Prep 1

Name______Period ______Date______


Work Personality

1. What is “personality”?

a. categories of management

b. thoughts, feelings, behavior

c. categories of learning style

d. ethnicity, race and religion

2. What personality type are the natural born leaders?

a. the competitive A type

b. the socializer B type

c. the logical detail C type

d. the stability and routine D type

Rewards of Working

3. Which is an extrinsic reward?

a. organizational purpose

b. self-esteem

c. payraises and bonuses

d. psychological rewards

4. Which one states you handle your work activities well and meet or exceed standards?

a. competence

b. progress

c. choice


Contributions to Society

5. Contributing to society is

a. the law

b. being a good citizen

c. required for college entrance

d. required for career advancement

6.How would a local business contribute to society?

a. They help run community events

b. exporting jobs

c. hiring illegal immigrants

d. They are the talent scouts for sports

Expectations of the World of Work

7. Which high expectation is it when given purpose of work and outcome?

a. Structure

b. Diversity

c. Environment

d. Recognition

8. Which high expectation is it when given acknowledgement, rewards and praise?

a. Structure

b. Diversity

c. Environment

d. Recognition

Expectations from the workplace

9. Which high expectation is it when you value background and variety points of view?

a. Teamwork


c. Recognition

d. Environment

10. Which high expectation is it when you value work space, for physical and emotional needs?

a. Stability

b. Expression

c. Environment

d. Balance

Personal Hygiene – Self

11. What is the main purpose of good hygiene?

a. Learn how to operate safety equipment

b. To teach you how to make a budget

c. Prevent you from falls and accidents

d. To decrease amount of germs you carry

12. Upon reaching puberty, how many times should you bathe?

a. once a week

b. once a month

c. daily

d. every two to three days

Personal Hygiene – Food Service

13. In the US, roughly how many people die each year from food borne illnesses?

a. 300

b. 3,000

c. 1,000

d. 800

14. Which is a food borne infection?

a. E-Coli

b. Lyme disease

c. Otitis Media


Grooming Products

15. Why must people having physical disabilities be concerned about hygiene?

a. Lost range of motion

b. To remind them of their schedules

c. Good habits are hard to teach

d. Its part of the American With Disabilities Act

16.What is the purpose of shower cap with shampoo/conditioner?

a. To go in the pool

b. To assist individuals who can’t take a shower get their hair clean

c. To keep hair dry

d. To color your hair

Seasonal Wear

17. What is a major factor in choosing clothing?

a. What your friends wear

b. According to the weather

c. What is clean and available

d. It does not matter

18. When should you put summer clothes away?

a. The second time you wish you dressed warmer

b. Right after summer vacation

c. first day of snow

d. When temperatures go below 72 degrees

Hair Care

19.What kind of hair comes from colder regions with less sunlight?

a. Kinky hair

b. Curly hair

c. Straight hair

d. Wavy hair

20.Which kind of hair has ringlets, spirals, corkscrew?

a. Kinky hair

b. Curly hair

c. Straight hair

d. Wavy hair

Dental Care

21. What is the part of the tooth that you can see?

a. Cementum

b. Pulp

c. Dentin

d. Crown

22. Which tooth is your wisdom teeth?

a. Bicuspid

b. Molar

c. Cuspid

d. Incisor

Body Care

23. Which masks body odor?

a. Antiperspirant

b. Deodorant

c. Cologne

d. Aftershave

24. Why change bed linen and pillow cases often?

a. You will not need to take showers as often

b. It contains bed bugs

c. It contains bacteria from your body

d. So your room does not stink

Skin Care

25. Where are sweat glands located?

a. Dermis

b. Epidermis

c. Subcutaneous tissue

d. Collagen, and Fibroblasts

Prep 1

Personal Management


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. D

9. B

10. C

11. D

12. C

13. B

14. A

15. A

16. B

17. B

18. D

19. C

20. B

21. D

22. B

23. B

24. C

25. A