Release Notes

VeritiLink™ Software v 1.1 patch installer








VeritiLink™ Software v1.1patch installer is an update forVeritilink™ Software v1.0. VeritiLink® Remote Management Software (VRMS) is an easy-to-install software that provides secure, remote management for Veriti® Thermal Cyclers from anywhere on the network.


See accompanied End User License Agreement for details. You must agree to the terms of the license before installing or using the software.


Internet Browser Support

  • Internet explorer version 9 is a supported client browser.
  • Firefoxversion 11 is a supported client browser.

Update Factory Default Methods

  • Factory default methods in VRMS are updated to match the factory default methods in Veriti instrument firmware 1.7.1.

Removal of block idle temperature setting feature

  • The feature to set the Default Idle Temperature for Block is removed from the VRMS software.


Note: VeritiLink™ Software v1.1 patch can only be applied to VeritiLink™ Software v1.0. If VeritiLink™ Software v1.0 is not installed, the patch installer will not allow you to proceed.

  1. Log on to the Windows system with Administrator privileges.
  2. Download the patch installer from Life Technologies web site to the PC with VeritiLink™ Software v1.0 installed.
  3. Stop the VRMS services in VeritiLink™ Software v1.0. To stop the VRMS service, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Applied Biosystems, point to VeritiLink Remote Management Software and then click onStop VRMS Services.
  4. Double click the setup.exe file from the patch installer.
  5. When prompted, agree to the End User License Agreement (EULA) and complete the installation.
  6. Start the VRMS services forVeritiLink™ Software v1.1. To start the VRMS service, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Applied Biosystems, point to VeritiLink Remote Management Software and then click onStart VRMS Services.


  1. Click Start, point toAll Programs, point toApplied Biosystems, point toVeritiLink Remote Management Software and then click on Uninstall Veritilink Remote Management Software.
  2. In the wizard, follow the instructions and complete the uninstall operation.

For Research Use Only. Not intended for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.

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