Lesson 4

“What will you do after graduating from the school?”

This is Intan Savitri who graduated from her college, Poltek Pratama Mulia. Now she is talking to Heri, her classmate, about what she will do after graduating from college.

Heri: Hi, Intan. Congratulation. You have successfully accomplished your study.

Intan:Thank, Heri. When will you graduate too? C’mon, you have to study harder to complete all your duty.

Heri:Yeah, I am trying. By the way, what will you do after graduating from the college? Getting married soon? He, he, he….”

Intan:Don’t ever say that to me. I still have long way to get married. I am only 22 years old, you know.

Heri: Sorry, just a joke…

Intan:Actually, I will continue my study to have the graduate level, but I am afraid I can afford it. You know, I still have three brothers and sisters. But, I will apply for job, because Pa’ Pur offered me some vacancies. I am thinking about taking a job as soon as possible.

Heri:Yes, may be it is better for you to take the chance. No second offer you must remember it.

Intan:Yes, and maybe, if I will have spare time, I will continue my study to the graduate level. Pray for me…

When Intan tells about her plans after accomplishing her study, she uses will. It means that she applies a tense in English called Future Tense. This tense is used to describe or talk about future plans and events (vacations, parties, plans, etc). We can talk about the future in different ways – using will; to be going to + verb I; or to be + verb+ing.

Look at the following sentences:

Intan will apply for the vacancies offered by Pa’ Pur.

She is also going to continue her study.

Heri is planning to accomplish his study as soon as possible.

Future Tense

  1. Ok, now let’s discuss about future tense in detail. This tense expresses acivities that will exist or occurs in the future. Modifiers indicating time often a definite time in the future (Intan will apply for vacancies next week), but in some situations, the time is not specified (Heri will also finish his study soon).


The symbol (X) indicating the future activity could be placed somewhere else on the line extending from the moment of speaking into the future

Example :

Intan will apply for the vacancy next week.

Heri will accomplish his study soon.

The future tense is often used with certain time markers, for examples:

-next year- in an hour

-tomorrow- at this time next month

-the day after tomorrow- soon

-in five days- tonight

-this week- by the end of November

Activity 1 Using time markers and the future tense

In your group : - scan the passage to find a short answer to the questions

- call it out when you think you have found it

- put your answer into a complete sentence using the future tense

The Time

This Week………..1stNovember 2000

Performances(1-7 December 2000)

Manuel Suparto: Guitar Recital

DBS Auditorium, 8 p.m., 2 November’00, Sunday

Featuring guitarist Manuel Suparto in his first solo appearance in this city

-Tickets at $10, $20 and $30 from Yamaha Music School Solo (Singosaren Plaza) and Matahari Purwosari

Base Jam Session

Alun-Alun Kidul, Silir, every Sunday 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.

All bands taking parts and showing their talent.

Stage, drums and sound equipment

For detail, call Boi or Boim at 555-567

Grammar Focus : Conditional Sentences with Real Condition

Learn the following sentences:

- If I have money, I will continue my study at graduate degree.

In the conditional sentence, the conditionis expressed in the conditional clause, also called if clause; the result is expected in the main clause, or the result clause.

-If I have money, I will continue my study at graduate degree.

Conditional main clause


Meaning of the term real condition

In a conditional sentence with a real condition, there is possibility that the condition will be realized.

Use of tense

Now look at the verb forms in the conditional sentence with real condition:

-The verb in the if clause is usually the simple present tense

-Will + infinitive is most often used in the main clause.

-Sometimes, another modal is used, such as can, may, and shall or must.

If I have money, I can continue my study at graduate degree.

Activity 2 Practicing Conditional Sentences

Tell your friends what you will do after finishing your study.

-If I finish my study this semester, I will….

-I will ….if I finish my study.

Note :

  1. If you put the if-clause before the main clause, you have to put comma (,) between two clauses.
  2. If you put the main clause before the if-clause, you do not have to put comma (,) between two clauses.


Agus Dwi Priyanto, S.S., EnglishforAll. Pratama Mulia Computer Course. Surakarta.

Fletcher, Mark. 1994. MakingPoliteEnglish. English Experience. London

Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English, A Practical Reference Guide. New York: New York University.

Interchange 1

Tillit, Bruce, et. all. 1985. SpeakingNaturally. Cambride: Cambride University Press

Yayasan LIA. 1996a. AllaboutPeople. Jakarta. PT. Siwibakti Darma.

Yayasan LIA. 1999. All That I Want to Know. Jakarta. PT. Siwibakti Darma.

Yayasan LIA. 1999. FindingOurIdentity. Jakarta. PT. Siwibakti Darma.

English for General V-4“What will you do after graduating from sshool?”page 1