual plus partial current year can be annualized / Annual, partial year annualized, quarterly, monthly
Analysis Functions
Common Size Financial Statement trends with comparison to optional industry data / Yes / Yes
Financial ratio trends with comparison to optional industry data / Yes / Yes
Financial ratio trend charts with comparison to optional industry data / 27 charts / 24 charts
Financial statement growth trends / Yes
Income Statement Analysis / Multi-year averages, growth rates, margin analysis, return on average equity, benefit stream analysis
Equity Analysis / Reconciliation of equity, Shares Outstanding
Adjustments Used for Various Methods
Control Premiums/Minority Discounts / X / X
Marketability Discounts / X / X
Company Specific Premium / X / X
Asset Valuation Methods
Book Value / X / X
Adjusted Book Value: Going Concern / X / X
Adjusted Book Value: Liquidation Value / X / X
Income Valuation Methods
Capitalization of Earnings / 6 earnings bases / 9 earnings bases,
sensitivity analysis
Summary Discounted Cash Flow / 1 earnings base, manual entry (e.g. from business plan) / 6 earnings bases, 4 methods of projecting earnings or manual entry (e.g. from business plan) / 9 earnings bases, 6 projection methods, sensitivity analysis
Detailed Discounted Cash Flow / Line by line projections of balance sheet, income statement, capital expenditures, intangible assets and long term debt with a variety of relevant projection methods for each line item. Valuation on 9 earnings bases, sensitivity analysis.
Capitalization of Excess Earnings / 6 earnings bases / 9 earnings bases, sensitivity analysis
Market Methods
Market: Price to Earnings / X / X
Market: Price to Revenue / X (with Optional BizComps) / X / X
Market: Price to Assets / X / X
Market: Price to Book Value / X / X
Market: Price to Cash Flow / Seller discretionary cash flow (with Optional BizComps) / X / X
Market: Price to EBT / X
Market: Price to EBIT / X / X
Market: Price to EBITDA / X / X
Industry: Price to Earnings / X / X
Industry: Price to Revenue / X / X
Industry: Price to Book Value / X / X
Industry: Price to Cash Flow / X / X
Subject Company Transactions / X / X
Custom Methods
Generate your own valuation methods by customizing worksheets that can link to any data source in the program. / Default of 2 custom methods, more can be added.
Evaluation Methods
Tangible Asset Value / X
Basic Method / X
Capitalization Method (ROI) / X
Critical Factors Method / X
Debt Capacity / X
Industry Method / X
National Method / X
Weighted Factors / X
Valuation Conclusions
Weighting of each method / X / X / X
Rejection of some methods / X / X
Chart of valuation conclusion / X / X / X
Valuation of a partial share of the business / X / X
Deal Structure/Sanity Checks
Allocate purchase price among assets and liabilities / X
Hypothetical Terms of Sale / X / X / X
Buyer’s and Seller’s Settlement statement / X
Post sale cash flow / X / X / X
Payback period / X / X
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) / X / X / X
What-if performance and valuation / X / X
Customized worksheets/schedules / 3 worksheets / Every schedule is fully customizable
Add worksheets/schedules / X
Delete worksheets/schedules / X
Optional Data Sources
Bizcomps (business sales under $1 million) / Auto-loaded / Auto-loaded / Auto-loaded
Mid-market comps (business sales from $1million to $100 million) / Auto-loaded / Auto-loaded
RMA Annual Statement Studies (industry ratio data) / Auto-loaded / Auto-loaded
SIC/NAICS Database / Auto-loaded / Auto-loaded
Mergerstat Control Premiums / Auto-loaded / Auto-loaded
MergerstatPE ratios / Auto-loaded / Auto-loaded
Ibbotson SBBI Data for cost of Capital / Auto-loaded / Auto-loaded
IRS Corporate Ratios / Auto-loaded / Auto-loaded
Pratt’s Stats / Manual / Manual
IBA Ratios / Manual / Manual
Mercer Capital / Manual / Manual
Public and Private Transactions / Manual / Manual
Analyst Data / Manual
Report Writer / Included / Included / $395 optional Business Valuation Report Writer
Auto-generated report that can be edited later in Word / Yes / Yes / Yeswith optional Business Valuation Report Writer
Hot-linked cells, ranges, charts / Yes / Yes with optional Business Valuation Report Writer
Customizable report contents / Yes / Yes with optional Business Valuation Report Writer
Customizable, reusable report templates / Only with optional Business Valuation Report Writer ($395) / Yes with optional Business Valuation Report Writer
Support from within Microsoft Word for adding cells, ranges and charts from valuation schedules, including adding data only if a certain criteria is met. / Only with optional Business Valuation Report Writer ($395) / Yes with optional Business Valuation Report Writer