Shasta County “Shasta Healthy Smiles” Lesson 1 1

2004-05 Grades K-3

Oral Health Lesson 1

Grade Levels-K-3


Introduce yourself to class and introduce behavior objectives. (Listen carefully and quietly; raise hands, questions at end)

“I am here because I want you to have a happy, healthy smile”

I. Objective: What is Plaque?

1. Anticipatory Set: Plaque

How many of you brushed your teeth or had help brushing your teeth before school this morning? Do you think teeth are important? Why is your mouth important?

  • Smiling: Could you smile without a mouth?

What do your teeth do for your smile?

  • Talking: We use our mouth to talk.
  • Eating: What is your favorite food? (allow only a few answers)

Could you eat without teeth?

2. Objective: Because out teeth are important, today you will be able to tell me why we need to clean our teeth. (The learner will be able to verbalize one correct definition of plaque and what part it plays in the process of tooth decay.)

3. Instruction: Now I’d like to show you the video, Dr. Rabbits World Tour. We will travel around the world learning about taking care of our teeth. Review Plaque Germs and Process of Decay flip chart with class and discuss “acid attacks” leading to “dental caries.”

Review of plaque: In your soft classroom voice, everyone say “Plaque”. It rhymes with the work black. They are germs that live on your teeth, not on your hands, not in your hair or on the rug. They are the germs that cause cavities or holes on your teeth. The plaque germs are so small (invisible) you can’t see them with your eyes. Your may be able to feel them with your tongue. Use your tongue and rub it on your teeth. What do you feel? Raise your hand if you can feel the icky, sticky plaque.

4. Check for Understanding
  1. What is the name of the sticky germs that live on your teeth? (Plaque)
  2. What can plaque germs do to your teeth? (Make holes and cavities)
  3. What do we do to make our teeth clean? (Brush)

II. Objective: Brushing

1. Anticipatory Set: Mouth model (typodont) and large toothbrush

Raise your hand if you can brush your own teeth. Great! Today I will show you the wiggle giggle way to brush your teeth.

2. Objective: When we finish today, you will be able to show me the wiggle giggle way to brush away plaque germs that grow on your teeth. (The learner will be able to demonstrate proper brushing technique.)

3. Instruction: Let’s look at these teeth. These are the back teeth, the corner teeth and the front teeth. (Point to each area on the typodont and have students use their finger to point to each area on the outside of their faces as you review.)

This is the outside part of your teeth. –feel the outside part with your tongue. This is the inside part of your teeth. Feel the inside part with your tongue. This is the chewing part of your teeth. Feel with your tongue.

(Use typodont to indicate locations.)

Now I am going to show you the “wiggle jiggle” way to brush your teeth.

Can everyone see where the pink of the gums meets the white teeth? Feel this in your own mouth with your tongue. This is where the plaque germs love to hide and grow. If we don’t brush away these plaque germs they can hurt your teeth and gums.

Watch how I put my toothbrush up by the gums and gently wiggle back and forth. I brush for 5 seconds so I can get rid of all the plaque germs and then go on the next place… (See brushing directions sheet. Continue to demonstrate. Let students tell you in their quiet classroom voices where to brush next, i.e., back, corner, front, corner, back, as you continue to demonstrate.)

4. Guided Practice: (All classes should brush at this lesson.)

(Have teacher hand out toothbrushes to class, have students and teacher brush their teeth with you leading. IDEA: Play “freeze game” to help you monitor. Have everyone freeze in position and check location of toothbrushes as needed. Teacher and Oral Health Educator need to walk around the room. Have them put brushes down after two-minute brushing to be rinsed and collected later. Check to see that this is done hygienically.

Stress daily one-minute top and one-minute bottom brushing limit.

Visual: New and Worn toothbrush: It is important to replace your toothbrush at least every 3 months. It is ideal to have two toothbrushes at home and alternate their use to give them a chance to dry properly. Always throw your toothbrush away if you’ve been sick. Show example of a worn toothbrush.

Discuss care of toothbrushes such as not sharing your toothbrush and not chewing on the bristles. Remind the students to rinse their toothbrush let it dry then using their toothbrush cover to help keep their toothbrush clean until their next brushing.

5. Check for Understanding:

  1. Show me, by pointing your fingers on the outside of your face, the path or pattern you follow when you brush. (Students point to back, corner, front, corner and back)
  2. Show me, with your fingers, how long you count in each area that you brush your teeth. (Show 5 fingers)
  3. Show me, with your fingers, how many minutes you should brush your teeth. (Show 2 fingers)
  4. How did we move the brush to get plaque off our teeth (wiggle-jiggle)
III. Objective: Fluoride

1. Anticipatory Set: Just as we do special things like exercise to have strong bodies, we have to do special things to have strong teeth. Fluoride helps us have strong teeth.

2. Objective: You will need to know why we use fluoride. (The learner will be able to verbalize that fluoride helps make teeth strong, and that fluoride helps protect teeth against tooth decay).

3. Instruction: Flex your muscles and ask: What does it mean to be strong? It is very important for teeth to be strong and protected so they do not decay or get cavities easily. Lets look at some sources of fluoride:

  • Fluoride rinse
  • Water (not in Shasta County)
  • Toothpaste
  • Food (such as fish, green leafy vegetables)
  • Vitamins
  • Fluoride treatments placed on teeth at dental office.

Making teeth strong with fluoride is very important. Your teeth get stronger and you will have fewer cavities or holes in your teeth.

Dental Sealants- a plastic coating applied to chewing surfaces of permanent molars to protect them from dental caries (cavities).

4. Check for Understanding
  1. What are some different sources of fluoride? (Toothpaste, fluoride rinse, water)
  2. Why do you think fluoride is important to you? (It strengthens our teeth by changing tooth enamel to become more resistant to acid “attack” and weakening. Students who use fluoride get fewer cavities.)

5. Closure

It’s important that you remember to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste every day at least two times a day to clean off the plaque germs.

Thank you for being good listeners.