
Courtesy of Elizabeth Warren, RVT

Abbreviation / Definition
a.c., AP / Before meals
a.d, AD / Right ear
a.s. AS / Left ear
a.u. AU / Both ears
amp. / Ampule
b.i.d. BID / Twice a day
c. w/ / With
cap. / Capsule
cc, / Cubic centimeter
disp. / Dispense
g. or gm. / Gram
gtt(s) / Drop(s)
h., hr / Hour
h.s. / At bedtime
IM / Intramuscular
IP / Intraperitoneal
IV / Intravenous
Lb. / Pound
m2 / Meter squared
mg / Milligram
ml / Milliliter
n.p.o., NPO / Nothing by mouth
o.d., OD / Right eye
o.s., OS / Left eye
o.u., OU / Both eyes
p.c. or p.p. / After meals
p.o., PO / By mouth
p.r.n., PRN / As needed
q. / Every
q.i.d., QID / Four times a day
q.o.d., QOD / Every other day
q.s. / A sufficient quantity
s.i.d., SID / Once a day
sig: / Directions to patient
Stat / Immediately
SubQ, SQ, SC, Subcut / Subcutaneous
susp. / Suspension
t.i.d., TID / Three times a day
Tab / Tablet
Tbsp. / Tablespoon (15 ml)
tsp. / Teaspoon (5 ml)
Ut. dict. / As directed


C-I. Extreme potential for abuse; no approved medicinal purpose in the United States; includes such drugs as heroin, LSD, and marijuana
C-II. High potential for abuse; use may lead to severe physical or psychological dependence; includes drugs such as opium, pentobarbital, and morphine
C-III. Some potential for abuse, but less than for C-II classification; use may lead to low to moderate physical dependence or high psychological dependence; includes Ketamine, Pentothal, and telazol
C-IV. Low potential for abuse; use may lead to limited physical and/or psychological dependence; includes drugs such as phenobarbital and diazepam
C-V. Under state and local regulations; low potential for abuse
*Veterinarians may not prescribe Schedule I drugs
** A veterinarian's DEA number must accompany all prescriptions for Scheduled drugs.
***Check with your DEA office for forms required, etc. Form 222 used for Schedule II drug ordering
****Controlled substances must be logged in the controlled substance log (Schedule II, III, IV, and V)


  1. Always check the label and NEVER give cloudy solutions intravenously (IV) unless specifically instructed by the veterinarian.
  2. Use of or exposure to more than one organophosphate (antiparasitic) at a time greatly increases the possibility oftoxicity. Signs of toxicity includesalivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, dyspnea, and emesis.
  3. Many antiparasitics are combination formulas with two or more ingredients.
  4. IV infusion reactions are often a result of infusing the drug too rapidly.

Trade Name(s) / Generic name / Class / Routes / Notes
DMSO / dimethyl sulfoxide / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / IV, topical / Teratogenic in some species. Wear gloves when applying.
Aspirin / acetylsalicylic acid / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / PO / Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic. Use with caution in cats. Enteric coating can prevent gastric irritation.
Banamine / flunixin meglumine / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / IV, IM, PO / May cause gastric ulceration, nephrotoxicity; keep patient hydrated
Butatron / phenylbutazone / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / PO / Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic.
Butazolidin / phenylbutazone / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / IV, PO *Do not administer injectable preparation IM or SQ / Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic.
Depo-Medrol / methylprednisolone / Glucocorticoid / IM, SC, PO / Intermediate-acting
Dexasone / dexamethasone / Corticosteroid / IV, IM, SC, PO / Long-acting
Equipalazone / phenylbutazone / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / PO / Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic.
Etogesic / etodolac / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / PO / Approved for dogs only
Feldene / piroxicam / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / PO / Use in cats is as an antineoplastic.
Glucosamine products / glucosamine / glycosaminoglycans / PO / Often combined with chondroitin, these agents are considered nutraceuticals, not drugs.
Ketofen / ketoprofen / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / IV, IM, SC, PO / Approved for horses only, may inhibit platelet aggregation and cause GI ulceration
Lodine / etodolac / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / PO / Approved for dogs only
Metacam / meloxicam / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / IV, SC, PO / Analgesic, antiinflammatory, and antipyretic, Therapeutic Index is narrow in cats.
Naprosyn / naproxen / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / PO / Analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
Ocufen / flurbiprofen / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / topical / Opthalmic antiinflammatory.
Rimadyl / carprofen / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / IV, IM, SC, PO / Labrador Retrievers may be more prone to severe side effects.
