The following modules will be on offer for 2016-17:

Compulsory module for all MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering students:

Advanced Process Design

GeneralModules (ACE)

CarbonCaptureCleanFossilFuels* / NuclearChemicalEngineering*** / ParticleEngineering
EnvironmentalEngineering(double module)** / FluidMechanics / ProcessHeatTransfer*
ReactionEngineeringII(double module)** / IntroductiontoNuclearEnergy (Mechanical Engineering)*** / DynamicBehaviourofProcessSystems
MembraneScienceMembraneSeparation Processes / TransportProcessesinBiologicalSystems***

BiotechnologyModules – the following modules are compulsory for BIO students.

BiochemicalEngineering / Advanced Bioprocess Engineering
Modelling of Biological Systems

ProcessSystemsEngineeringModules – the following modules are compulsory for PSE students.

AdvancedProcessOptimisationI / AdvancedProcessOperations
Molecular Modelling of Fluids

StructuredProductEngineeringModules – the following modules are compulsory for SPE students.

ColloidandInterfaceScience / PharmaceuticalProcessDevelopment

BusinessModules(a maximum of ONE of the followingmodulescanbeselected)*

Entrepreneurship (Tuesday/ online)* / ManagingInnovation*
Managerial Economics (online)* / ProjectManagement*
FinanceandFinancialManagement (Tuesday/ Friday)* / Corporate Finance (online)*
Strategic Management*

Rules for Module Enrolment

The MSc course is composed of 8 lecture-based, taught modules. The following regulations are set out by the Department and must be observed by all MSc students:

  • All students must take a total of 8 modules. Any double modules must be factored into this number during the selection process (i.e Environmental Engineering and Reaction Engineering 2 – each of these options counts for 2 modules).
  • All students must take the compulsory Advanced Process Design module. This will already appear on your module list as a core course.
  • All studentsmust take the equivalent of fourmodules in each term; you are not permitted to study five modules in one term and three in another.
  • All students:please pay very close attention to the Departmental and Business School timetables (these will be emailed to you at the start of term, and you will need to cross-check between them) – your module selections will need to be based on these.
  • Additionally,all students are limited to taking a maximum of ONE Business School module over the course of the academic year – it is not possible to take more than this. If you do not wish to take any Business School modules this is absolutely fine – they are entirely optional.
  • Clashes are not recommended since this will impede your ability to learn, but are at your own discretion. The exception to this is noted above – Transport Process in Biological Systems, Nuclear Chemical Engineering and Introduction to Nuclear Engineering cannot be taken in conjunction with one another under any circumstances.

The following rules must also be followed for module enrolment (please check these carefully and check back if you are unsure at any point during the process):

  • ACE Students: Aside fromthe compulsory Advanced Process Design, students taking the ACE programme are free to select any 7modules from those on offer for 2016-17 (as long as they work within the rules set out above).
  • BIO Students: BIO students must select the 3 core BIO modules stated above (‘Biotechnology Modules’), in addition to the compulsory Advanced Process Design course, and can then choose their remaining 4 from those open to them (as long as they do not clash on the timetables – please see above).
  • PSE: PSE students must select the 3 core PSE modules stated above (‘Process Systems Engineering Modules’), in addition to the compulsory Advanced Process Design course, and can then choose their remaining 4 from those open to them (as long as they do not clash on the timetables – please see above).
  • SPE: SPE students must select the 3 core SPE modules stated above (‘Structured Product Engineering Modules’), in addition to the compulsory Advanced Process Design course, and can then choose their remaining 4from those open to them (as long as they do not clash on the timetables – please see above).

Registering for elective modules using DSS - Instructions

The Departmental Student Services System (DSS) can be used to register and modify your selection of most Chemical Engineering modules online.* You can also use it to view the most up to date descriptors for modules that will be on offer to you.

DSS remains under development, and in some respects it shows. One feature of special importance has yet to be implemented:

WARNING:DSS is unaware of the rules and constraints which limit the modules that you can select, and cannot implement them. It is your responsibility to register for enough elective modules of the right kind to graduate at the end of the year!Please check the above stated regulations and the timetable carefully – there is no need to rush!

The module descriptions that follow in this document should provide you with enough information to choose between the elective courses on offer to your cohort.

  1. Login to Departmental Student Services using your College login details (username and password). You can log in via this link:

(should you have any issues with this link, please search for ‘DSS’ using the College website’s search tool and follow one of the links).

