East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

Department of Reading

REED 526

Organizing, Implementing, and Evaluating School Reading Programs

Fall, 2012 Dr. Mary Beth Allen

Email through D2L

cell phone – 518-424-7752 (use text if you need to contact me during class time)

Catalog Description:

This course defines the various reading specializations, the duties and responsibilities of the Reading Specialist, and provides students an opportunity to develop and administer reading programs suitable for specific school situations.

Purpose and Prerequisites:

This course examines the influences of national, state, and local factors on reading program and the role of the reading specialist in the organization, implementation, and evaluation of school reading programs.

Prerequisites include: Graduate standing and an introductory course in reading methods or one of the following: REED 522, 523, 527.

IRA Standards for Reading Professionals:

Standard 1 – Foundational Knowledge

Standard 2 – Curriculum and Instruction

Standard 3 – Assessment and Evaluation

Standard 4 – Diversity

Standard 5 –Literate Environment

Standard 6 – Professional Learning and Leadership

Master Educator Outcomes:

Candidates in the East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania Graduate Reading Program will:

  1. employ the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for diverse learners.
  2. articulate, apply and adapt theoretical constructs of learning and development, assessment and effective instruction.
  3. implement a cycle of quantitative and qualitative research that leads to improved student achievement.
  4. model critical and creative thinking skills in all areas of his or her professional life.
  5. employ effective verbal, nonverbal, and technological communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and guided interaction in a positive learning environment.
  6. perform as a reflective and ethical practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on others (students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community).
  7. engage in professional growth and serve as an advocate for the profession.
  8. take a leadership role in developing partnerships and collaborative relationships with colleagues, parents and agencies in the larger community.

Student Learning Outcomes:

The outcomes of this course support the development of the International Reading Association (IRA) Standards for Reading Professionals and Master Educator Outcomes and are indicated in parentheses following each outcome.

In this course, students will demonstrate:

  1. An understanding of the influences, issues, elements and procedures essential to the development of a school’s reading (literacy) program. (IRA Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) (MEO 1, 2)
  2. The ability to investigate, draw conclusions, and report concisely the findings on a topic related to the development of a reading (literacy) program. (IRA Standards 2, 3, 6) (MEO 2, 6, 7)
  3. The ability to plan, analyze and evaluate a reading (literacy) program linking curriculum, appropriate instruction, and authentic assessment. (IRA Standards 2, 3, 5, 6) (MEO 4, 5, 7)
  4. The ability to reflect on knowledge and understanding of literacy and set goals for future learning and development. (IRA Standard 6) (MEO 6, 7)

Learning Experiences and Assessments:

The requirements of this course are designed to enable students to demonstrate the Course Outcomes as described above. Students in REED 526, Development of the School Reading Program, are expected to:

  1. Read all of the assigned materials distributed by the instructor.
  2. Attend all classes and participate in all class and small group discussions and activities. Respond to all written discussion prompts by each due date.

Attendance Policy: Excessive lateness and/or absences will result in a lower grade for the course. More than one absence will be considered excessive.

  1. Complete a Field Experience interview and reflection by interviewing a literacy leader in your school or district. Complete Activities 1 and 2, using the questions and ideas from page 14 and 15 in the Bean (2010) text. Make sure to focus on assessment, instruction, and leadership, gathering information from the interview with the literacy leader and a reflection about your own strengths and needs. (IRA Standards 2, 3, 5, 6) (MEO 2, 5)
  2. Curriculum Analysis - choose a 6-8 week timeframe from within your literacy curriculum or series. For each week, map out the essential question, the key content and skills, the activities/resources, and the Common Core Standards that are explicitly addressed. Analyze the map to determine strengths and weaknesses in what is taught and how it is taught. Write a 2 page summary of your analysis, including suggesting for supplementing the curriculum. Create a list of resources to supplement gaps in the program or curriculum. (IRA Standards 2, 3, 4, 5) (MEO 1, 2, 6)
  3. Professional Development Resource, Planning, and Demonstration Project –

Part I – Professional Development Study Groups - In a small group, research information related to theory and practice for your topic. Create a 10-15 slidepowerpoint presentation that:

Summarizes the key content and ideas for your topic

Includes a minimum of 4 current (2008 or newer) articles and 4 quality websites that supports the information for your topic. Be prepared to post your presentation, and lead a 20-30 minute discussion related to information presented. Reflect on the content, process, and presentation and submit insights in a written report (1-2 pages) to the instructor. (IRA Standards 2, 6) (MEO 1, 2, 7)

Part II – Personal Professional Development Plan – Use information from readings and study groups to create a 1-2-year professional development plan that relates directly to student achievement. See project description for specifics.(IRA Standards 2, 5, 6) (MEO 1, 4, 7)


Your grade in the course will be based on your class participation and the quality of work throughout the course. When appropriate, scoring rubrics will be used to evaluate your work and final course reflection.

Attendance and Participation20

Field experience paper15

Curriculum Mapping25

Professional Development – Part I

Formal “Staff Development” Presentation20

Professional Development – Part II

Personal Professional Development Plan20

TOTAL = 100

92 – 100A

83 – 91 B

74 – 82C

(It is the policy of the East Stroudsburg University Graduate School that a grade of “D” or “E” carries no degree program credit.)


Bean, R. M. (2009). The reading specialist, 2nd edition. NY: Guilford Press.

