
Course Description: This course will provide an introduction to the accounting principles. Topics will include banking, credit, financial literacy, career exploration, spreadsheet usage, and technical writing. The accounting principles taught in this course are taught on a double-entry system and include preparing bank reconciliations, payroll taxes, and financial statements. Detailed career exploration in the various fields of accounting will be available. Leadership development will be provided through FBLA.

Teacher: Ms. Karlee Wilson email:

Room 118

270-628-3800 ext. 4118

Grading Policy:

Students are expected to participate in class in order to be successful. Grades are calculated on a point basis with daily work usually being worth 10 points and projects and tests worth 100. Students should be able to easily calculate their own grade at any time by keeping up with their assignment grades as they are returned to them.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be prepared – bring all items to class that will be needed including pencil, paper, notebook, and appropriate workbook.
  2. Be on time – the door is shut when the bell rings and anyone not in the room must present a tardy slip from the office.
  3. Be respectful – of one another, guests, the teacher, and the classroom.
  4. Leave the room better than it was when you came in – pick up trash, straighten chairs, & return any borrowed items.
  5. Students are responsible for getting work missed when absent. Missing work must be turned in within the number of days that the student missed. Excused absences don’t mean you don’t have to do the work!
  6. Academic dishonesty – students should not submit work that is not their own. Those doing so will receive zeros and have a parent conference. Also, students copying homework (cheating), etc for other classes will have it taken up and thrown away.
  7. Students are to follow the Acceptable Use Policy which must be signed by the student and parents before having computer access.
  8. NO Food or Drink allowed in class!
  9. Students are encouraged to stay in class. When a student needs to leave class for any reason, they must sign out and take the hall pass.

Reminder – all school policies will be enforced.

Academic Expectations:

Students will:

  1. Demonstrate financial calculations used by the business professional
  2. Research and analyze career opportunities in accounting and develop an employment portfolio (letter of application, resume, etc.)
  3. Examine the importance of work/business ethics
  4. Demonstrate employability and social skills relative to the career cluster
  5. Research Internet safety and e-commerce regulations
  6. Assess the characteristics of money and the government’s role in the economy
  7. Describe economic institutions such as banks and stock markets
  8. Identify banking procedures and apply correct accounting methods for all financial records
  9. Distinguish differences in business structures such as proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations
  10. Analyze and justify purpose for double-entry accounting
  11. Explain accounting terms and concepts: automated accounting, accounting cycle, accounting framework, and account classifications
  12. Apply math, communication, and accounting skills in preparing and analyzing business transactions and financial statements through ratio analysis, break-even, productivity, cost-benefit analysis, and time value of money
  13. Demonstrate the ability to create and analyze spreadsheets (payroll, budgets, etc.) using Excel
  14. Be able to calculate payroll earnings and payroll taxes including but not limited to FICA, Federal, FUTA, and SUTA
  15. Determine and complete the tax documents beginning with W-4 through 1040 EZ
  16. Develop an understanding of credit transactions including the laws that govern these functions
  17. Analyze business financial conditions through case studies
  18. Utilize activities of FBLA as an integral component of course content and leadership development

I have read the above syllabus and understand the expectations. I understand that if I have any questions or concerns I may email or call Ms. Wilson.

Student Name ______

Student Signature______

Parent Signature______

Parent E-mail or Phone# ______


I, ______, agree to abide by the following Code of Ethics in class. I understand that if I violate one or more of the following rules, I may be subject to disciplinary action:

  1. If someone accidentally or intentionally saves work to the hard drive or server, I will not copy it and claim it as my own work.
  1. I will not cause harm to the books, disks, the computers, the mouse, cabling, or any other computer equipment. I will not flip the computer on and off.
  1. I will not change any settings on the computer unless directed to do so.
  1. I will not interfere with anyone else’s computer or work. I will touch another person’s computer only with his/her permission and only to help, not harm his/her work.
  1. I will not claim someone else’s work as my own.
  1. I will not do work for someone else for him/her to claim as his/her own.
  1. I will not insert a disk or CD into a computer without permission of the instructor.
  1. I will not go into areas of the computer that I have not been assigned.


Code of Ethics –For Ms. Wilson’s Accounting Class

Please return this section with the signature of a parent or guardian.

Student Name ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian ______Date ______