WKU Alumni Association

National Board of Directors Meeting

Saturday, July 14, 2012

WKU Center for Research and Development

Room 130

Call to Order: President Dale Augenstein called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Members Present,Dale Augenstein, Matt Ayers, Bryan Baysinger, Drew Byers, Paul Calico, RogerCasalengo, Chuck Clark, Matt Coleman, Julie Hinson, Sherry Howell, Debi JordanCheryl Lacefield, Greg Lyons,Cathy Marks, Kristen Miller, Hamp Moore, Steve Moore, J Moseley, Terry Parker, Greg Pryor, Charlotte Rice, Kelsey Richey,Tonii Rizzo,Tricia Roca, Melinda Rue, Kendra Stewart, Ronda Talley, Michael Wang, Keith Williams

Members Absent:*David Buchanon, Jeff Feix, *Margo Grace, Jade Gummer, Debra Maggart, Luis Ore, Dennis Reeves, Dale Ross, Whitey Sanders

(*indicates present on Friday for planning retreat)

Staff Present: Lauren Bolton, Amy Miller, Kara Neidell,Adam Rider, William Skaggs, Donald Smith, Emily Trabue, and Sean Ward

Welcome: Welcome and greetings were given by President Dale Augenstein.

Minutes: Paul Calico made the motion and Kristen Miller seconded to approve the minutes from the April 14, 2012 meeting (Tab 3). Motion carried.

Financial Report: Donald Smith reported that the Alumni Association ended the year with

revenues of $321,000and expenses of $318,200 resulting in a surplus of $2,800.

(Tab 4).

Committee Reports:

Communication Committee: Chuck Clark reported. Several items on the agendawere discussed including combining the Spring and Summer issues of the WKU Spirit Magazine, the Centennial Celebration, and the Strategic Plan(Tab 5.1).

No Motions were made

Executive Committee: Dale Augensteinreported. Several items on the agenda were discussed including the Strategic Plan, Leadership Circle of Excellence and the Centennial Celebration (Tab 5.2). J Moseley motioned to approve committee appointments, Kristen Miller seconded. Motion carried

Finance Committee: Ronda Talley reported. Several items on the agenda werediscussed including the implementation of an in depth report of the Alumni Association finances (Tab 5.3).

Ronda Talley made the motion and J Moseley seconded the motion to approve thebudget for the Alumni Association for Fiscal Year ’13. Ronda Talley made a motion to implement an in depth analysis of the Alumni Center finances.(Attachment B)

Program Committee: Sherry Howell reported. Several items on the agenda werediscussed including 2012 Homecoming and Centennial programs(Tab 5.4).

No motions were made.

Unfinished Business:

Alumni Center: Donald Smith reported that fundraising for the Augenstein Alumni Center is nearing the $5 million goal and the ribbon cutting will be held in the spring of 2013.

Strategic Plan: Donald Smith reported on several items that needed discussion regarding the strategic plan, including alumni chapters, signature events, Career Services, and student engagement. The results from the alumni survey will be returned in September and will help shape the strategic plan based on alumni input.

New Business:

Young Alumni Council Report: Young Alumni Council President Kelsey Richey gavean update on the Council. No motions were made.

Society of African American Alumni Report: Keith Williams reported forthe Society of African American Alumni. No motions were made.

Resolutions: Donald Smith reported that there were three alumni who would be participating in the 2012 Olympics; Claire Donahue, Gavin Smellie, and RaigoToompuu. Resolutions were presented and Chuck Clark moved to approve them and Tonii Rizzo seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Uncle Billy Craig Award: Donald Smith presented two Uncle Billy Craig Awards; Doris Vance for her service to the Alumni Association and retirement and Dale Augenstein for going above and beyond the call of duty as President of the Alumni Association Board of Directors. Terry Parker made the motion to approve and Tonii Rizzo seconded. Motion carried.

Passing of the Gavel: President Dale Augenstein provided parting words and thenpassed the gavel toKristen Miller. Ms. Millerthanked everyone for their time and remindedeveryone that our next meeting will be October 19th, 2012. Miller then adjourned the meeting at 11:20 a.m.

