Al Zahra Hospital brings New Treatment for Presbyopia

Countering the effect of time with Carl Zeiss Meditech

Laser Blended Vision Surgery


Al Zahra Hospital, the first and largest private general hospital in the UAE, is bringing a new treatment called ‘LASER BLENDED VISION SURGERY’ to the region for the first time. The Hospital announced its highly qualified team of specialists and healthcare providers were fully qualified and experienced to offer the unique laser treatment that will counter the effects of ageing in the eye.

Age affects the eye as it affects every other part of the body, and starting in early middle age, the lens inside the eye stiffens, becoming less flexible, while at the same time the muscles that alter the shape of the lens and allows you to shift focus from near to far become weaker. Nobody is immune from this condition, and unchecked it inevitably means reading glasses, bifocals or varifocals. To save you from reading glasses most surgeons have to rely on synthetic lenses, inserted surgically into the eye. But Professor Dan Reinstein and his team from Carl Zeiss Meditech from Germany have pioneered a unique laser treatment to counter the effects of ageing in the eye.

This revolutionary technique of ‘Laser Blended Vision’ can significantly reduce or even eliminate the need for reading glasses, bifocals or varifocals for many years. Over 1,000 patients have already benefited from this remarkable treatment, which has been offered in Germany since 2005. Laser Blended Vision uses a technology, which adjusts each eye in a different way. One eye is adjusted to see mostly at distance, and a little close up, while the other is set up for the opposite- mostly up close and a little at distance. In most cases, the brain compensates for this quickly. It combines the two images to give much greater depth of vision, and an all-round improvement in visual sharpness that means most patients can throw away those infuriating reading glasses.

Speaking about this new technique, Dr. Mitra, Lasik Specialist of Al Zahra Private Hospital said, “Over 98% of Laser Blended Vision patients can read normal newsprint & over 90% of Laser Blended Vision patients can read the small print on medicine bottle inserts. Laser Blended Vision is much more effective and easier to adapt to than the traditional solution of Monovision Lasik. Monovision uses contact lenses (or older laser systems) to make one eye focused on near and one eye focused on distance. This is a far less sophisticated solution, suitable for only around 50% of patients. In comparison, studies have shown that Laser Blended Vision is appropriate for 97% of people.”

So, while Al Zahra’s specialists may not be able to stop the ageing process in its tracks, they have the ability to make it much more comfortable and convenient for almost everyone. Al Zahra Private Hospital also offers screening for patients with Presbyopia for blended laser vision correction. If candidates are suitable for the procedure, they are selected for this unique from of treatment, available for the first time in the UAE.