Auditions for The Music Man, Jr. are scheduled for Tuesday, September 19th and Thursday, September 21st from 3:00-4:30 in the choir room. Any student attending ELMS can audition. No previous acting/singing/dancing experience is necessary. The Drama Club bulletin board is located in the music wing where I will post your child’s audition date and time. Depending on the volume of students auditioning, auditions may be split between the 2 dates. Please be prepared to come to either date. If your child must leave on the late bus, please indicate this on your form. Any student able to stay later than the late bus, may be scheduled as late as 4:30 and will need a parent pick up. Names of students asked to return for a call back will be posted Friday, September 22nd. Callbacks will take place on Monday, September 25th and Tuesday, September 26th. The cast list will be posted Thursday, September 28th. The first rehearsal will take place on Monday, October 2nd from 3:00-5:00.

Audition preparation :

1.  Go to the website www.Broadwayjr.com

a.  Click on the top of the webpage where it says Audition Materials.

b.  Scroll down and select a show – type in The Music Man, Jr.

c.  Scroll down to the list of characters

d.  Choose Harold Hill and click to the right column that says score.

e.  You will find the song “Seventy-Six Trombones”. Scroll to measure 60 and learn the first verse. I hope to post this on the ELMS Drama Page so you can practice with it. If you need to, you can go to Livestream on the ELMS webpage and sing along with the 5/6 April concert – it is the last piece in the concert at minute 31:27.

2.  Fill out The Music Man, Jr. Audition Questionnaire form.

3.  Bring in your Permission slip and Audition Questionnaire form to Mrs. Rigdon NO LATER than Friday, September 15th. The first slips in get their first choice of day/time.

4.  Go to Mrs. Rigdon’s webpage at the ELMS website. You will find the Drama Club page at Mrs. Rigdon’s homepage. Click on the link. You will find the sound file for 76 Trombones. Practice with this clip for your audition. (Is not yet posted)

5.  Bring the music to 76 Trombones to the actual audition. You will sing your audition privately in front of Mrs. Rigdon and Ms. Gunther.

6.  If you have any questions, email Mrs. Rigdon at .

If you are given a role in this show, expect to attend rehearsals on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays until 5:00pm during the months of October through January. The performances are scheduled for February 2nd, 3rd and 4th with a snow date of the following weekend, (February 9-11). Please check your schedule and calendar to make sure you have no conflicts with that entire week. Please do not audition if you cannot fulfill this commitment to the show and cast. Thank you and good luck!!

The Music Man Permission to Audition Slip

My child ______has permission to audition for The Music Man, Jr. We understand the commitment involved and are prepared to fulfill that if cast in the show. We will accept any part we are given in the show.

Parent Signature: ______

Parent Email Address: ______

Student Name: ______

Student Availability: indicate times when you could attend an audition. If you audition after 4:00, you will need to be picked up by a parent.

Tuesday, September 19th 3:00-4:30 ______

Thursday, September 21st 3:00-4:30 ______

Your child will be assigned a private audition – the date and time will be posted on the drama club bulletin board and will be sent home hard copy with your child or emailed at your request.

Date permission slip received:______