  1. In theMy Courseswindow which opens, ensure that the correct Academic Year is selected in the top pane. The second pane of this window should list anyCore Courses, and theSelected Course Optionspane below it will list your chosen electives. A fourth pane provides basicInstructions.
  2. The courses available to you are listed in the fifth and final pane (some may already be full, and greyed out). Click the box next to each course you wish to take.
  3. Click onSubmitto transfer your choices to theSelected Course Optionspane.
  4. To deselect a module which you have chosen, click the box next to it in theSelected Course Optionspane.
  5. When your choices have been registered, click onBack.

Your choice of electives has now been registered, but at any time up to the deadline you can modify it by following the same procedure.


DSS module selection closes on Friday 21stof October at 23:59 – the end of the third week of term. After this date it will not be able to change your module choices for the Autumn term. You will, however, have the opportunity to change your Spring term modules in January, should you wish to (the window for changing your modules via DSS is expected to be between the 9th of January and the end of the second week of term – Friday 20th of January at 23:59. You will be sent more information about this via email nearer the time).

*Please note that ‘Clean Fossil Fuels’,‘Process Heat Transfer’ and Business School modules will follow a separate sign up procedure due to limited space. Please see below for an explanation of this, and note that you must take these into consideration when selecting your other modules if you wish to take them – please check the timetable and instructions very carefully!

Registering for Clean Fossil Fuels, Process Heat Transfer, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering and Business School Modules

Spaces on Carbon Capture and Clean Fossil Fuels, Process Heat Transfer, Strategy of Process Designand Business School (BPES) modules are limited for 2016-17. The following reservations have been made for MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering (ACE, BIO, PSE and SPE) students for2016/ 17:

Module Name / Places reserved
Clean Fossil Fuels / 40
Process Heat Transfer / 40
Entrepreneurship (online) / 35
Entrepreneurship (Tuesday class) / 15
Finance & Financial Management (Tuesday class) / 5
Finance & Financial Management (Friday class) / 5
Project Management / 20
Managing Innovation / 15
Managerial Economics (online) / 35
Corporate Finance (online) / 35
Strategic Management / 15

Places on Introduction to Nuclear Energy are not limited but – since it is offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering – it will follow the same sign up procedure as listed below. The module is included on the Department of Chemical Engineering timetable that will be emailed to you.

OnThursday 6th of October (09:30 – 23:55) you will be able to sign up for the above listed modules, along with Introduction to Nuclear Engineeringvia the method described below. Please note that, by signing up, you commit to taking these modules, and you will not be permitted to change your mind at a later date. Consequently, please only sign up for modules that you are certain that you would like to take, and remember that you can only take a maximum of one Business School class across the academic year.

Sign Up Genius Instructions:

Click on the link to the sign up included in the relevant email.

Clicking on the link takes you to a page like the one below:

Enter the Access Code provided in the relevant email and click ‘submit’.

Tick the check box next to ‘Sign Up’. Then click ‘Submit and Sign Up’.

Select ‘I do not have a Sign Up Genius account’ and enter your details. Please REMEMBER to enter your CID.

Clicking on ‘Sign Up Now’ will sign you up until spaces are full.

Important: by signing up to ‘Clean Fossil Fuels’ and ‘Process Heat Transfer’ in this way you commit to taking them, so please do consider the module descriptions (below) carefully before signing up. Your enrolment will be confirmed via email by the MSc Administrator after the sign up has closed.

The following module descriptors have been included for your reference, since you will not be able to access them via DSS. All modules that follow the standard (non-Sign Up Genius) enrolment procedure can be viewed on DSS.

Please note that the following information is indicative only – topics and faculty may be subject to change.

Carbon Capture and Clean Fossil Fuels

ProfessorPaulS.Fennell, Professor Nina Thornhill, Professor Klaus Hellgardt



*Please note that places on Carbon Capture and Clean Fossil Fuels are limited to 40 (please see above).



