Name ______

Frightful’s Mountain Review

Chapters 1&2

  • How old was Frightful when she first saw Sam Gribley?
  • Frightful thought of Sam Gribley as her
  • What are jesses?
  • Who is the character that was beaten, is thin, and gets shot at by the farmer?
  • What does the word tiercel mean?
  • Who set Frightful free from the two strange men who held her captive?
  • Sam ignores Frightful in chapter 1 because……..?
  • What is the significance of, “Cree, cree, cree, car-reet”?
  • Sam can’t keep Frightful because …….?
  • Who is Chup?
  • How many eyases did Chup show Frightful to take care of, and what were their names?
  • What is the role of the male and female Peregrine Falcons?
  • Why was Frightful overwhelmed by the eyases?

Chapters 3 & 4

  • What caused the eyases tobecame more dangerous?
  • Who slept away from the aerie?
  • Who became a provider for the family?
  • Did Drum, Lady and Duchess have successful first flights?
  • Was Lady was eaten by a fox?
  • Did Frightful migrate with Drum, Lady, Duchess, and Chup?
  • Is the window for the fall migration only open for a few months?
  • How did Frightful react when the eyases charged her?
  • “The eyases were completely feathered, feeding themselves, and aggressive, and the parents were perched alone.” This statement from the text shows that the eyases are now more ______.
  • How did Drum react when he caught the rabbit and Duchess tried to take it?
  • What caused lady to be “near death?

Chapters 5 & 6

  • At the beginning of chapter 5, Frightful struggles to find ______after sheturns back from the South.
  • What big change has happened for Mole?
  • Who are the enemies that now have Duchess and went to “jail for selling falcons and hawks to wealthy Saudi Arabian falconers?”
  • The enemies plan to capture Frightful failed because…….?

Chapters 7-10

  • How was Frightful injured in chapter 7?
  • What do Jon and Susan do with birds?
  • What do the students do to try to help the birds?
  • Frightful makes her aerie on the ______because it is close to Sam and her instincts tell her to.
  • What made Lady sick when she flew south for the winter?
  • What is the male falcon with the metal tracking band’s name?
  • For Frightful’s eggs to grow into birds, she needs to ______them.
  • What is the problem in chapter 10?
  • Why is Sam so worried about Frightful’s aerie being on the bridge with all of the construction work?

Chapter 11

  • Why didn’t 426 help brood the eggs?
  • What did Dan Martin notice about “Frightful’s” nest?
  • How did Sam help Frightful besides comforting her?
  • What didn’t 426 adjust to that Frightful did?
  • Where do Jon and Leon want to move the eggs?
  • What inference can you make from this statement, “NASA held back on arocket launch to save a nest of egrets,” “But New York can’t saveendangered falcons.”
  • “An open box with a narrow strip of wood to keep the eggs from rolling out,” is referring to a ______.
  • Who plans to move the eggs if Jon and Leon don’t?
  • What was the overall message the kids’ signs had for the parade?

Chapters 12 & 13

  • How did Frightful react when she noticed the eggs were gone?
  • Who really took Frightful and 426’s two baby eyases based on the clues in the


  • Why is Sam worried about Oksi?

Chapters 14-16

  • Did Frightful’shave mothering instincts without the eyases?
  • Did Skri and Bate, the falcon thieves take the three eyases to Woodchuck Lodge?
  • How did Sam figure out that Bate and Skri were hiding out at Woodchuck lodge?
  • Why was Chup able to help take care of Oksi?
  • Who makes a plan to distract Bate and Skri?
  • Who comes to arrest Bate and Skri?
  • Who does Bate try to blame?
  • Is Sam allowed to take the eyases with him after Bate is arrested?
  • Who tries to attack Frightful?
  • What is Sam’s solution to the attempted attack?

Chapters 17 & 18

  • What did Bando and his wife name their baby?
  • Perry Knowlton helps calm Blue Bill after he is attacked by………?
  • Which falcon is Perry Knowlton hesitant to set free because he hasimprinted on him?
  • Who flies into a utility pole and is killed?
  • What helps the falcons know it is time to migrate?
  • How does Sam feel in this part of the text, “Ah, that’s it? You’re leaving? You’ve come to tell me good-bye.”
  • Who does Frightful meet up with and fly down to Florida with?
  • When Frightful arrives on an island in the Galapagos, what does she not know that the other animals do know?
  • Who does Frightful see as she heads north and then flies home with?
  • When Frightful migrates back to the north, what does she do?

Chapter 19

  • Who ate insects with DDT in them, later killing her?
  • What does Mrs. Strawberry wants to give to Sam? When does she want to give it to him?
  • Who returns to her old nesting box and calls for a mate?

What are dangers peregrine falcons face in the wild?

Danger 1:

Danger 2:

Why are they dangerous?

How can humans help fix the dangers?