TEL:- 01274 638353 FAX:- 01274 772899

16th February 2016

Dear patient,

The practice is participating in a ground-breaking NHS funded project that we hope will improve the lives of many people who take medications for one or more long term conditions. We know it can be easy to forget to take medication and we want to make this easier and more convenient for our patients. The project aims to use mobile phone technology that will help people remember to take their medication.

We would like to invite a select group of patients to participate in the next phase of this project. Your role will be to download the Meds Companion app onto your phone and give us feedback whilst using it over a two month period.

If you’d like to participate, and can commit to two evening workshops then please get in touch. The first workshop will take place on March 16,7.00pm-8.30pm and the second workshop will take place on May 4, 7.00pm-8.30pm.

Both workshops will take place at Pegasus House, 90 Otley Road, Shipley, BC18 3SA (next door to Laura Ashley). Refreshments will be provided and travel expenses reimbursed. Please find the enclosed leaflet which gives you some more information about the project.

If you have any further questions or would like to participate in these workshops please contact Zoe on 07572037937 or email to register your interest. We look forward to hearing from you.

If you are unable to participate then thank you for taking the time to read this letter and there is nothing further to do.

Yours sincerely

Mrs. R. Thompson (practice manager)

Rockwell and Wrose Medical Practice

Meds Companion Project - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Meds Companion project?

-a groundbreaking NHS funded project that we hope will improve the lives of many people who take medication for one or more long term conditions. The project aims to develop a smart phone mobile app that will help people remember to take their medication.

Who can get involved?

-We are looking for participants with either Type 2 diabetes or Hypertension who have a smartphone which they use to access the Internet.

How does it work?

-We will run 2 workshops over the next few months. Each workshop will last two hours.

-At the workshops we will ask you to help us design the look and feel and functions of a mobile app to help people remember their medication.

-The workshops will have around 15-20 people and will be informal, friendly and fun.

What do I need to know about the workshops?

-The workshops will take place at Pegasus House, 90 Otley Road, Shipley, BC18 3SA (next door to Laura Ashley) at 6.30-8.30pm on a weekday evening.

-The next workshop is planned for March 16,7.00pm-8.30pm and the second workshop will take place on May 4, 7.00pm-8.30pm.

Will you cover my expenses?

-We can pay out of pocket expenses to cover costs such as bus fares and mileage.

Will we get refreshments?

-We will provide food and drink to keep you well fuelled at each workshop

Will my involvement affect my care?

-Your involvement is entirely voluntary and will not affect your care in any way.

What happens at the end of the project?

-At the end of the six months we hope to have a prototype app that we have designed with your help that we can then test with up to 200 people living in the Bradford area.

Who is developing the mobile app?

-The mobile app is being developed by a local company based in Salts Mill called Advanced Digital Institute, with funding from NHS England and in partnership with GP practices and pharmacists in the Bradford district.

I’d like to find out more about what’s involved

-If you would like to find out more about the project, or if you have any questions, we’d be delighted to hear from you.

-You can ring Zoe on 07572037937 or email

I’d like to participate

-If you’d like to participate, please ring Zoe on 07572037937 or email