Quotation Integration

What does it mean??

Quotation / + / Integration / = / To fit a quotation from the text smoothly into the body of your essay.
(proof from a text that supports your point/ thesis) / + / (to fit something smoothly into something else)

You cannot simply ‘drop’ a quotation into your paragraph and expect it to make sense. You need to integrate quotations smoothly and logically into the sequence of ideas in your essay. You do this by providing context for a quotation and introducing it with a lead-in statement.

Context – / the who, what, when and where of your quotation (who is speaking, what are they talking about, where are they, when does it happen)
Lead- In Statement – / This is where you smoothly fit the quotation into the sequence of ideas in your essay.

REMEMBER: CONTEXT and LEAD- IN before a quotation


When integrating quotations for Shakespeare you must...

§  Introduce them smoothly using context and a lead-in

§  Use proper punctuation to separate the lead-in from the quotation

When trying to figure out why Romeo is depressed Benvolio says, “______”

Benvolio demonstrates that he is a peace-maker. “______”

When speaking to Romeo just before they enter the Capulet party, Benvolio exclaims, “______”

§  Separate lines of poetry with a forward slash

“______/ ______/ ______”

§  Give a proper parenthetical reference, followed by a period

_____” (I. ii. 79-81).

§  Offset quotations that are four or more lines of poetry

Benvolio says,



______. (1. 2. 79-81)

** When offsetting quotations, be sure to (a) indent twice, (b) remove the quotation marks, and (c) put your parenthetical reference after the period.

“The Balcony Scene” Formal Paragraph Assignment Due date:

Act II, scene ii is arguably the most famous scene in Romeo and Juliet. The two characters meet secretly and profess their love quickly, culminating in an agreement to get married. Even though the engagement is reached quickly, Romeo and Juliet do spend time discussing their love and the prospect of being together. Many literary critics believe that the young lovers get engaged too quickly, and are reckless in their decisions, but in this scene Juliet seems reasonable and questions whether she and Romeo are moving too quickly.

Task: Write a paragraph that proves ONE of the following theses:

In Act Two, scene two of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, it is clear that Juliet is reasonable in her approach to her relationship with Romeo.


In Act Two, scene two of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, it is clear that Romeo is impractical in his approach to love relationships.

Paragraph Outline Checklist

Thesis (circle your choice)

In Act Two, scene two of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, it is clear that Juliet is reasonable in her approach to her relationship with Romeo.

In Act Two, scene two of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, it is clear that Romeo is impractical in his approach to love relationships.

1.  First Point– Start with a transition word or phrase and then in your own words, state the first overall idea or point that supports your thesis. – 1-2 sentences


2.  First Proof – Provide context/lead-in and the specific quotation from the play that proves the point you said you would argue – length may vary


3.  First Explanation – Make the connection between the point and the quotation. Clearly explain how the example proves your point /thesis– 2-3 sentences


4.  Second Point– Start with a transition word or phrase and then in your own words, state the second overall idea that supports your thesis. – 1-2 sentences


5.  Second Proof – Provide context/lead-in and the specific quotation from the play that proves the point you said you would argue – length may vary


6.  Second Explanation – Make the connection between the point and the quotation. Clearly explain how the example proves

your point /thesis– 2-3 sentences


7.  Transition word or phrase that smoothly moves into your conclusion – 1 sentence or phrase


8.  Conclusion – Summarize the main points of the paragraph and explicitly make a connection back to your thesis (Use different words than you did in your original thesis but keep the idea the same) – 1-2 sentences


·  TOMORROW, in class, you will turn this outline into a typed, good copy of a paragraph

·  Be sure to follow MLA formatting instructions that you have learned over this semester