Tofedine / Tolfenamic acid / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / IM, SC, PO / Approved and available in Canada and Europe for dogs and cats
Tylenol / acetaminophen / NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) / PO / Analgesic. Do not use in cats; causes methemoglobinemia and liver damage.
Ultram / Tramadol / Centrally acting analgesic with serotonin reuptake inhibition / PO / Mode of action similar to narcotic anagesics.
Trade Name(s) / Generic name / Routes / Notes
Capoten / captopril / PO / Use cautiously in animals with renal disease.
Enacard / enalapril / IV, PO / Give on an empty stomach.
Lotensin / Benazepril / PO
Prinivil, Zestril / Lisinopril / PO / Can be given once daily.
Vasotec / enalapril / IV, PO / Give on an empty stomach.
Trade Name(s) / Generic name / Routes / Notes
Procan / procainamide / IV, IM, PO / Use with caution with other antiarrhythmics.
Pronestyl / procainamide / IV, IM, PO / Use with caution with other antiarrhythmics.
Quinidex / quinidine / IV, IM, PO / Use with caution with other antiarrhythmics.
Xylocaine / lidocaine / IV / Do not use lidocaine with epinephrine preparations for IV solutions.
Trade Name(s) / Generic name / Class / Routes / Notes
Albon / sulfadimethoxine / sulfonamide / IV, IM, SC, PO / Sulfas are coccidiostatic.
Amcill / ampicillin / Penicillin / IV (slow), IM, PO / Do not give orally to rabbits
Amiglyde-V / amikacin / aminoglycoside / IV / Keep animal well hydrated. Possible nephrotoxic, ototoxic effects
Amoxicillin / amoxicillin / Penicillin / IV, IM, SC, PO / Give with food if GI upset occurs
Ancef / cefazolin / Cephalosporin / IV (slow), IM, SC / First-generation cephalosporin, do not use in patients with allergy to penicillin
Antirobe / clindamycin / lincosamide/macrolide / IM (stings), SC, PO / Do not administer to rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, and horses
Baytril / enrofloxacin / Quinolone / IM, PO / Veterinary drug. Similar to ciprofloxacin with better bioavailability in animals. Avoid use in renal failure patients, should not be used in growing animals due to risk of damage to cartilage
Biomox / amoxicillin / Penicillin / IV, IM, SC, PO / Give with food if GI upset occurs
Biosol / neomycin / neomycin / IV, IM, SC, PO, topical / Not absorbed well systemically Highly nephrotoxic when given parenterally
Cefa-tabs / cefadroxil / Cephalosporin / PO / First-generation cephalosporin, do not use in patients with allergy to penicillin
Cefotetan / Cefotetan / Cephalosporin / SC, IV / Second generation
Cipro / ciprofloxacin / Quinolone / IV, IM, SC, PO / Rarely used in vet med. Used in avian med, should not be used in growing animals due to risk of damage to cartilage
Claforan / Cefotaxime / Cephalosporin / IV, IM, SC / Third generation
Clavamox / amoxicillin with clavulanic acid / Penicillin / PO / An alternative for bacteria that have developed resistance to amoxicillin
Crystacillin / penicillin G / Penicillin / IV, IM, SC, PO / Route of administration depends on drug form (potassium, procaine, benzathine, etc)
Crystiben / penicillin G / Penicillin / IV, IM, SC, PO / Route of administration depends on drug form (potassium, procaine, benzathine, etc)
Dicural / difloxacin / Quinolone / PO / Veterinary drug. Approved for use in dogs, may cause GI upset in cats, should not be used in growing animals due to risk of damage to cartilage
Di-Trim / sulfadiazine & trimethoprim / Sulfonamide / IV, SC, PO / Can precipitate in the kidneys of dehydrated animals. Can cause keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS)
Doxy 100 / doxycycline / Tetracycline / IV, PO / Tetracyclines may cause tooth discoloration in prenatal and neonatal animals
Dual-Pen / penicillin G / Penicillin / IV (not recommended) , IM, SC, PO / Route of administration depends on drug form (potassium, procaine, benzathine, etc)
Duricol / chloramphenicol / Chloramphenicol / IV, IM, SC, PO / Penetrates CNS. May cause aplastic anemia in humans. Do not give to food animals.
