English IV-Outdoor Lit – Make-up Work

Ms. Krupa, 2016-2017

Week of January 30th, 2017

Monday, January 30th

--BELLWORK: Re-read the last two stanzas of “Spell of the Yukon” by Robert Service. Write 1 paragraph on what you think Service is trying to communicate. And, explain whether you think his use of figurative language, literary devices, and stanza construction effectively communicate his meaning to readers.

--READ: out loud or silent “The Call of the Wild”, “Lone Trail” and “Pines”

**focus on stanza construction, meter use, rhythm, rhyme, and their effects on the reader and the message being conveyed. Be prepared to discuss all three poems in class next day.

Tuesday, January 31st

--BELLWORK: Review the different ways Service rhymes and the different metrical lines he creates. Create one stanza of a poem about an outside environment in a method that mimics Service.

--REVIEW: poetic devices found in Service’s poems from online handout (on teacher page)

--READ: “The Shooting of Dan McGrew”

**assess for ballad qualities; write 1-paragraph on similarities and differences between this ballad and Service’s other poems

--WRITE: 1-paragraph on this prompt. What was Service trying to accomplish with this poem? His message? His purpose? Did the ballad format allow him to be effective with his message/purpose?

--HOMEWORK: read “The Cremation of Sam McGee”’ write 1-paragraph analysis on this poem. Pick one thing, and “break it apart” to talk about its’ relationship to the whole poem.

Wednesday, February 1st

--BELLWORK: Pre-write a list of events about something you experienced outside one time. Then, try to write a ballad-style poem about this event. Use Robert Service’s ballads as examples. Minimum 2 stanzas.

--HANDOUTS: Poetry Devices – 2 pts per example for notebook check

**Nature Writing Project – deadlines TBD (both on teacher page)

--READ: final two poems by Service “Remittance” and “High North”

--HOMEWORK: begin journal project – 2 journal entries by Friday

Thursday, February 2nd

--BELLWORK: To be used in journal or not, student choice: Review and reflect on your day so far. Has your environment impacted you in any way? Positively, negatively, no impact? Describe your environment today, and write about its’ impact on you.

--READ: poems from Writing from Landscape handout; seek poetic devices, and interpret meaning

**WRITE: 1-paragraph analysis of all the poems; find a word or phrase that you think this poem grouping “defines”. Use evidence to support this definition.

--HOMEWORK: Read “The Rediscovery of North America” excerpt by Barry Lopez; 2 journal entry minimum for Friday

Friday, February 3rd

--BELLWORK: Write a 1-paragraph reflection on what Barry Lopez’ message was in the excerpt of “Rediscovering America”. Based on your interpretation of his message, include your opinion on whether you agrees with his logic about America or not. State why or why not you agreed with him.

--DISCUSS: use SOAPS handout to analyze Lopez’ ideas

**WRITE: 1-2 sentences answering each of the S.O.A.P.S. acronym

--HOMEWORK: read “Nature” by Thoreau for Monday; chunk it

Week of February 6th, 2017

Monday, February 6th

--BELLWORK: To be used in journal or not, student choice: What does the phrase “a sense of place” mean to you? Write 1-paragraph reflecting on this phrase, and any concepts that come to you.

--HOMEWORK: finish Close Read (annotation) of through 2nd page of Barry Lopez piece.

Tuesday, February 7th

--BELLWORK: What do you think of Lopez’ depiction of Columbus’ “forceful” vision? Do you agree with his notion that our nation was founded on an economy of environmental exploitation? Why or why not? Two paragraphs…

--WRITE: 2 paragraphs analysis on any part of Lopez’ essay. One quote per paragraph.

--HOMEWORK: finish Close Read (annotation) of Barry Lopez piece.

Wednesday, February 8th

--BELLWORK: Read the first paragraph of Emerson’s “Nature” essay. Did you relate to the idyllic image Emerson portrays? Why do you think he begins his essay with this imagery? 1-paragraph.

--WRITE: 2 paragraphs analysis on any part of Lopez’ essay. One quote per paragraph.

--PREPARE: two questions or ideas to discuss about Emerson’s essay on Nature

--HOMEWORK: Read Emerson through first full paragraph on p.286

Thursday, February 9th

--BELLWORK: On p. 284, Emerson defines the “rich and royal” man. Who is this man? Why does Emerson portray the man this way? How does Emerson compare himself to this man? 1-paragraph.

--WRITE: in 2 paragraphs, answer this question: (p. 286) – How come the “beholders’ see difference between landscapes?

--HOMEWORK: Read Emerson’s Nature up through 1st paragraph of p. 290.

Friday, February 10th

--BELLWORK: On p. 290 (first full paragraph) – Does Emerson believe having the history of nature characterized in a human “brain” is good or bad? How do you know? 1-paragraph

--WRITE: in 2 paragraphs, answer this question: What does Emerson mean by “spiritual agents”? (p.296) Do you agree or disagree with this part of his definition of nature?

--HOMEWORK: finish reading Emerson’s “Nature” for Monday. First Journal entry (outdoor) due Tuesday!

Week of February 13th, 2017

Monday, February 13Th

--NATURE WALK: for last chance at writing a journal entry

Tuesday, February 14th

--DISCUSS: remaining pages of Emerson

Wednesday, February 15th

--READ: “More Harsh Environment” from NOLS participant

--WRITE: notes on NOLS and outdoor leadership

Thursday, February 16th

--WRITE: notes on Thoreau

--READ: Thoreau’s chapter 2 of “Nature” (Where I Lived and What I Lived For)

Friday, February 17th

--READ & DISCUSS: Thoreau’s chapter 2 of “Nature” (Where I Lived and What I Lived For)

--HOMEWORK: finish reading Thoreau’s chapter 2 of “Nature” (Where I Lived and What I Lived For)

Week of February 24th, 2017

Monday, February 20th


Tuesday, February 21st

--BELLWORK: Compare Emerson’s and Thoreau’s Transcendental ideology. Is it the same? Different? How?

