OSSSL Board Meeting
.& General Membership MeetingJuly 13, 2011
Round Table Pizza
20920 Redwood Road, Castro Valley
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Call to Order:
President Duane Rueppel called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m., and announced that enough members were present to constitute a quorum for the General Membership Meeting.
Secretary’s Report:
Secretary Marian Handa provided copies of the proposed amendments to the League Constitution and Bylaws. Marian was absent from the June 8, 2011 Board meeting, and no minutes of the meeting were available for approval.
Vice President’s Report:
Vice President Cynthia Navarro reported that several game cards from the spring session are still outstanding. She was asked to provide Marian with a list of missing game cards. Marian will send the list to the teams and request that they either submit the missing cards or pay a fine. The fine for missing game cards is $5 for the first card, and $10 for each card thereafter.
Duane reminded everyone to turn in a game card for every scheduled game, including rainouts.
President’s Report:
Duane reported that he created a draft game schedule, which will be finalized once the alignment is approved and the status of the outstanding teams has been determined.
Fremont City Rep Alex Sweet Bayer announced that the former Open Division Team Adidas would like to join the league in the A Division.
Registrar’s Report:
Registrar Julie Johnson commented that she has been examining the paperwork that the teams have submitted for the upcoming season, and she reported on the problems she has encountered so far. Julie added that she has collected a large sum of registration monies to deposit.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Chris Finck reported that he is checking into insurance coverage for the upcoming season, and obtaining an insurance certificate for the California School for the Deaf for the use of their parking lot for the Fremont Tournament.
Standing Committee Reports:
Disciplinary Committee
Disciplinary Committee Chair Rich Cortez reported on several Disciplinary Committee actions:
- Humberto Silva of the Union City Aztecs received a 3-game suspension for receiving 2 yellow cards for dissent and unsporting behavior in the May 13th Masters Division game between the Aztecs and Fremont Deportivo. This is Humberto Silva’s 2nd red card.
- Arturo Barraza of the Union City Aztecs received a 2-game suspension for a red card issued for foul and abusive language in the May 13th Masters Division game between the Aztecs and Deportivo.
- Keith Crunk of the Newark 80’s received a 3-game suspension for a red card issued for offensive language toward a referee in the May 15th game between the 80’s and Fremont Pioneers.
- Alejandro Campos of the Fremont United received a 3-game suspension for receiving 2 yellow cards for dissent in the May 15th game between the United and the Hayward Firestorm.
- Troy Marshall of the Newark 80’s received a 1-game suspension for a red card received for dissent in the June 5th game between the 80’s and the Livermore Magnums.
Rich reported that the Disciplinary Committee will meet tonight after the Board meeting to hear 2 pending red cards.
The Board discussed the issue of multiple red cards received by the Masters Division Deportivo, and the requirement for keeping red-carded players on a team roster.
Referee Improvement Committee
Committee Chair James Sajadi reported that he has not yet received information on upcoming Union City or Livermore clinics. Duane noted that information on upcoming referee clinics can be found on the CNRA (California North Referee Association) District III Referees website,
Tournament Committee
Tournament Committee Member Frank Arevalo reported on the upcoming Fremont Tournament, to be held on August 6th and 7th. So far, 26 teams have registered, and the 40-team tournament should fill up.
Masters Division Committee
No report.
Open Division Committee
No report.
Social Committee
Frank provided an accounting of the expenses and attendance at the June12th end-of-season barbecue and pickup soccer games at Sylvester Harvey Park in Fremont. The event was well-attended, and many positive comments about the event were made.
Alignment Committee
Cynthia reported on the recommendations of the Alignment Committee:
- A, B and D Divisions to have 8 teams each
- C Division to have 10 teams with a bye
- Fremont Tizapan (formerly Angels) move from C to A Division
- Fremont Pioneers move from C to B Division
- Hayward Blast move from B to C Division
- Fremont Clash (new team) place in C Division
Motion/Second/Carried – To accept the recommendation of the Alignment Committee:
- A, B and D Divisions to have 8 teams each;
- C Division to have 10 teams with a bye;
- Fremont Tizapan (formerly Angels) move from C to A Division;
- Fremont Pioneers move from C to B Division;
- Hayward Blast move from B to C Division;
- Fremont Clash (new team) place in C Division
with amendment to replace the Fremont United with the Team Adidas in the A Division, conditioned on the Team Adidas submitting a valid roster and the appropriate fees.
Proposed Amendments to OSSSL Constitution and By-Laws
- Amend By-Law 18 PENALTY KICKS AND DROP BALLS to eliminate the requirement that women take all drop balls—failed
- Amend Constitution Article 10 THIRTY-AND-OLDER DIVISION,Section 10.3, to lower the minimum age of ALL female players in the division to 27—failed
- Amend Constitution Article 10 THIRTY-AND-OLDER DIVISION, Section 10.3, to lower the minimum age of ALL female players in the division to 25—failed
Consideration of Registration Fee
There was no recommendation to change the current fee amount.
Election of Officers
The current incumbents for President, Vice President, and Secretary agreed to continue to serve if elected.
Motion/Second/Carried: to re-elect the following Officers for another term of office:
President: Duane Rueppel
Vice President: Cynthia Navarro
Secretary: Marian Handa
For the office of Treasurer, Chris Finck and Scott Williams were nominated. The nominees left the room, and members discussed the candidates’ qualifications. An election was held, and the votes were cast as follows: Chris Finck—16; Scott Williams—3.
Chris Finck was re-elected Treasurer.
The new one-year term for the Executive Officers will begin immediately.
City Rep Reports:
Castro Valley—No report.
Fremont—No report.
Hayward—No City Rep.
Livermore—No report.
Newark—No report.
Oakland/Alameda—No report.
Union City—No report.
Old Business:
New Business:
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
(bring your pizza coupons)
Marian Handa, OSSSL Secretary