  • Tounderstand howtheenvironmentalimpactsof fossilfuelsin generalcan be minimised
  • Tounderstand howsyngascan begenerated and used
  • Understandhowarangeoftechnologies,includingmoreadvancedpowercyclesand/ormoreefficientheatrecoveryand utilisation,can minimisethecostsof CO2avoidance
  • TounderstandCO2capturefromarangeofprocesses,includinghowefficiencydropsforpowerstationsarecalculated
  • To understand CO2storage
  • Toconsiderissuesofmediareporting ofCCS

Knowledge and understanding

  • Modelpowersystemsincluding CCSand otheradvanced powercycles
  • Understand thedifferenttypesof CCS
  • Discusshowfossilfuelsare used
  • Understand howCCS fitsinto thegeneralenergylandscape
  • Describe and perform simple calculations relating to advanced power cycles and CHPschemesforoverallefficiencyimprovements,fuelandemissionsminimisation


  • Evaluate and explain how different methods of using fossil fuels lead to different CO2emissions,andcosts.
  • Solvesimpleproblemsinvolving a rangeof powercycles,including theapplication of CCS.

Lecture Outline

  • 1 - Introduction to Fossil Fuels
  • 2 + 3 – Carbon Capture
  • 4 + 5 – Carbon Storage
  • 6 + 7 – ‘Syngas Economy’ and Gasification
  • 8 + 9 – Highly Efficient Power Generation


Basic understanding of power cycles.


1.5 hour exam. Potentially an online assessment (TBC).

Reading List

Carbon Capture and Storage Update (Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, Advance Article):

Introduction to Nuclear Energy

Course Leader: Dr SimonWalker(MechanicalEngineering)

ProfessorGeoffrey Hewitt(ChemicalEngineering), Dr Michael Bluck (Mechanical Engineering) andProfessorRobin Grimes(Materials)



Thiselectivecourseisbeingofferedinthenuclearpowerareaaspartofacollaborativeactivitybetween theDepartmentsofMechanicalEngineering,ChemicalEngineering andMaterials.


TheoverallaimoftheIntroductiontoNuclearEnergycourseis toprovide a basic introduction to the engineering, safety, and socio-economic context of nuclear energy. Bytheendofthecourse,thestudentwillbeable to:

  • Discuss technical, industrial, social, economic and environmental issues related to nuclear energy
  • Discuss the interplay of the many technical (and economic and social) issues that arise in the use of nuclear energy
  • Analyse, with the aid of appropriate simplifications, the economics of nuclear energy generation


  • Units and nomenclature
  • Nuclear fission
  • How reactors work
  • Reactor cooling systems
  • Reactor types
  • Uranium extraction and fuel production
  • Handling spent furl
  • Materials aspects
  • Nuclear reactor safety
  • Loss of Coolant Accidents (LOCAs)
  • Socio-economic factors
  • Future development of nuclear energy
  • Nuclear fusion

Teaching Methods

  • Duration: 10 weeks
  • Lectures: 2 per week, including some by external speakers
  • Tutorial: 1 per week


1 x 3 hour exam(multiple choice – 1.5 hours, essay question – 1.5 hours)

Process Heat Transfer

Dr Ronny Pini, Dr Marcos Millan-Agorio



*Please note that places on Process Heat Transfer are limited to 40 (please see above).


  • Toinduceanawarenessofthemanyandvariedproblemsofprocessheattransferinthestudents.
  • Toprovidestudentswithanopportunityofdirectexperienceofdoingprocessheattransfercalculationssothattheycanunderstandthebasesoftheproceduresandbeabletomakeacriticalassessmentofcommercialcodesoncetheyareusingtheseinanindustrialenvironment.


Attheend ofthecoursestudentswill be able:

  • toselectbetweenalternativeheatexchangertypeson anobjectivebasis;
  • todesignthemaintypesofheatexchangerforgivenflowsandheatexchangerrequirements;
  • toaddressoveralldesignofheatexchangersystems,andinparticulartounderstandtheuseofmulti-stream exchangers.


  • Selection of Heat Exchangers
  • Plate and Frame Exchangers
  • Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
  • Shell and Tube Condensers
  • Plate-fin (compact) Heat Exchangers
  • Evaporators
  • Reboilers
  • Air-cooled Heat Exchangers


Students should be familiar with the basic parameters in heat transfer (heat transfer coefficients, simple equations for flow and pressure drop in tubes, etc.) and the basic theory of heat exchangers (effectiveness, overall heat transfer coefficient, etc). A rapid revision of this material is given at the beginning of the course.

Teaching Methods




Business School (BPES) Modules

(Remember: a maximum of ONE of these modules may be taken across the academic year)

All information about the BPES Programme – including up to date module descriptors and timetables – can be accessed via this page of the Business School website:

(Please note that the registration information provided on the above linked web page is not applicable to MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering students – you will be able to register for a BPES module via the Sign Up Genius instructions stated above, numbers permitting).

All BPES related enquiries should be directed to: