Kim Lori Krinsky

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Curriculum Vitae of




Professor Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Perimeter College at Georgia State University, Clarkston, Georgia (September, 1995 - present)

Full-time, tenured position, responsibilities of which have included instruction of Introduction to General Psychology (Psychology 1101, 1101 Honors, 1101 Teleweb, 1101 Online, and 1101 Honors Online), Abnormal Psychology (Psychology 2621, 2621 Honors, 2621 Teleweb, 2621 Online, and 2621 Honors Online), Human Growth and Development (Psychology 2103 Teleweb), Introduction to Psychology of Adjustment (Psychology 2101 Online), Criminology (Criminal Justice 2410 Online) and Special Topics, as well as advisement of students and committee participation.

Instructor Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia (Summer sessions, 1995 and 1996)

Instruction of Introduction to Psychology II: Social, Developmental, Normal and Abnormal Personality (Psychology 111), a four-credit undergraduate course designed to provide an introduction to the fields of developmental psychology, personality theory, social psychology, and abnormal behavior.

Instructor Department of Psychology, Oxford College of Emory University, Oxford, Georgia

(Fall semester, 1993; Spring semester, 1995)

Instruction of Introductory Psychology (Psychology 100), a four-credit survey course for undergraduate students, covering the topics of development, learning, biological bases of behavior, perception and sensory processes, personality, emotion, motivation, thinking and language, memory, abnormal behavior and social psychology.

Instructor Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
(Summer session, 1994)

Instruction of Adult Abnormal Behavior (Psychology 210), a four-credit undergraduate course designed to provide a general overview of the field of abnormal psychology. Emphasis on the history, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of psychological disorders.


Private Practitioner Psychogenyx, Decatur, Georgia
(April 1991 - present)

Individual short- and long-term psychotherapy with adults and adolescents; psychological evaluations for bariatric surgery. Areas of interest include interpersonal work, women's issues and eating disorders.

Adjunct Professor Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

(November, 2007 - present)

Clinical supervision of graduate students in the clinical psychology program.

Director of Counseling Counseling Center, Oxford College of Emory University, Oxford, Georgia

(August 1990 - August, 1995)

Administration, coordination of clinical services, supervision of practicum students, individual, group and couples therapy, intake evaluation, program development, consultation, outreach, and crisis intervention.

Psychology Intern Counseling and Mental Health Center, The University of Texas,

Austin, Texas

(August, 1989 - July 1990)

Individual and couples short-term and long-term psychotherapy, group therapy, clinical supervision of practicum students, consultation, outreach, program development, committee work, evaluation and assessment, and crisis intervention.



2013 – present Enrolled in M.A. program, Criminal Justice

University of North Georgia, Dahlonega, Georgia

1990 Licensed Psychologist, #1509

State of Georgia

1989 Ph.D., Clinical Psychology

Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

1988 M.A., Clinical Psychology

Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

1984 B.A., Psychology, with distinction in all subjects

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York


2005 Received the Georgia Perimeter College Center for Teaching and Learning Instructional Enhancement Award

2005 Nominated for the Georgia Perimeter College Alumni Association 2005 Outstanding Faculty Member Award

2003 Nominated for the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Two-Year College Teaching Award

1997 Selected to attend the University System of Georgia Teaching and Learning Conference

1996 Nominated for the New Faculty Teaching Award


Doctoral Dissertation Interpersonal style and incongruence in subclinical anorexia nervosa.

Research Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
(March, 1988 - September, 1989)

Master's Thesis Assertiveness, social skills and locus of control at various stages of Research anorexia nervosa.
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
(March, 1986 - November, 1987)



American Psychological Association

Division Two: The Society for the Teaching of Psychology

Committee of Psychology Teachers at Community Colleges

Georgia Psychological Association

Academic Affairs Task Force

Ethics Committee (2013 – 2015)


Krinsky, K.L. (2015). A review of eyewitness identification in the United States: Problems and policies. Crime Psychology Review, 1(1), 84-97.

Krinsky, K.L. & Georgia Psychological Association Ethics Committee Members (2014). Striving for Best Ethical Practice: Discussion with the GPC Ethics Committee. Workshop presented at the Georgia Psychological Association 2014 Annual Meeting. Athens, Georgia.

Krinsky, K.L. (2008). The evolution of psychological treatment in film. Workshop presented at the Georgia Psychological Association 2008 Annual Meeting. Jekyll Island, Georgia.

Krinsky, K.L. & Rux, J. (2000). Getting beyond the gender gap in the classroom. Participant idea exchange presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Krinsky, K.L. (1998). Viewing abnormal psychology through a video lens. Poster presented at the Twentieth National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Krinsky, K.L. (1997). Viewing abnormal psychology through a video lens. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society's Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. Washington, District of Columbia.

Krinsky, L.W. & Krinsky, K.L. (1995). Autonomy and reality: Essential factors in inter-generational influence. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention. New York, New York.

