2014-07-16-iFocus 6


iFocus 6: Tips on using the vision accessibility features in IOS 7

Presented by

Douglas Walker

Moderated by

Larry Muffet

May 21, 2014

Larry Muffet

Welcome to Seminars at Hadley, my name is Larry Muffet. I’m a member of Hadley seminars team, and I also work in curricular affairs. Today’s seminar topic is the six of our quarterly series of technology seminars focused on iDevices.

Our presenter today is both the familiar one and a popular one. Douglas Walker is a veteran Hadley instructor and also serves as a technology guru for the school.

Today Douglas will be sharing some pointers with you on using iDevices more effectively. Now let me welcome Douglas and turn over the microphone over to him. Good afternoon and welcome, Douglas.

Douglas Walker

Alright and here we are with another installment of our iFocus quarterly seminar. And as usual we have a lot to pack in today’s seminar. So we are going to jump right in and get started.

Now, a lot of what we are going to look at today involves the editing of text. And we will be using the notes app to do this. So let’s begin first by looking at how we use our notes app. Now, this is an app that’s built right into all of the iDevices. However it’s going t appear a little bit differently if you are using an iPad. But fear not, we are going to have all the same functionality that we do on our iPhone.

Now, the notes app is a really good very simple to use word processor. It’s a great go-to app for taking notes in a meeting, for making your grocery list, or just jotting down a quick reminder. It really does have a really simple interface and has some great ways of sharing your notes with others.

So let’s go ahead and take a look at it. And we’ll begin by just clicking to it. I’ll click to the right to get to mine. Now, we’ll single finger double tap to launch it. Okay. So when our notes app first opens, when are placed in one of two different places; if we happen to have been in the note the last time the app was closed, we are placed right back to the previous not for editing. However, if the previous not was completed, then we’ll be placed on a new button at the top right hand corner of our notes list screen. And this is a screen that has all of our created notes in it. And that’s exactly where we are right now is on that new button.

Alright, what we are going to do now is briefly explore the screen see what our notes list look like. We are on the new button of the very top button at the very top right of our screen. Now, we’ll use this button when we want to begin a new note. And we’ll come back to it right after we finish exploring this screen here. But first we’ll right flick to our search field. Now it’s very easily to quickly end up with notes in a ton of our notes list here. It’s great that we have a way to be able to quickly search for a note instead of having to flick through all of our notes to find them.

And now if we were to single fingered double tap in the setting field, we’d be given a keyboard at the bottom of our screen where we can type in and search through all of these created notes. However we don’t have many notes here right now. So we’ll just continue flicking to the right, to explore this list. So let's just flick to the right.

Now this is the first note in our list. And what we just heard was the note description and the date that the note was created. And that’s exactly what we’ll hear for every note as we continue to flick to the right through this list. So that’s right flick again.

Now, it’s also important to know that the note description here is actually the first line of our note, and we’ll want it to be something specific to the note so that it’ll remind us of exactly what our note’s about. Now this will make a little bit more sense in a minute when we create a new note. So there you have it.

Again, we have a very simple interface on our notes list page here. All right. Let’s go ahead and begin a new note. So we'll head back to the top right hand corner of our screen to the new button. And I’ll just single finger double tap activate it.

Now, we’re actually placed in an edit field in the centre of our field where we can begin typing. However we are just going to explore our screen before we begin our new note here. All right. So in the top left hand corner of our screen, we’ll find a notes back button here. So I’ll go ahead and touch there.

Now, activating this will take us back to our notes list that we just came out of. Now just right flicking through our screen we’re going to explore this screen here. So I’ll go ahead and just flick to the right. And the place is in the top right hand corner, and there’s a “done” button there. When we are finished with our note, we’ll come back here and activate this done button. Activating this done button will give us some tools that we’ll explore when we finish creating our note here, some really great tools. So let’s go ahead and flick to the right again.

Now, this is the date and time that we are creating our note. It’s really nice to have our note time stamped for future reference. Now, if we flick to the right again, we’ll be placed right back in our edit field where we can start typing our note. So let’s go ahead and flick to the right to our edit field.

Now if I continue to flick, we would start moving to our keyboard that’s at the bottom of the screen here. Now if you aren’t yet comfortable using the on screen keyboard, it’s your lucky day. Because that’s the topic we are going to cover next in today’s seminar.

So how about we begin a new note. Let’s go ahead and start a new grocery list. Now remember that we mentioned earlier that the first line that we type will be our title in our notes list. So how about we just type the word groceries in our first line. So let’s go ahead and do that. Go ahead and put a space here.

All right. Now let’s go ahead and put a return so that the word groceries is all in our first line here so when we return in the bottom hand corner, and put a new line there.

All right. So now we’re ready to type the rest of our grocery list if we wanted to. But for the sake of time, we'll stop right here so we can check out the rest of our options for our notes on our notes page here.

Now we can always come back to this note and add more to it later if you want to. However, let’s go ahead and find that done button in the top right hand corner of our note. So I’ll go ahead and touch the done button here.

