Name:______Test Date:______

10th American History-A Study Guide: Imperialism

American Imperialism Test (70 points)

Section 1: Use your vocabulary to complete the following:

1.  Imperialism

2.  Dollar Diplomacy

3.  Corollary

4.  Isolationism

5.  Open Door Policy

6.  Reconcentration

7.  Liliuokalani

8.  Protectorate

9.  Sphere of Influence

10. Yellow Journalism

Section 2: Look for the following answers using the BOLDED note sheet titles.

Manifest Destiny Notes

·  What was the purpose of Manifest Destiny?

·  List ONE example of a political, social, and economic reason behind Manifest Destiny.

·  SHORT ANSWER: What are three PROS and CONS of imperialism?

Eyes on the Pacific Notes

·  Which country sold Alaska to the United States?

·  Why was this purchase important for the US?

·  Which country did the US & Germany fight for in the Pacific?

·  How did the United States want to use Hawaii for its benefit?

·  Which two countries tried to control all of China’s land & trading?

·  SHORT ANSWER: What happened during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900?

·  What did Japan do for 250 years?

·  What did Matthew C. Perry ask Japan when he sailed into the Bay of Tokyo?

The Spanish American War Notes

·  What were the conditions in Cuba to make them rebel against Spain?

·  Why did the United States want to help Cuba?

·  Which major event occurred when the United States began fighting in 1898?

·  Who led the United States to victory while fighting Spain in Cuba? What were his cavalry called?

·  Other than Cuban independence, what was the most important GAIN for the US after the Spanish-American War?

·  SHORT ANSWER: What was the Platt Amendment? (three parts)

Panama Canal Notes

·  How did the United States gain the right to build the Panama Canal?

·  What was the major challenge of building the Panama Canal?

“Big Stick” Policy in Latin America Notes

·  SHORT ANSWER: How were the Roosevelt Corollary & Dollar Diplomacy different? (2 reasons)

Map Section: Use your notes or textbook to complete this section.

Find: Alaska, Japan, China, Hawaii, & Panama Canal