2017 Business Sustainability Collaborative

Curriculum Development Grant Program

Request for Proposals

The Poole College Business Sustainability Collaborative Curriculum Development Grant Program will provide funding to support curriculum development projects for faculty with a majority appointment in the Poole College of Management. Priority will be given to undergraduate faculty teaching 3 credit 200 and 300 level courses with high enrollment. Business Sustainability Collaborative Curriculum Development Grants have a maximum award of $5,000.

Objectives of this RFP

With the 2017­2022 Sustainability Strategic Plan, NC State has created a five­year roadmap that builds upon the university’s strengths, momentum, and decades of sustainability progress. In the area of academics, the university’s goal is to“integrate sustainability into education, experiences, and research.” In alignment with this university-wide vision, the objectives of this request for proposals are to:

  • Underscore the commitment of the Poole College of Management to integrating sustainability into our curriculum.
  • Encourage and reward faculty incorporating sustainability-related topics into their classes.
  • Increase the extent of sustainability-related topics our students receive through their classes delivered in the context of our current undergraduate and graduate curriculum.
  • Increase opportunities for faculty to share sustainability-related topics incorporated into their classes.
  • The purpose of the RFP is to encourage faculty members to incorporate sustainability concepts, exercise and cases into existing Poole College courses. This RFP is not intended to compensate for development of entirely new courses. The extent of course enhancement should be at least two lectures.

Potential Topics

Sustainability has many definitions and interpretations, therefore faculty are encouraged to submit proposals encompassing sustainability from their own specific areas of specialty or interest. This broad definition of sustainability provides many opportunities for curriculum development. Potential topics by department include but are not limited to:

  • Accounting: Integrated reporting, Sustainability reporting, Measuring social impact, True cost accounting and sustainability related risk
  • Economics: Measuring carbon emissions, Cap and trade, Environmental valuation, Sustainable consumption, Environmental policy
  • MIE: Business ethics, Sustainable HR management, Labor and human rights, Life cycle assessment, Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • BUS: Sustainable marketing strategy and planning, Sustainable consumer behavior, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Metrics, Impact investing and sustainable investment

If you are considering submitting a proposal, please contact the representative from your department on the BSC Faculty Advisory Committee in advance of submission to ensure the proposal aligns with the goals of the RSF:

  • Bob Clark, Department of Economics
  • Eda Kemahlioglu-Ziya, Department of Business Management
  • Beth Ritter, Department of Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Scott Showalter, Department of Accounting


  • Call for proposals released Wednesday, March 15, 2017
  • Seminar with 2016 grant recipients, Tuesday, March 28, noon – 1pm, Nelson 3220
  • Proposals due Monday, April 17, 2017(in PDF format, directed to Jessica Thomas, )
  • Awards announced Monday, May 1, 2017
  • Class development, summer/fall 2017
  • Class delivery during 2017-2018 academic year

Proposal Content

  • Course instructor, course name and number
  • Semester offered and projected enrollment
  • Subject and relationship to sustainability
  • Brief description of topics covered, format, and evaluation of learning.


  • Participation in a brown bag lunch panel presentation with all curriculum development award winners for faculty members in the College.
  • A one-page summary at conclusion of semester when modified course is held summarizing the material presented in the classroom and an evaluation of what went well and areas for improvement, for publication on the Business Sustainability Collaborative website.
  • Participation in a brief annual survey to gather data on ongoing use of new content, feedback from students and extension of content to other courses.

Grant Eligibility, Budget and Submission Guidelines

  • All Poole Collegefaculty with a majority appointment in the college are eligible to submit proposals for this program.
  • Submissions are open to faculty teaching in any of the Poole College degree programs (PhD, MBA, MAC, MGIM, MGLM, Undergraduate)
  • Proposals must use the forms located on the COM research development website here: Be sure to include a project abstract on the cover page and include a budget justification
  • Questions should be directed to Jessica Thomas or any member of the Sustainability Committee: a. Bob Clark b. Rosanna Garcia c. Beth Ritter d. Scott Showalter e. Eda Kemahlioglu-Ziya.

Grant Evaluation Process

  • The Sustainability Committee will consider the following Poole College-wide objectives in awarding the grants: 1) Creativity in applications of sustainability within broad subject areas, bringing new perspectives and approaches to sustainability. 2) Balance between departments.
  • Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the Sustainability Committee: a. Bob Clark b. Rosanna Garcia c. Beth Ritter d. Scott Showalter e. Eda Kemahlioglu-Ziya.
  • Each reviewer will review the submitted proposals and provide their relative ranking of proposals to the Business Sustainability Collaborative Director. The Sustainability Committee will meet to discuss the proposals and select the recipients.

2017Business Sustainability Collaborative Curriculum Development Grant Program