Then we’ll single finger double tap to activate it. Okay. Now we have some really useful option available to us now at the bottom of our screen. Now we can just flick to the right until we find these options, however we could just touch the bottom left hand corner of our screen to find the first of these options and we’ll do just that. So I’m going to touch down the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

Now instead of our keyboard being here, we have a share button. We have three buttons actually, across the bottom of our screen here. In the bottom left around that share button. We can single fingered double tap on this and see some ways in which we are able to share these notes. So I’ll go ahead and single fingered double tap.

Okay. Now we have the option to share this note around that's using air drop. This is really cool feature. This means that others around that's using an iPhone5 or newer or an iPad third generation or newer are able to share files wirelessly with each other from device to device, and that’s pretty great. So if I flick to the right it gives us a little descriptor of what we just dropped. So I’m just going to flick right. And it’s what we just said, so I’m going to go head and flick to the right to our next option here. So I’ll go ahead and flick to the right.

So these are the ways we can share. We can share this as a text message to others that are capable of receiving text messages so I’ll go ahead and flick to the right to the next way of sharing here. Yeah. We have the ability to e-mail this to someone if we want to. So that’s pretty great. All right. Let me right flick again. Now activating this allows us to copy this note and we can paste it into another document or anther app even, anywhere there’s an edit field. So let me right flick for one more way to share here.

Yeah. And we can print directly from our iDevice. Now the printer has to have air print compatibility in order to be able to print though. So if we have that capability, it really is nice to be able to print right from our iDevice to our printer.

Okay. That’s it for our sharing option into this list. We’ll right flick on more time and be placed at the “cancel” button at the bottom of our screen here. We are not going to share this note right now. So we’ll just single fingered double tap on this cancel button.

All right. So now we are back in our groceries note. So I’ll go back and touch the share button in the bottom left hand corner of our screen here. And like I said there’s a couple of more buttons across the bottom edge of our screen. I’ll just flip to the right to get to our next button here.

Now here we have the delete button and we can single fingered double tap here if we want to delete this note. If we activate the delete button, we are presented with a confirmation delete button to make sure that we really want to delete our note. Or we could simply right flick to the cancel button if we decide we don’t want to delete it. All right. So we have one more button just t the right of the delete button here. So we need to right flick to find it. I’ll flick to the right. And that’s our compose button. We can activate this if we wish to begin a brand new note.

All right. So that’s our notes interface page here, screen. How about we go back to our notes list to see that our groceries note is added to our list. And to do this we’ll go back to the toe left and activate our notes back button. And I’ll go ahead and singe fingered double tap. All right and there’s that new button that we were on when we first started at the top of our note list screen here

So here we’ll start again flicking to the right to find our notes so I’ll go ahead and flick to the right. And there's our search field gain. I’ll go and right flick again. We should find our new groceries note at the top of this list here. So I’ll go ahead and flick to the right.

And there it is. Now if we wanted to open this note and read it again, or if we wanted to add to it, edit that note some more, we just simply single finger double tap on it to activate it. So we can add more to it if we wanted to

All right. Let’s look at one more item before we finish talking about using the notes app. Because we are given a really simple way we can delete notes from this list. Let’s say we don’t really need to keep our groceries list. We are able to quickly have an option to delete it. I’ll just simply flick down so we can flick down, to see how it works. And we’ll just flick down. And you heard delete. Now if we single fingered double tap anywhere on the screen, our that groceries list will be deleted, so I’ll go ahead and single fingered double tap. Okay. Our groceries note was deleted, and we’ve been placed on the next note in our notes list here.

So that is a really fast and easy way to get rid of unwanted notes. We could go down this list and just flick down to delete. Single fingered double tap, it’s pretty great. You know the notes app is such an easy app to navigate here; it has some really great features to make it super easy to share a note. Just a great app all together.

Okay. So I mentioned earlier, that we’ll be looking at how to type on our iDevice. Well, how about we jump right into it next. So this is probably our most requested topic ever. And that is how on the world do we type using the on screen keyboard. This is something that can really be a little intimidating when we first take our iDevice out of the box. You know, and then you are faced with this daunting task of typing on a piece of glass. However, just like anything else, with practice and a few tips, you’ll be surprised in a couple of weeks at just how fast you’ll be typing. Now again you are using your Phone for this demonstration.

However, everything we used today will work exactly the same when whether you are using the iPad, the iPhone or the iPod touch. So let’s go ahead and get started typing. Now there’s a couple of things that are good to know when we first begin typing.

One is there are two different modes for typing on the iDevice. We have the standard mode and the touch typing mode. Now the default mode for typing is called standard mode. Standard mode, different just little bit from touch typing. Ad for me standard mode is a little bit slower and more cumbersome than touch typing mode. We are going to take a look at both of those today.

So before we can begin taking a look at these different modes of typing, we’ll need to bring up a keyboard. Now I’ll tell you a great place to practice our typing is to bring up our search feature. Again this feature’s available on all apple devices. The search features allows us to search through all of our items on the device. This includes things like our music, apps, notes, e-mails and even text messages. We even have the option of performing a web search from our search feature. So this is a really great feature to know how to use.

All right. So first we are going to go ahead and close our notes app. So we’ll just tap our home button here. All right. How we can bring up our search feature and we can do this by first touching anywhere of our screen, any app on our screen and then we perform a three finger flick down on our screen all right. So let’s do that. So we touch the screen and then flick down with three fingers.