Articles posted on D2L

Tentative Weekly Schedule:

August 29Introduction

Identifying Programmatic Needs

Today’s Students

September 5PDK Survey – Public Perception of Education

The role of the reading specialist

IRA Standards for Reading Professionals

Bean - Chapters 1 and 2

Read article for Standard 1 – Foundational Knowledge

September 12Field Experience Paper due – share findings

Establishing Goals and Outcomes – National Guidelines

No Child Left Behind/Blueprint for Reform

NCTE/IRA Standards for the English Language Arts

National Assessment of Educational Progress Reports

Common Core Standards

Read assigned article on national influences

September 19Establishing Goals and Outcomes – State Guidelines

PA System of School Assessments

Pennsylvania’s Academic Standards for Reading, Writing,

Speaking & Listening

PA Literacy Framework

School District Assessments

Evaluating students and schools

Bean Chapter 9

Read assigned article on Standard 3 - Assessment

September 26Planning and Implementing Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum Mapping

Direct Instruction

Selection of Instructional Materials

Bean Chapter 3

Read assigned article on Standard 2 – Curriculum and


October 3Planning and Implementing Curriculum and Instruction (continued)

Bean Chapter 8

Read assigned article for Standard 5 – Literate


October 10Professional Development

National and State Certification

Professional Literacy Organizations

Individual Professional Development Plans

Bean Chapter 12

October 17Planning and Implementing Staff Development

Identifying school or district staff development needs

Characteristics of effective staff development

Options for staff development

Evaluation of staff development

Bean Chapters 4 and 5

Read assigned article on Standard 6 – Professional Learning

and Leadership

October 24Literacy Coaching

Bean Chapters 6 and 7

October 31No class meeting – work on Professional Development


Curriculum Analysis due

November 7Program Support and Extension for Diverse Learners

Support for Struggling Readers

Working with English Learners

Title I

Tutoring Programs

Response to Intervention/Early Intervention

Parent Involvement

Read assigned article for Standard 4 - Diversity

Bean Chapter 10

November 142 Group Presentations and Discussion-Reading Standards for Literature – K-5; 6-12

Individual Professional Development Plans due

November 282 Group Presentations and Discussion-Reading Standards for

Informational Texts – K-5; 6-12

Final Portfolios due

December 52 Group Presentations and Discussion –Writing Standards–K-5;


December 12Course Evaluation

Wrap up/Summary

REED 526

Development of the School Reading Program

Curriculum Analysis

1. Read your district’s Language Arts Curriculum (K-12), your reading series scope and sequence, Common Core Standards, and the Assessment Anchors. Consider the following:

What must you teach? What are the common core standards you must address?

How can you assess those standards? Are there enough activities and experiences to assist student in meeting those standards?

How can you supplement your instruction to include instruction and assessment for all of the standards?

2. Create a chart to map out your reading program for 6-8 weeks. You are attempting to organize what you are required to teach – how you assess that, and how it connects to the Common Core State Standards. This will help you identify strengths and gaps in your reading program.

Use the Individual Map Template as your structure – map out standards for Reading – Literature, Reading-Informational Text, and Writing

3. Analyze the data on your curriculum map and write a 1-2 page reflection that discusses strengths and weaknesses of your district’s reading series and/or curriculum. Choose 2-3 standards that are not well represented in the instruction within your reading program. Create a list of experiences, resources, and activities that you can use to supplement instruction and address the anchor.

REED 526

Development of the School Reading Program

Professional Development Resource, Planning, and

Demonstration Project Assignment Sheet

The Professional Development Resource, Planning, and Demonstration Projecthas two components: 1) study group investigations of current literacy topics, which include the development, presentation, and evaluation of collaborative professional development sessions; and 2) development of a personal two year professional development plan. Appropriate dispositions related to reading and the teaching of reading should be displayed throughout this project.

Part One: Formal Staff Development Presentation (20 % of grade)

1)Choose one of the Sections from the Common Core Standards.

2)With your partner(s), review a variety of current articles and information related to the selected topic. Use a minimum of five professional and scholarly journal articles, from the past 5 years) as well as several current and reputable websites and other sources, should be used.

3)Create a powerpoint presentation that summarizes the key information from your investigation. Include articles, weblinks, videos, and any other pertinent, helpful information. Create a bibliography of sources utilized in your research. Your presentation should include the research base and practical teaching ideas to support some of the standards.

4)Use a variety of quality resources and technology to collaboratively create and professional development session on your topic. The session will include an interactive powerpoint with research and practical information, and discussion questions. You will lead a 30 minute discussion in a small group.

5)Provide quality feedback as you observe, participate in, and evaluate in each group’s professional development presentations.

Part Two: Personal Professional Development Plan (20% of grade)

Goal: You will create a 2-year plan for your own professional development, based on the literacy needs of your students. Contemplate goals for your students and your professional development needs and plan a series of learning activities that will help you learn so you can help your students meet those goals.

The plan should be based on your professional development goals and feature a variety of types of professional development, including events in which you are a participant and events in which you are the professional development provider. Examples in which you are a participant should include a variety of professional development experiences, including but not limited to:

  • participating in district study groups,
  • participating in school district/Intermediate Unit in-service days,
  • attending local reading council meetings,
  • taking additional literacy courses,
  • attending literacy conferences, and
  • reading articles from professional literacy journals.

Examples of you as the provider may include:

  • leading a staff development activity during an in-service day,
  • sharing current books and articles related to literacy topics
  • teaching in-district professional development courses,
  • presenting at local, state, or national conferences, and
  • writing articles for the state reading association or national journals.