St. Pius X Parish School

Minutes for March 21, 2013School Board Meeting

7:00 p.m., School Library

“St. Pius X Parish School: Where Faith and Education Come Together to Help Children Learn and Grow”

School Board Members Present: Erin Bruschuk, Barb Dawson, Cassandra Engel, Dan Flaherty, Ken Law, Michael Ledonne, Toni Miller, Catherine Monckton, Chris Poirier, Vicki Ream, Mary Roelle, Malinda Weaver, Cheryl Walsh, Colleen Yarusso, and Fr. George Zieba

Opening Prayer and Reflection

Opening Prayer and Presentation………………...………………...……………..……….…..…Chris Poirier

Recommended Actions:

  1. Routine Matters
  2. Review and Approval of February 28, 2013Minutes

Cheryl Walsh motioned to review and approve at the April 25, 2013 meeting; Michael Ledonne seconded the motion.

  1. Approval and Acceptance of the Agenda

Catherine Monckton motioned to accept; Erin Bruschukseconded the motion.

  1. President Report and Comments
  2. Future school board meetings will be led by Cassandra Engel.
  3. John Matyasik will discuss the online giving program.
  4. Parent/Public Comments
  5. No comments.
  6. Committee/Liaison Assignments Discussion
  7. Marketing and Enrollment Committee…………………...Barb Dawson for Erin Bruschuk
  8. Grandparents’ newsletter was mailed last week.
  9. Looking for ways to better utilize the Constant Contact program.
  10. Knight Life will now be posted online.
  11. Mama Mia classes will begin in April.
  12. Openings for half-day three year-old preschool students.
  13. St. Joseph’s Table went well.
  14. Development/(Advancement) Fundraising Committee…Barb Dawson for Karen Cipriano
  • Easter cards (from the third grade) will be sent to all “Faith in Our Future” donors on Monday, and a second mailing will also be sent to school families. The fund has raised $25,000 for the year-to-date.
  • Lemonade stands are being researched as a possible community service project.
  • Athletics Committee Liaison………………….…………...... Rob Esposito
  • Athletic board handbook is being drafted.
  • New equipment was purchased for the track program.
  • St. Pius X will once again offer developmental volleyball and basketball leagues.
  • PSA Liaison………………………………………………………………..….Mary Roelle
  • The spring clothing and toy sale raised $4,000. There were 100 sellers and 192 buyers, which is much lower than normal. A survey will be distributed.
  • Easter egg hunt will be held on Easter Sunday (March 31).
  • Picasso art fair will be held on April 25 from 6:30-8:00.
  • Daddy daughter dance will be held on May 3.
  • Lilac Parade will take place on May 19.
  • Uniform exchange is being planned for the spring.
  • Program Committee……..………………………………………….…….Malinda Weaver
  • Dodgeball event is being planned for May for board members of the school cluster.
  • Administration Liaison...………………………………………………….Cassandra Engel
  • Additional security measures will be put in place for school masses.
  • New television (30” minimum) is needed for the Mary room.
  • St. Joseph’s Table went well; good feedback was received.
  • Legislative Action/Advocacy……………………………Erin Bruschuk/Michael Ledonne
  • Illinois Advocates of Educational Choice meeting was held on March 2. Issues discussed included: textbook grant, transportation cuts, and increasing tax credit.
  • Students are encouraged to send letters to their representatives and senators, perhaps as a social studies project.
  • Faith FormationCommission...……….……………………………………..Cheryl Walsh
  • Confirmation will be celebrated on April 26. There are 82 confirmandi.
  • First Communion will be celebrated on May 11 and May 18 (Hispanic Ministry). There are 90 communicants.
  • Leann Newman is the lead catechist for the SPRED program.
  • The Knights of Columbus donated $1,100 to the SPRED program.
  • There has been a recent increase in Hispanic youth ministry.
  • Finance Committee/Finance Council Liaison...…………………………..Colleen Yarusso
  • Parish is on budget for the year-to-date. Both revenues and expenses are down.
  • Annual budget process is beginning.
  • Parish Pastoral Council Liaison…………...... ……………………..Catherine Monckton
  • No report.
  • Membership Committee……………………...... Cassandra Engel
  • Discernment meetings will be held on April 11 and 18 at 7:00 p.m.
  • Buildings and Grounds……...... Ken Law
  • Contractors are quoting on the shepherd’s hall project.

IV.Principal’s Report

  • The following events went well: Stations of the Cross, reconciliation, 7th grade parent meeting/formation, and 5th/6th grade family life meeting.
  • A men’s club is being formed.
  • Preschool parent/teacher conferences will be held on April 8-9.
  • Title meeting with the diocese will take place on April 11.
  • 8th grade student Rich Moraga advanced to the National Spelling Bee.
  • Technology committee will evaluate the feasibility of a 1:1 program and build infrastructure in preparation for a rollout.

V. Old Business

  1. Draft strategic plan was reviewed and discussed.

VI.New Business

  1. Discernment meeting dates were discussed in a previous report.
  2. Cassandra Engelreviewed the dates of upcoming events.

VII.Future Business

  • PSA Meeting ...………………………………………………...Monday, April 15
  • Parish Administration Meeting………………………………...Tuesday, April 16
  • Faith Formation Commission Meeting……………………….Thursday, April 11
  • Parish Finance Meeting……..…………….……..……………Thursday, April 18
  • Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Meeting……………...... Tuesday, April 23
  • School Board Meeting…….………...... Thursday, April 25

VIII.Assignment of Upcoming Prayer and Reflection………..……………………..Michael Ledonne

IX.Evaluation and Closing Prayer...... Fr. George Zieba

♦Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.♦