Simplifying funding and reporting for Aboriginal Community Controlled organisations
Planning process template 2011-2012

Name of activity: ACCO Services-family and community services (31260)

Divisional objectives / Divisional performance measures targets
The objective of this activity is to promote the health, wellbeing, safety and development of Aboriginal children, women and families. / Number of clients (mandatory quarterly)

Planning process template

•Only complete the template if your organisation plans to make changes to in scope service activities which are recurrently funded.

•Maximum of two to three pages per template.

•If you require additional information please contact the CYF Division within Central Office, Attention:FeodoraFomin, Manager- Planning, Analysis and Review, Children, Youth and Families.

What are we currently doing? / What are we aiming to do?
(changes to service activities) / How will we do it? / How will we monitor / measure progress?
This is where you list the current service activities. / This is where you list any changes to service activities your organisation plans to make.
(Only changes need to be listed).
Service activity changes should reflect:
•Local community needs
•Divisional objectives
•Broader regional objectives
Services activity changes are negotiated between relevant staff within the ACCO and the local DHS Program and Services Advisor (PASA) and requires endorsement by the Regional Director. / This is where you briefly describe how your organisation will achieve the new service activities. / This is where you briefly describe how your organisation will monitor and measure the progress of the new service activities.
New service activities are required to meet the divisional performance measures/targets.
The local DHS PASA may negotiate additional performance measures with your organisation; refer to your programs relevant section in the last version of the DHS Policy and Funding Plan.
Divisional monitoring through data collection requirements remains unchanged and is specified within the latest version of the DHS Policy and Funding Plan

In scope activities

Activity / Activity number
Aboriginal Family Services / Aboriginal Family Decision Making Services / 31165
Aboriginal Family Services / Aboriginal Family Preservation Services / 31165
Aboriginal Family Services / Aboriginal Family Restoration Services / 31165
Integrated Family Services / 31245
Integrated Family Services- Indigenous / 31246
Child Protection and Family Services Sector Development / 31301
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Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.
© State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services, February 2012.
Where the term ‘Aboriginal’ is used it refers to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Indigenous is retained when it is part of the title of a report, program or quotation.
Available on the department’s website

Simplifying funding and reporting for Aboriginal Community Controlled organisations1