--HOMEWORK: finish Thoreau’s Chapter 2, and pick one thing that intrigues you or interested you in the reading.

Wednesday, February 22nd


--HOMEWORK: Read “foreward” and “acknowledgements” in Norman MacLean’s A River Runs Through It

Thursday, February 23rd

--BELLWORK: 3-2-1 list – now that you’ve read Annie Proulx’s “foreward” and the author’s “acknowledgments” complete this list:

3) 3 things you now expect from the A River Runs Through It story

2) 2 unexpected things you learned from reading the “foreward” and “acknowledgements”

1) 1 personal experience in the outdoors you might write about some day.

--READ: background on Norman MacLean

--WATCH: Fly fishing basics videos 1)


--WRITE: List three things you know to be true about these topics in your notebook:

1) Family – relationships, responsibility, gender roles

2) Man vs. Nature

3) Montana

--HOMEWORK: For Monday – Read through pg. 25 of “River”.

Friday, February 24th

SKI TRIP!(No bellwork)

--WRITE: complete journal entry on ski trip assignment sheet. (on teacher page)

**If not at ski area, pick an area where Nature and man-made items are together (park, shooting range, empty lot, etc.)

--HOMEWORK: For Monday – Read through pg. 25 of “River”.

**Journals due Wednesday!

Week of February 27th, 2017

Monday, February 27th

--BELLWORK: Complete the list from Thursday – List “Three things you know to be true about”:

3) Addiction

4) Helping struggling loved ones

6) American Indians

--REVIEW: “Step One” Qs from “DR-TA” handout from BYU (

--HOMEWORK: finish vocabulary magic square handout (On Teacher Page)

Tuesday, February 28th

--BELLWORK: Based on our discussion about potential themes in A River Runs Through It, pick one theme from the list, and then pick out two quotes from the story that you think best represents one that theme.

1) Family – relationships, responsibility, gender roles

2) Man vs. Nature

3) Addiction

4) Helping struggling loved ones

5) Montana

6) American Indians

--REVIEW: Vocab handoutwill be graded in class; return to Ms. Krupa when you return to class (16 pts)

--HANDOUT: KWHL chart strategy as a class – get notes from a classmate when you return; work on first 3 columns of chart

--HOMEWORK: finish first 3 columns of KWHL chart, and be ready to do research in pairs or small groups tomorrow for 4th column.

Wednesday, March 1st

--WRITE: complete KWHL chart on Montana gambling

--HOMEWORK: in “L.G.L. Ideas for Research” brainstorm no more than 3 ideas for what you’ll want to “define” in your “definition essay”.

Thursday, March 2nd

Ms. Krupa out sick – Reading day (A River Runs Through It)

Friday, March 3rd

--DUSCUSS: Definition Essay & requirements

--HOMEWORK: Write up a “topic sheet” for definition essay; topic name, type of definition, 3 sources read in class, 3 potential sources outside of class

Week of March 6th, 2017

Monday, March 6th

--BELLWORK: Take a look at your concept or term for your definition essay. Create a brainstorm list or diagram exploring all the characteristics of your definition/term.

--HOMEWORK: One more revision on Topic with 3 Inside sources and 3 Outside possible sources for Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 7th

--BELLWORK: Write 1 paragraph on something unexpected that

you read about in the selection from A River Runs Through It. I

you didn’t find anything unexpected, list out the one part of the

story that struck you as interesting or beautiful, etc.

--DISCUSS: discuss how nature impacts the relationships between the characters in A River Runs Through It

--HOMEWORK: none

Wednesday, March 8th

--NO BELLWORK: library day

--HANDOUT: MLA research guidebooks

--REVIEW: Google folder in “drive”; click on “Shared with me”.

**Search for folder with your name on it, and that has last semester’s creative writing in it

**Search for doc titled “Definition Research/Essay Outline Template”; “Page 1” due Friday, “Page 2” due Monday next week

--HOMEWORK: Complete Page 1 of Essay Research Outline on Google.

Thursday, March 9th

--NO BELLWORK: library day (substitute – training day)

--HOMEWORK: Finish Research Outline (page 1) for tomorrow.

Friday, March 10th


--DISCUSS:Finish discussion from Tuesday

**Then discuss how nature impacts the relationships between the characters in A River Runs Through It

--HOMEWORK: “Essay Outline” (page 2) Draft 1 – Due Monday

Week of March 20th, 2017

Monday, March 20th


--WRITE: Create 3 separate docs in the Google folder for journal entries. Copy word-for-word your entries from your journal. Finish essay outline if needed.

--HOMEWORK: Finish all required Google docs (journal and outline)

Tuesday, March 21st


--WRITE: peer review and edit journal entries in class.

--HOMEWORK: At least ONE journal entry must be refined to begin desktop publishing tomorrow. Complete 3 peer reviews for 3 different classmates.

Wednesday, March 15th


--WATCH: Screencast on how to begin creating a chapbook using a paper mock-up and then Google Docs.

--HOMEWORK: Completed cover, and at least 1 page of chapbook; printed out

Thursday, March 16th


--WRITE: Continue building chapbook – finish all 3 pieces plus cover; if essay outline is finished, begin essay draft.

--HOMEWORK: Essays due Monday 4/3 after break. Next Journal TBD

Friday, March 17th


--WATCH: A River Runs Through It movie

--HOMEWORK: Definition essay draft due Monday 4/3