Krinsky, K.L. (1987). Childhood eating patterns and their relationship to later-life eating disorders. Presented at South Oaks Hospital Conference on the Psychological, Emotional, and Medical Aspects of Eating Disorders. Amityville, New York.


2014 - 2016 Georgia Psychological Association Annual Meeting

2006 - 2009 (Atlanta, Georgia; Athens, Georgia; Augusta, Georgia; Destin, Florida;

2003, 1999 Jekyll Island, Georgia)

2015 National Behavioral Intervention Team Association (NaBITA) Annual Pre-Conference
(San Antonio, Texas)

2008 - 2012 Forensic Symposium (Dahlonega, Georgia)

2010 Basic Interpretation of the MMPI-2 (St. Petersburg Beach, Florida)

2005 Best Practices in Teaching Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum Conference

(Atlanta, Georgia)

2005 Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology (Atlanta, Georgia)

2003 Best Practices in Teaching Introductory Psychology Conference (Atlanta, Georgia)

2002 American Academy of Forensic Psychology Symposium (Atlanta, Georgia)

2000 - 2002 National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology (St. Petersburg Beach, Florida)


1997 University System of Georgia Teaching and Learning Conference (Atlanta, Georgia)

1997 National Conference of the American Psychological Society (Washington, D.C.)

1996 Bipolar Illness Through the Life Cycle Conference (Destin, Florida)

1995 National Conference of the American Psychological Association (New York City, New York)

1993 - 1994 Georgia Psychological Association's Mid-Winter Conference (Sea Island, Georgia; Asheville, North Carolina)

1992 Cape Cod Summer Symposium: Group Psychotherapy (Eastham, Massachusetts)


Acquaintance Rape Psychological Treatment in Film

Changing Images of Senior Citizens in Film Psychological Disabilities in the Classroom

Counseling Skills Self-Esteem and Assertiveness in Women

Eating Disorders Sexism

Enhancing Intimacy Stages of Grieving

Establishing Identity Stress Management

Improving Memory Transitions Home and Away

Women's Wellness


Academic Advising Office, Oxford College

General Faculty, Oxford College

Residence Life Staff, Oxford College and the University of Texas at Austin

Student Development Office, Oxford College

Student Health Services, Oxford College


2015 Member, Search Committee for Psychology Lecturer Position

2015 Alternate Senator, Faculty Senate

2014 Member, Peer Review Committee for Promotion and Tenure

2012 – present Member, Honors Council

2012 Member, Academic Master Plan Committee

2011 – 2012 Member, Bookstore Strategic Planning Committee

2010 – present Mentor to Faculty Member

2010 – 2013 Member, Academic Exclusion Committee

2010 – 2011 Member, Student Technology Fee Committee

2009 Member, Search Committee for Online Social Science Department Head Position

2008 - present Faculty Justice, Judicial Board

2008 – 2009 Chair, Course Materials Review Panel

2006 - 2007

2004 - 2005

2008 Member, Screening Committee for Criminal Justice Faculty Position

2007 - 2008 Member, Distance Learning Academic Oversight Committee


2007 Member, Screening Committee for Clarkston Department Chair of ESL and Foreign Language

2003 - 2009 Co-chair, Social Science Colloquium Reading/Selection Committee

1997 - 2001

2003 - 2005 Member, Selection Committee for the Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship

2002 - 2004 Problem Resolution Advisor for Registration

2001 - 2002 Co-chair, Social Science Colloquium

2001, 1997 Member, Course Materials Review Panel


2000 - 2001 Member, Faculty Screening Committee for Social Science Position

1998 - 2000 Volunteer Advisor, Joint Enrollment Students

1997 - 2002 Alternate Justice, College Court

1997 - 2000 Senator, College Senate

1997-1998 Member, Political Science Search Committee

1997 - 1998 Chair, Psychology Discipline Committee's Psychology 101 Textbook Search

1996 Co-chair, Diane Jennings Seminar

1996 Member, New Faculty Orientation Planning Committee

1995 - present Presenter of psychoeducational workshops for campus clubs/programs


2013 – 2015 Provider of ethics consultations via Ethics Committee of the Georgia Psychological Association

2012 – present Mentor in the Emory University Laney Graduate School Alumni Mentor Program

2008 - 2009 Judge for the Student Poster Session at the Georgia Psychological Association Annual Meeting

2007 - present Clinical supervisor of Emory University clinical psychology graduate students

2005 - 2007 Research consultant for Emory University psychology students

2004 - 2006 Mentor in the Georgia Psychological Association Colleague Consultant Program

2006 Subject Matter Expert for the Georgia State Board of Examiners

2001 - 2003 Mentor in the Emory University Arts and Sciences Alumnae Women’s Council Mentoring Program

1999 - 2000 Presenter of psychoeducational workshops for the Atlanta Jewish Community Center

1991 - present Service provider of pro-bono and sliding-scale psychotherapy to the Atlanta community