May 18, 2005

Persistent Chemical List

Zeneca/Stauffer/ICI Americas/Cherokee-Simeon Ventures/Campus Bay

UC Field Station/Bayside Research Campus

May 18, 2005

Persistent Chemical List

Zeneca/Stauffer/ICI Americas/Cherokee-Simeon Ventures/Campus Bay

UC Field Station/Bayside Research Campus

During the April 22, 2005 meeting with the California Department of Health Services-Environmental Health Investigations Branch and the Contra Costa County Health Services, we briefly discussed the possibility of a public reference list of persistent chemicals common to the site. Following is a citizen’s draft – submitted for consideration/reference to the toxicology and scientific professionals within both organizations. We have no professional background in chemicals, and this list should be considered opinion, not necessarily certain fact. The list might be woefully inadequate given the range and scale of site toxins.

Knowing the amount of time it will take governmental agencies to publish something formal, this is a possible starting place for the community to begin asking questions. The highly published “dirty dozen” hardly need discussion. Dioxin is the only one of the “dirty dozen” we have not seen on any groundwater or soil test reports. Attached for reference is a current article from MSNBC and Associated Press regarding US participation in the dirty dozen worldwide ban. It is a current version (May 6, 2005) of a story that has been around for many years.

Eleven chemicals at the top of the list, common to the site and included in the highly published worldwide “dirty dozen”:

1.  Aldrin

2.  Chlordane

3.  DDT

4.  Dieldrin

5.  Endrin

6.  Furan(s)

7.  Heptachlor

8.  Hexachlorobenzene

9.  Mirex

10.  Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

11.  Toxaphene

(Dioxin could be present. Experts need to be quizzed further about whether it shows as a chemical name variation.)

The following chemicals are listed as Extreme or Very High in the Environmental Persistence column (column E) of the site chemical list showing broad categories of health impacts relating to these toxins. (Separate spreadsheet)

We are not very knowledgeable about which of the chemicals in the following list have a longer half-life in body fat and might show up if individuals were tested. A few have shorter half-lives, and are therefore impossible to test given their short time/life in the body. Many are as toxic as the documented “dirty dozen”, just not as widely advertised/discussed. Many other site chemicals are untested variations/combinations (no rat and mouse tests) of this list.

12.  Arsenic

13.  Beryllium

14.  Cadmium

15.  Chromium

16.  Lead

17.  Mecury

18.  Molybdenum

19.  Nickel

20.  Aroclor

21.  Benzene

22.  Benzo(a)anthracene

23.  Benzo(a)pyrene

24.  Carbon Disulfide

25.  Carbon Tetrachloride

26.  Chlorobenzene

27.  Chloroform

28.  DDD

29.  DDE

30.  Dibenz(a,h)anthracene

31.  1,4-Dichlorobenzene

32.  1,2-Dichloroethane

33.  Endosulfan

34.  Hexachloroethane

35.  Isophorone

36.  Lindane/bhc

37.  Methoxychlor

38.  Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone)

39.  Naphthalene

40.  Nitrobenzene

41.  Pentachlorophenol

42.  Perylene

43.  Tetrachloroethene

44.  Trichloroethylene

45.  Vinyl Chloride

46.  Xylene

Sherry Padgett

Bay Area Residents for Responsible Development


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