Christian Brothers Junior Falcons Football and Cheer

2017Athletes’Code of Ethics & Conduct

AS AN ATHLETE AND PARTICIPANT IN THE SACRAMENTO YOUTH FOOTBALL LEAGUE (“SYF”) AND CHRISTIAN BROTHERS JUNIOR FALCONS FOOTBALL AND CHEERLEADING PROGRAM (“CHRISTIAN BROTHERS JUNIOR FALCONS), I understand commitment, hard work and dedication will be required by me before I can wear the colors of the Team. Once I have tried out and made the Team/Squad, I have accomplished an achievement for which I can be proud. Being a member of the Team means much more than just learning about and playing football or being a cheerleader. As an athlete, both on and off the field, I am a representative of SYF and Christian Brothers Junior Falcons and am expected to act accordingly no matter the circumstances.

1.I understand as an Athlete, I must maintain an academic standard of at least 2.0 (C average) during the season or I risk being benched or dismissed from the SYF or Christian Brothers Junior Falcons. Grade checks may be performed by SYF and/or Christian Brothers Junior Falcons at random.

2.I understand I must maintain good citizenship. Fighting, misconduct, vulgar or derogatory language, cursing, or disrespect toward teammates, officials, coaches, fans, parents or other participants can lead to being dismissed from SYF or Christian Brothers Junior Falcons. Any athlete who has an altercation at school or with law enforcement or is observed displaying conduct (any time or anywhere) below the acceptable standards of an athlete may face dismissal from the SYF and/or Christian Brothers Junior Falcons.

3.I understand that an athlete is responsible for notifying his/her coach if he/she will be absent from practice or a game. Missing practice or a game will hurt my Team/Squad and may be reason for a coach to keep me from playing in games. If I have too many absences, I may be dismissed from SYF and/or Christian Brothers Junior Falcons.

4. I understand that am expected to come to practices and games prepared and ready to give by best effort. . An athlete may be benched at a or dismissed because of too many absences, not his or her best effort, not knowing plays or routines, being out of condition or not following the rules of SYF and/or Christian Brothers Junior Falcons.

5. I will treat all coaches, teammates, officials, and adult authority figures with respect.

6. I understand that am responsible for the maintenance of any and all equipment and/or uniforms issued to me. Uniforms must be washed on a regular basis. I will report all equipment problems to my coach immediately. If I understand that if I lose my uniform or equipment, my parents and I are financially responsible for its replacement.

7.I understand that, if I participate in football, I must wear a mouthpiece in all practices or games. The mouthpiece must be attached via a tether to the facemask on the helmet.

8.I agree to follow all general rules in accordance with SYF and Christian Brothers Junior Falcons.

I/We, have read, understand, agree, and will abide by the above. I/We have voluntarily signed understanding if I violate this Code of Ethics & Conduct I am subject to immediate or suspension from the Christian Brothers Jr. Falcons Football and Cheer Program and/or SYF.

Athlete Print Name: Click here to enter text. / Athlete Sign Name: / Date: Select date.
Parent Print Name: Click here to enter text. / Parent Sign Name: / Date: Select date.