~ Sample paragraph with quotation integration ~

Student Smith

Ms. English


15 October 2014

Reasonable Words, Reasonable Acts

In Act I, scene i of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, Benvolio is a reasonable character. First of all, Benvolio shows that he is reasonable when he uses logical thinking to encourage the Capulet and Montague servants to stop fighting in the town square. Benvolio enters the square and exclaims, “Part, fools! / Put up your swords; you know not what you do” (1. 1.62-63). The audience’s first impression of Benvolio is that he is a logical thinker who wants to prevent a fight. Saying “you know not what you do” shows that Benvolio understands that the fight can only cause more trouble than what it is worth, whereas he does not believe the other characters share his understanding because they are being ruled by their emotions in the moment. His words demonstrate his ability to think logically about consequences in an otherwise emotional moment. The second way that Benvolio demonstrates his reasonable nature is when he makes a physical attempt to prevent the continuing fight in the town square. Specifically, Benvolio tries to use his sword to prevent the battle when he realizes that his words have not been effective as he relates to Montague: “I drew to part them” (1. 1.106). Viewers notice that while the other characters are using their swords with the intention of harming each other, Benvolio is using his to prevent harm. Again, he is able to use reason over emotion to devise a plan to physically prevent the fighting when his previous plan fails. Overall, through his use of logical thinking which he uses to create a verbal argument and physical plan to stop the fight in the town square, it is clear that Benvolio is a reasonable character.

Demonstrating Understanding of Quotation Analysis

Parts of the paragraph underlined like this are: ______

è  We include this because: ______

Parts of the paragraph underlined like this are: ______

è  We include this because: ______

Parts of the paragraph underlined like this are: ______

è  We include this because: ______

Evaluation Name: ______/25

Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1 / Below Level
Formal Paragraph
topic sentence
Overall structure
/15 / Insightful points provided
build upon one another to create depth
Strong examples & quotations
Explanations insightfully explain ideas and connect directly to thesis
Quotations are skillfully and insightfully contextualized, integrated effectively and cited properly
Conclusion effectively rephrases thesis and reminds reader of two main points
Paragraph structure is highly effective and includes all required elements in an insightful manner / Topic sentences is clear and thesis is clear, focused (uses thesis provided)
Clear, logical points provided
Suitable examples & quotations
Explanations clearly explain ideas and connect to thesis
Quotations are contextualized, integrated smoothly and cited properly
Conclusion rewords part of thesis and reminds reader of two main points
Paragraph structure is effective and includes all required elements / Obvious, brief points provided
Examples & quotations present but need stronger link to points
Explanations brief – require development
Quotations sometimes contextualized, integrated somewhat effectively; perhaps problems with citations
Conclusion copies thesis, briefly states two points
Paragraph structure is somewhat effective and includes most required elements / Topic sentence is unclear or irrelevant and/or weak/vague thesis
Weak or unrelated points
Weak examples & quotations OR more examples & quotations needed
Plot summary instead of explanation
Quotations not contextualized, some problems with integration; problems with citations
Weak conclusion, missing reminder of thesis or two main ideas
Paragraph structure is weak and is missing several some required elements / Weak or absent topic sentence and/ or very weak or absent thesis
Unclear or missing points
Unrelated or missing examples & quotations
Explanations are missing
No quotations provided to support points; OR not contextualized, very poor integration; no citations
Very weak conclusion OR no conclusion
Paragraph structure is ineffective and includes few required elements
Style and Mechanics
/5 / Ideas are clearly and insightfully expressed
Wide variety of effective transitions; points connected and build upon one another
Few to no spelling, grammar, punctuation errors / Ideas are expressed with clarity
Effective transitions are used; points connected and build upon one another
Some spelling, grammar, punctuation errors / Ideas are expressed with some clarity
Some effective transitions are used; points sometimes connected and build upon one another
Several spelling, grammar, punctuation errors / Ideas are expressed with limited clarity
Limited use of transitions; points often disconnected and disjointed
Many spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors / Ideas are expressed with very limited clarity
Very limited use of transitions; points are disconnected and disjointed, do not “flow”
Very many spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors; not proofread
Presentation of final polished copy
/5 / Especially creative title; MLA formatting is proper - font/margins/double-spacing are helpful for evaluation / Clear, related title; Few MLS formatting errors - font/margins/double-spacing are adequate for evaluation / Obvious title; some problems in MLA formatting of paragraph; font/ margins/ double-spacing have some problems that hinder evaluation / Irrelevant title; many problems in MLA formatting; font/ margins/ double-spacing have some major problems that hinder evaluation / Student does not appear to have proofread the polished copy for the title, MLA formatting font/ margins/double-spacing
Learning Skills Evaluation / Excellent / Good / Satisfactory / Needs Improvement / Little to no evidence of learning skills
Responsibility – completes and submits all assignment parts according to agreed-upon deadline
Independent Work – uses class time to complete task / Consistently
Consistently / Usually
Usually / Sometimes
Sometimes / Rarely
Rarely / Never