9.00amMusic Group and PA People arrive

9.30amPutting Out the Chairs required each Sunday while hosting the homeless project

10.30amFamily Communion Service

LeadRuth Chamberlain

Communion and Stewart Taylor

PreachTom Buchanan - The tingle factor!

•I Samuel 3:1-10(11-20) (p.261) •Psalm 139:1-6(13-18) (p.599)

•I Corinthians 6:12-20 (p.1083) •John 1:43-51 (p.1005)

Children’sGroupsHeather, Olga, Michael, Barbara, Chris, Eleanor

Prayer MinistryRoy Bradfield and Andy MacLellan

FlowersCyril Stannard (brother)

MusicMartin’s Group

7.00pmSoulfoodLed by Andy MacLellan and Stewart Taylor

Come and have soup and bread, listen and reflect

A time to talk over the mornings Bible readings

14th January / 21st January / 28th January
Welcome / Michael, Barbara Priestley / Stella O’Keefe, Derek Rawlings / Alistair and Jacob Barry
Duty Warden / Robin Nelson / Alan Syrop / Robin Nelson
Registrar / Polly Macartney / Anke Friedrich / Andrew Hewitt
Projector / David Brown, Tor Beardwell / Philip Lawes, Linus Wustennberg / Roy Bradfield. Leo Brown
pa / Andy MacLellan / Roy Bradfield / Tatiana Santos
Drinks / Paula Block, Eleanor Gray / Sibylle Hutter, Angela Gaillard / Linda and Andrew Stannard
Flowers / Cyril Stannard (brother) / Eleanor Gray (Granny B) / Sue Sutty

Listen to the morning’s sermon if you have missed, or wish to hear again, go to our website

“Worshipping Together, “Discovery & fellowship”, “Sermons” and choose sermon

St. Philip’s Church Centre, 185 Mill Road, CambridgeCB1 3AN (01223) 414775

Office Hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8.30am-4.30pmEmail

Facebook St. Philip’s Church Centre Twitter StPhilipsChurch@SPC_CambridgeRegistered Charity Number: 1142474

St. Philip’s 2020 Vision : Transformed Lives

With God’s help St. Philip’s Church will be

Bursting at the seams Fulfilling our potential

A connected community Transforming people’s lives


A Blessed New Year to all

7th January 2018

1st Sunday after Epiphany

8.00amEarly communion Led by Stewart Taylor and Catherine Ievins (DW: Alistair Barry)

9.00amMusic Group and PA People arrive

9.30amPutting Out the Chairs required each Sunday while hosting the homeless project

10.30amFamily Service

LeadStewart Taylor

PreachIsaiah Atwiine, Ordinand “A community of the baptised”

•Psalm 29 •Acts 19:1-7 (p.1053) •Mark 1:4-11 (p.947)

Children - Phil’s PheastHolly and Celia Phipps

Prayer MinistryMargaret Rawlings and Stella O’Keefe

FlowersKen Sparkes (Audrey’s birthday)

MusicMargaret’s Group

Welcome: Jean Pierson, Christina Beardwell DW: David Brown Registrar: Ken Sparkes

Projector: Roy Bradfied, Callum Brown PA: Chris Fuller Drinks: 24/7

**Thanks to Stella who has taken down most of the Christmas decorations there are the candles and holders still to do–please help after the service**

**Please check the Lounge table for uncollected Christmas cards or presents**

7.00pmVision Prayer Gathering

ANew Year prayer time - open to all - as we consider the year ahead

Please do stay after the service for tea and coffee and to chat and meet others

Children and Youth have their own group programme in the upstairs rooms starting half way through the service. There are 4 groups arranged by the school Key Stage 1, 2, 3, age ranges

Communion is for all, you can receive either kneeling or standing - at the front rails or at the back. Let your server know if you want gluten-free wafers or non-alcoholic wine at the front rails

You may have a prayer of blessing by keeping hands to your side.

Offerings can be put in the collection plate on the wooden table by the back row of seats which is taken up to the Lord’s Table during the service. All gifts are very gratefully received. Please read the leaflet on Giving to consider how you can support our work, in Christ’s Name, at St. Philip’s. We pray our giving is touched by the Lord’s generous grace

Prayer Ministry There is opportunity for prayer after the service in the front Chancel area, which is now designated as a child-free quiet space. Come forward for prayer or to talk about anything

The Crèche is available for parents, with audio links to the service

Photos may sometimes be taken for publicity, let the photographer know if you do not want this

Events and Notices

Welcome back to all who have had a time out

CORNERSTONE CAFÉopenstomorrow. Do use this facility to meet up with friends -recommend it to others too!

CHAIRS Please help put chairs out on Sundays before the service from 9.30am

LOOKOUT DELIVERERS – Thank you for all who help with this. We require new persons for part of Catharine Street, Hobart Road, Malta Road, Marmora Road for next time. Please leave a note or email the Office if you can help out

Next Easter Edition: articles by 18th February

SMALL GROUPS Come to one in the new year. There is space in our groups that meet regularly for fellowship, prayer and to share God's Word. See lounge for dates, locations, contacts, etc.

