AIHA-NCS Developing World Outreach Initiative

Meeting Minutes

Date: July 19th, 2012 (Thursday)

Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm, teleconference call


Richard Hirsh


David Hornung

Perry Gottesfeld

Sheila McCarthy

Mike Horowitz

David Zalk


Trevor Bausman

Meeting Agenda

1)Welcome – Richard Hirsh

2)May 31st, 2012 meeting minutes wereapproved

3)Sheila McCarthy taking meeting minutes today

4)Committee Reports

  1. Request/Response - Reference Materials - David Hornung
  2. No updates on inventory
  3. Some requests – most pressing to Turkey (Andrew Cutz contact). Marianne Levitsky (Bhutan)and Jerry Amo (Ghana) also have requests.
  4. Update on communication w AIHA – AIHA can’t commit all electronic publications - we need to choose initial 10 books. David H.and Nina will coordinate this; suggestion made to ask for 50 or some number of books per year instead of having the same 10 books.
  5. Equipment donation from Lauren Geddes (IH with Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation): possibly get equipment to Karen Gunderson/ Indonesia who is currently in CA. Rich H. will contact Karen to talk about interest and transport options. Karen also receiving equipment from SKC which is being shipped to Jakarta directly.
  6. Randy Cook has some newAircheck pumps to donate – possibly get to Karen. Rich H will look into this.
  7. Publicity/Fundraising – Rich
  8. AIHA Social Responsibility Award – waiting for proper check amount of $2,500. Sheila McCarthy (AIHA-NCS Treasurer) will deposit check once received
  9. David H - DWOI presentation at International Affairs Committee (IAC) at AIHA Indianapolis – went well. Other people expressed interested in starting similar groups with their local chapters using DWOI model
  10. David Kahane – grant of $5,000, likely through Garrett Brown’s 501-C3 New Ways to Work. In addition, he challenged the group – he will match up to $5,000 over the next 90 days (only one check so far from NCS meeting ($180)). Task to all committee members: think about what we can do differently with this new funding (grants, proposals, etc.) Sub-committee to brainstorm: David Zalk, Nina and Perry Gottesfeld.
  11. Synergist electronic “Honor Roll” article - will be published July 20th (June/July issue). Dave K’s match challenge will be included in the article.
  12. Monitor Newsletter article – Sheila M will send update to Colleen for NCS newsletter. Any pictures to add? Tanner will hopefully have an update from his trip to Turkey (Istanbul and Ankara) – hopefully some pictures too – for the next newsletter (Aug/Sept edition)
  13. Liaison Committee update (Rich H – Garrett out of town)
  14. Cambodian (C-CAWDU) NGO training – Athit Kong; check sent – don’t know if training has occurred yet
  15. China Labor Support Network (CLSN) training–– training complete; report received
  16. CTI Training schedule – hoping to get their training schedule (they are a vendor of training)
  17. Nina Townsend - Venezuela plans in November (liaison with Eduardo Salazar Vega) – communications ongoing. Trip is dependent on October elections.
  18. Karen Gunderson – SKC equipment donation going forward; Chevron equipment might be too old to donate (Nina); don’t have update on asbestos/Workplace Health Without Borders project; OHTA learning modules have been translatediintoBahasa; Rich H got them in touch w British Occupational Health Society (BOHS) to get translation quality assurance requirements – in the works – so they are adopted by OH to be official modules….could lead to putting on a course.
  19. David Zalk - Affiliate AIHA International membership for Jerry Amo. David Z waiting to hear back from Jerry with application filled out.
  20. OHTA translation – contact with Kern Global language services to help do translation work. BOHS has a priority list of translations that still needs to be done. Possible good use of our new funding. Rich to follow-up with Nancy McClellan at OHTA on possible collaboration with Kern.
  21. Taner Pamuk – plans for visit to Istanbul and ISGUM in Ankara Turkey in August. ISGUM is labor ministry/occupational H&S department - mostly in Istanbul but also Ankara.
  22. Michael Cooper – Singapore plans. Was at IAC meeting at AIHCE – interested in doing additional work if plans go through for trip
  23. Mike Ratelle – Thailand update – plans to move to Thailand in the next year or so; Univ of Bangkok; Mike has volunteered to serve as new business travel coordinator; guest speaker; talk @ training; projects with NGOs, etc.
  24. Naanjela Msangi () OHS Inspector and Trainer in Tanzania at the sole OHS governmental agency. In need of instruments, books, etc. Rich H gave her a list of things we can help her with – haven’t heard back yet. Perry Gottesfeld volunteered to help continue communication.
  25. Website
  26. Trevor – will update with new info – e.g. Dave Kahane challenge letter, minutes
  27. No other issues
  28. Next meeting: Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012, 5-6 pm