The Seven Cs of Discipleship:

  • Called and Chosen—called by name, personal invitation; source of strength and identity, confidence that we are loved.
  • Conversation (Prayer)—talking with Jesus, remember that Jesus walks with you always so you can always speak with him, in your heart/mind; not just time that you set aside to pray. Listening to Jesus’ voice helps discern the rightness of a decision.
  • Companionship—with “bread;” because breaking and sharing bread used to be one of the primary social events that people did together; if Jesus calls us to companionship, it is also being a companion to others, not being exclusive; knowing Jesus = depth and understanding, knowing in the Eastern sense-it’s an intimacy.
  • Community—all the people who belong to God who participate in the life of God, in the life of the Trinity; our life is veiled, so we recognize Jesus in the world and in others; we walk by faith, and community helps us in this journey. Communion of Saints; Magisterium; Pope-not everyone who is in the community is necessarily someone you have personally met-we are joined in our life of faith, through many expressions (prayer, social action, sacraments, Mass, etc.). Using your gift for the benefit of community is what gives life purpose and meaning.
  1. How do you nourish friendship? Trust, communicate, respect, spend time together, help
  2. Spending time with Jesus? Present to Jesus in times of prayer, at Mass, through Scripture, through interaction with others-bringing Jesus into the situation or into our Christian service moments.
  3. Jesus calls us to love. Various types of love (Greek): eros (passionate love, between man and woman), storge (mutual love between family members), philia (brotherly love, between friends, mutuality), agape (= Caritas Christi, self-giving love, self-sacrificing love).
  • Communion – Eucharist: expression of agape (self-giving act, “This is my body,” “This is my blood”). If Jesus is the Son of God, if He is God, can He say anything that is not true? So, when He declares, “This is my body, this is my blood,” He meant it—we are actually receiving Jesus when we receive Communion, because Jesus tells us that He is truly present in the Eucharist. Jesus becomes one with each person who receives Communion (Con + Union= with union).
  • Commitment—Confirmed: knowing and loving Jesus requires a response of commitment; includes a sense that Jesus is my best friend; invite Jesus to be present in my life, not just when I receive Communion, but throughout the time between Communion, to keep His presence alive in me. Easier to love and forgive if Jesus is one with us-to be Caritas Christi.
  • Commissioned—With a mission; sent out-it’s not between Jesus and me; the Great Commission, “Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Bring others into the family of God, helping them to keep everything that Jesus has commanded. Two Great Commandments—love God with your whole self; love your neighbor as yourself. Spreading the Gospel, bringing Jesus, the source of love to others, is an expression of loving others. Not always easy. “Pick up your cross and follow me.” Deny yourself; be other centered, even if the media message is different.

Put on Christ—To become Jesus for others; we are clothed with Christ.

  • Caritas Christi—Be the heart of Christ for others; when others look at you, they see Christ. So, that if others wonder why you behave or act a certain way, if they are interested, you can then share that you do so because of Jesus, that He asks that of us, to try to act as He did in the world. Jesus became a human being to show us how to live as human beings on a journey towards everlasting life with God. So, what can you commit to (different for each person):
  1. I can commit to being a good companion to others.
  2. I will participate and commit to the community, bringing of myself and my gifts to the community.

Jesus sees where you are, and I will with you the rest of the way. He comes and meets us, and brings the help and path that we need. Take your Jesus Cs (Vitamin C), small group scripture passage “C” reflection, shared whole group.