MANKIND: The Story of All of Us


  1. Who was Francis Drake? What does he do for a living?
  2. How much treasure is on the vessel he’s chasing? (in today’s money)
  3. Explain the method used for extracting silver from rocks.
  4. What is the world’s first universal currency?
  5. Why are the Dutch able to gain so much wealth?
  6. What item was highly prized by Amsterdam’s merchants?
  7. Why did the Pilgrims go to the New World?
  8. Which famous native teaches the Pilgrims how to survive?
  9. How do they make their sandy soil productive?
  10. Identify ONE of the major trading cities founded in the Americas.
  11. What new crop was requiring the search for slaves?
  12. How many Africans are sent to the Americas during the slave trade?
  13. Provide ONE of the Asian commodities available to Europeans in India.
  14. Which famous “Wonder of the World” was built by Shah Jahan? How much did it cost?


  1. What trade good helped open the North American wilderness? How much was it worth?
  2. How many trading missions were disasters?
  3. Who is “mankind’s greatest explorer”? What is the name of his ship?
  4. Where does he land?
  5. Identify TWO other areas he discovered.
  6. What do most people believe lightning is?
  7. What invention does Ben Franklin create following his kite-flying?
  8. How many soldiers are there in Boston for each citizen?
  9. Which TWO powers were the ultimate authorities?


  1. What is the concept of democracy?
  2. Identify another location where revolution erupts.
  3. What is the one revolution that affected ALL people throughout the world?
  4. How many factories are in England by 1850?
  5. What TWO major power sources emerge during this time period?
  6. How much farther are humans able to travel by train? How fast did they go?
  7. Which group makes up 43% of immigrants in the US? How much are they getting paid?
  8. How much does the population of city-dwellers increase?
  9. What disease is plaguing 1854 London? How long does it take to kill?
  10. Which country dominates the globe?
  11. What effects) does opium have on the brain?
  12. How much of Britain’s revenue is from the opium trade?
  13. Who is president during the Civil War?
  14. What advantage does the North have over the South?