Dr. Larry R. Travis
Vice President of Leadership Development
Office: WM 140 / 513-244-8191
This is an advanced course concentrating on interpersonal and intercultural communication. All human relationships are based on the ability to communicate. Learning the dynamics of interpersonal communication and the role of the culture can greatly maximize our efforts to build healthy relationships, influence people, and lead. You will become acquainted with both theory and practice in the varied world of communication among individuals of similar and different backgrounds. Public Speaking GSP 110 is a prerequisite.
You will be able to:
- Identify and use the components of various communication models
- Learn and grow the components of good listening in yourself
- Analyze and develop healthy strategies to overcome conflict
- Define and identify various dimensions of culture
Class Agenda
January20Intro to Class - Review of Syllabus
22Interpersonal Communication - Part 1
25Interpersonal Communication - Part 2
February 1Listening
3Book Review –Make the Connection Report Due
15Review Day
17EXAM #1
19Emotional Messages
22Conversation Messages
24Relationships (Men - Women Differences)Report Due
26Video - “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”
March 1Video
3Video Review
5No Class
17Book Review - Cross-Cultural ConflictReport Due
31Business Communication
April 5Business Communication
7Small Group Communication
9Small Group Communication
12Small Group Communication
14Small Group Communication
16EXAM #2 Papers Due
19Class Presentations (2 per day)
21Class Presentations (2 per day)
23Class Presentations (2 per day)
26Class Presentations (2 per day)
28Class Presentations (2 per day)
30Class Presentations (2 per day)
May 3Class Presentations (2 per day)
5Class Presentations (2 per day)
7Class Presentations (2 per day)
10-13Final Exam
1. Students will prepare a book report on each of the following books:Make the Connection, Cross-Cultural Conflict, Purpose Filled Presentations. Each report should include the following:
a. A brief summary of each chapter, minimum of 5 sentences.
b. Write one discussion question for each chapter of the book. These questions should not be answered with a yes or no, but should generate thought and discussion.
c. After completing a & b, write a two-page (double-spaced) response on the insights received and implications for your future.
Due Dates:Make the ConnectionFebruary 3
Purpose Filled PresentationsFebruary 24
Cross-Cultural ConflictMarch17
2. Each student will complete a communication project of their choice. It will include a 20-minute oral presentation (involving class participation and discussion) and a 10-page paper (double spaced - one-inch margins - sides & bottom). Ideas for the projects will be discussed throughout the semester. The order of presentations will be determined later in the semester. The project can be done in teams of 2 or 3 but each person will submit their own paper. The presentation would be 2-3 times as long representing each person’s contribution to the project.
Paper Due - April 16
Exams and Tests
There will be 3 exams given.
EXAM #1 - February 17
EXAM #2 - April 16
Final - During finals week. (This exam will cover information from the first two exams.)
Class Policies
1. Attendance is expected of all students but will follow the guidelines that are in the Student Handbook and School Catalog. (No more than 6 absences).
2. Students are responsible for all materials and assignments presented in class. If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to acquire the information from the professor or another student.
3. Three tardies will equal one absence.
4. Late work will be accepted within one week of due date, but with a 50% reduction.
5. The professor reserves the right to change anything in the course, including curriculum, assignments and grading procedures.
Book Report 110%
Book Report 210%
Book Report 310%
Oral Presentation 5%
Written Presentation20%
Class Participation 5%
EXAM #110%
EXAM #210%
Final Exam10%
Make the Connection by Steve Adubato
Cross-Cultural Conflict by Duane Elmer
Purpose Filled Presentations by Tony Jeary