The PCCwere looking at the budgetfor next year, and our expenditure will far outweigh our expected income. We will be looking at this and pray for God to move among us in extra generous giving and increased income from sources such as Centre hire and Café use in the New Year

Take out HOME INSURANCE with Ecclesiastical they’ll give £130 to our Church. See notice board

worship nights

This Monday 7.30pm Church Centre

A new worship community on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month,to cater especially for those on the autistic spectrum and with additional needs. All are welcome


This Wednesday 6.00pm Lounge

Enjoy company, food, music, reflection, chat, music. Have a word with Lindsey to help out


This Friday 1.00 pm Lounge

Enjoy tea, toast and chat about life and faith; Friendly atmosphere, with games and activities

Induction of new Baptist Pastor

This Saturday 2.00pm


Special service to welcome Rev Gilson Gwendu

RomseyChurch members invited

Children AND Youth helpers AND leaders

Monday 22nd January evening

First opportunity with Daleen: to pray, evaluate, and seek God's will for our children and young people. She would like everyone there

Street Prayer and Visiting

Saturday 27th January meet in Prayer Room

2517 doors knocked, 1121 doors opened

Tips given and you won’t be alone!

Keep praying for people in your street


Wednesday 14th February 2.00pm

Jean Pierson’s House, 142 Brampton Road

Ash Wednesday Communion

Understanding islam

Saturday 24thFebruary morning

A morning seminar group on to help us understand better Note the date

leaders together

Sunday 25th February 5.00pm

for all who help and lead our various groups

Church members QUIET DAY

Friday 9th March 10am – 4pm

Bishop Woodford House, Ely

Tom Buchanan leading. Details to follow


22nd - 24th June

We’d love everyone to come to the lovely Belsey Bridge Conference Centre to help build our community in Christ. This is a special biannual time away to build up our church; it is a time for all ages and families. Your presence is important so the PCC underwrites the cost, even though we hope most will be able to contribute to the costs.

We look forward to having Bob and Jackie Payne with us. Bob spent time in industry and teaching physics before being ordained in 1979. He has ministered in several parishes and was also Warden of Lee Abbey - an Internationalcommunity and conference centre for 8 years. He is married to Jackie and they have four daughters and ten grandchildren. Bob and Jackie love to encourage others in their faith and walk with God – “we look forward very much to being with you for this weekend”

Acts 19:1-6
…… there he (Paul) found some disciples and asked them “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” They answered “No we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” So, Paul asked “then what baptism did you receive?” “John’s baptism” they replied. Paul said “John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance; he told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.” On hearing this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. When Paul placed his hands on them the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues and prophesied
Grace Sanders, and Keith, Olga, Yeva and Larissa Sands and their family Neil and Katherine Summers are delighted to announce the arrival of Baby Summers on Thursday(6lb 14oz); mum and baby (yet to be named) both doing well Dick Buck, Mike and Charlotte Griffiths, Shirlynn and Graham Knighton, Doreen Jackson (Geoff died 30th December – funeral at 12noon on the 15th January at St. Philip’s), Sue Guist, Henk and Angela van der Molen (Henk hopefully having an operation mid-January), Nathaniel New Molly Clark preparing for her imminent travel to South Africa withTearfund Students back at schooland college
7.00amEarly Morning Prayers(Prayer Room)
9.15amMorning Prayer and Staff Meeting(Prayer Room)
7.30pmMonday Worship Nights (Church Centre) Worship for all especially those with disabilities
7.45pmCafe Steering Committee(Church Centre)
9.15amMorning Prayers(Prayer Room)
10.00amCraft Café (Café) an opportunity to enjoy creativity and chat
1.00pmTuesday Talks (Lounge) recommences next Tuesday
7.00pmAlpha Course: How can I resist evil? (Lounge)
7.00pmBring and Share (HowardRoom)
9.15amMorning Prayer(Prayer room)
10.00amTots’ Time (Lounge) recommences next Tuesday
6.00pmPhil’s People (Lounge)
For the Trustees of Romsey Mill(Tim Phippswho chairs), Church Schools Trust(Andy MacLellan on Exec committee), Hope Cambridge(Stewart who chairs), Money Advice Centre(Roy Bradfield), and St. Philip’s School(Interim Executive Board as they reflect over becoming an Academy)
10.30amFriday Friends (Lounge)
1.00pmTaste and See (Lounge)
Every night until the end of March a Church or synagogue is manned - over 300 people on rotas to provide a hot supper and a safe and warm place for up to 15 homeless guests. We host here on Saturday nights. Thank God for all the volunteers
8.00amPrayer Breakfast (Prayer Room)
2.00pmInduction of New Baptist Pastor (MillRoadBaptistChurch) All welcome
We pray weeklyfor the residents in the Parish this week St. Philip’s Road and Sedgwick Street that they will be drawn to know and worship God