Erythro-100, 200 / erythromycin / Lincosamide/macrolides / IV (slow), IM (stings) PO / Enters prostate, but not CNS
Flo-cillin / penicillin G / Penicillin / IV, IM, SC, PO / Route of administration depends on drug form (potassium, procaine, benzathine, etc)
Garacin / gentocin / gentamicin / IV, IM (stings), SC (stings), PO / Keep animal well hydrated nephrotoxic, ototoxic, neurotoxic effects
Geopen / carbenicillin / Penicillin / IV, IM, PO, intratracheal (birds), aerosol / Penicillin of choice for exotics.
Pen Vee K / penicillin VK / Penicillin / PO / Most widely used penicillin for oral administration
Keflex / cephalexin / Cephalosporin / PO / First-generation cephalospori, do not use in patients with allergy to penicillin
Kefzol / cefazolin / Cephalosporin / IV (slow), IM, SC / First-generation cephalospori, do not use in patients with allergy to penicillin
Lincocin / lincomycin / Lincosamide/macrolides / IV, IM, PO / Clindamycin is usually chosen over lincomycin because it is more bioavailable and less toxic.
Mefoxin / cefoxitin / Cephalosporin / IV, IM, SC / Second-generation cephalosporin. Should not be used in patients with known allergy to penicillin, do not use in patients with allergy to penicillin
Naxcel / ceftiofur / Cephalosporin / IM / Third-generation cephalosporin. Do not use if precipitate forms that does not dissipate with warming, do not use in patients with allergy to penicillin
Orbax / orbifloxacin / Quinolone / PO / Veterinary drug, should not be used in growing animals due to risk of damage to cartilage
Oxytet / oxytetracycline / Tetracycline / IV, IM, PO / Tetracyclines may cause tooth discoloration in prenatal and neonatal animals
Panmycin / tetracycline / Tetracycline / IV (slow), IM, PO / Tetracyclines may cause tooth discoloration in prenatal and neonatal animals
Polyflex / ampicillin / Penicillin / IV (slow), IM, PO / Do not give orally to rabbits
Primaxin / imipramine HCL
imipramine pamoate / Miscellaneous / IV, IM / May be useful for serious infections when other antibotics have failed. Must be given parenterally. Chloramphenicol may antagonize. Read insert for potential adverse effects and contraindications
Pyopen / carbenicillin / Penicillin / IV, IM, PO, intratracheal (birds), aerosol / Penicillin of choice for exotics.
Suprax / Cefixime / Cephalosporin / PO / One of the only third generation cephalosporins that can be given orally
Terramycin / oxytetracycline / Tetracycline / IV, IM, PO / Tetracyclines may cause tooth discoloration in prenatal and neonatal animals
Ticar / ticarcillin / Penicillin / IV, IM, SC / Injectable penicillin often used in combination with aminoglycosides; they should not be mixed in the same syringe
Ticillin / ticarcillin / Penicillin / IV, IM, SC / Injectable penicillin often used in combination with aminoglycosides; they should not be mixed in the same syringe
Tribrissen / sulfadiazine/ trimethoprim / Sulfonamide / IV, SC, PO / Can precipitate in the kidneys of dehydrated animals. Can cause keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS)
Tylan Soluble Powder / tylosin / Lincosamide/macrolides / IM, PO (in food) / Powder form may be used for management of chronic colitis
V-Cillin-K / penicillin VK / Penicillin / PO / Best penicillin for oral administration
Vibramycin / doxycycline / Tetracycline / IV, PO / Tetracyclines may cause tooth discoloration in prenatal and neonatal animals
Zeniquin / marbofloxacin / Quinolone / PO / Newest veterinary-approved flouroquinolone, should not be used in growing animals due to risk of damage to cartilage
Zithromax / Azithromycin / azalide / PO / Similar to macrolides. Long half-life in tissue
Trade Name(s) / Generic name / Routes / Notes
Atropine Sulfate / atropine / IV, IM, SC / Used for cardiac support, may be used in emergency
Robinul-V / glycopyrrolate / IV, IM, SC / Used for cardiac support. Not suitable for emergency use.
Trade Name(s) / Generic name / Routes / Notes
-bromide / bromides (potassium, sodium) / PO / Used as an adjunct in management of idiopathic epilepsy.
Diazepam / diazepam / IV, rectal / Used to control seizures in progress.
Luminal / phenobarbital / IV (slow), IM, PO / Usual first drug of choice for idiopathic epilepsy. May be used for status seizure.
Nembutal / pentobarbital / IV / Used in status epilepticus.
Trade Name(s) / Generic name / Routes / Notes
Methylene blue / methylene blue / PO? / acetaminophen toxicity
Antisedan / atipamezole / IV / reversal of medetomidine (Domitor)
Antizol-Vet / fomepizole (4-MP) / IV / ethylene glycol toxicity