Finance Committee Motion

In light of the imminent opening of the long-awaited and much anticipated Augenstein Alumni Center, the current long-range planning being conducted by the WKU Alumni Association Board of Directors, and the availability of a new 5 year strategic plan for the University, the WKU AA Board Finance Committee recommends that 2012-2013 be designated as a year of in depth analysis of historical and current trends impacting the financial status of the Alumni Association. The analysis would include trend reviews of revenues and expenditures by source and impact, including a cost analysis of programs and outcomes, both quantitative and qualitative.

Further, it would incorporate input from other board committees and emphasize the financial implications of the committees’ recommendations to making a future impact of the Association on graduates, the University, and the community. Based on these efforts, a report should be issued on the financial health of the Association and recommendations for the future.


WHEREAS,Ms. Claire Donahue served as a student athlete on the Western Kentucky University Swim Team from 2007 thru 2011 and represented WKU with pride and distinction, and

WHEREAS,she will admirably represent her family, her alma mater, and her country at the 2012 Olympic Games, and

WHEREAS,her accomplishments in swimming throughout her high school and college careers demonstrate the talent and dedication she possesses to succeed, and

WHEREAS,she has served as a true role model for others and will be an active alumna of WKU in the future, and

WHEREAS,her love for WKU, belief in its mission, and special accomplishments are deserving of special recognition;


RESOLVED,that the Board of Directors of the Western Kentucky University Alumni Association on July 14, 2012, does hereby recognize Claire Donahue as an outstanding representative of Western Kentucky University.


RESOLVED,that this resolution be spread upon the minutes and that a copy thereof be presented to Ms. Donahue as an expression of our pride in her as we extend her best wishes for a successful journey in the 2012 Olympics.

Ordered at Bowling Green, Kentucky, this fourteenth day of July in the year of our Lord twothousand and twelve.


Dale Augenstein, PresidentDonald Smith, Executive Director

Board of Directors WKU Alumni Association


WHEREAS,Mr. Gavin Smellie served as a student athlete on the Western Kentucky University Track Team from 2008 thru 2010 and represented WKU with pride and distinction, and

WHEREAS,he will admirably represent his family, his alma mater, and his country (Canada) at the 2012 Olympic Games, and

WHEREAS,his accomplishments in track throughout his college career demonstrates the talent and dedication he possesses to succeed, and

WHEREAS,he has served as a true role model for others and will be an active alumni of WKU in the future, and

WHEREAS,his love for WKU, belief in its mission, and special accomplishments are deserving of special recognition;


RESOLVED,that the Board of Directors of the Western Kentucky University Alumni Association on July 14, 2012, does hereby recognize Gavin Smellie as an outstanding representative of Western Kentucky University.


RESOLVED,that this resolution be spread upon the minutes and that a copy thereof be presented to Mr. Smellie as an expression of our pride in him as we extend him best wishes for a successful journey in the 2012 Olympics.

Ordered at Bowling Green, Kentucky, this fourteenth day of July in the year of our Lord two thousand and twelve.


Dale Augenstein, PresidentDonald Smith, Executive Director

Board of Directors WKU Alumni Association


WHEREAS,Mr. RaigoToompu served as a student athlete on the Western Kentucky University Track Team from 2003 thru 2006 and represented WKU with pride and distinction, and

WHEREAS,he will admirably represent his family, his alma mater, and his country (Estonia) at the 2012 Olympic Games, and

WHEREAS,his accomplishments in track throughout his college career demonstrates the talent and dedication he possesses to succeed, and

WHEREAS,he has served as a true role model for others and will be an active alumni of WKU in the future, and

WHEREAS,his love for WKU, belief in its mission, and special accomplishments are deserving of special recognition;


RESOLVED,that the Board of Directors of the Western Kentucky University Alumni Association on July 14, 2012, does hereby recognize RaigoToompuu as an outstanding representative of Western Kentucky University.


RESOLVED,that this resolution be spread upon the minutes and that a copy thereof be presented to Mr.Toompuu as an expression of our pride in him as we extend him best wishes for a successful journey in the 2012 Olympics.

Ordered at Bowling Green, Kentucky, this fourteenth day of July in the year of our Lord two thousand and twelve.


Dale Augenstein, PresidentDonald Smith, Executive Director

Board of Directors WKU Alumni Association