There will be a meeting of Kingston Seymour Parish Council on Wednesday 11th March 2015 at 7.30pmin the meeting room, Village Hall

Declarations of Interest will be recorded at the start of the meeting.

Public Participation Time

This is a dedicated time during which any parishioner can ask questions of, or make statements to, the Parish Council. No individual may speak for more than 5 minutes and a maximum of 3 speakers will be allowed. The Council will note parishioners’ questions or concerns and will decide whether and how these should be addressed, but no decision can be made at the meeting at which a matter is initially raised.


  1. Apologies for absence
  1. Minutes of meeting of 13th January 2015
  1. Police Report
  1. Infrastructure

(i)Roads and footpaths, including update on actions subsequent to liaison with John Painter, NSC and further communication with NSC re verge-cutting etc

(ii)Lessons learned from recent road closure

(iii)Registration of land at Triangle as Commons - FM / Clerk – no progress

(iv)Phone box –painting still to be done – MS / PH

(v)Gates at entrance of Rust Lane – MS

  1. Community Resilience

(i)Report on recent workshop – MS / PH / JH

(ii)Discussion and decision on whether / how to take this forward

  1. Services

(i)Website report

  1. Finance & Administration

(i)Routine payments – to approve

(ii)Clerk’s annual appraisal – to note that this has been carried out

(iii)Election timetable – to note

(iv)Annual Parish Meeting – to decide speaker

  1. Planning

(i)Update on planning applications previously considered or advised:

  • Application for agricultural worker’s dwelling, Mud Lane – decision awaited.
  • Application for construction of holiday accommodation, Bullock Farm fishing lakes –consent with conditions
  • Outline application for housing development (Hallam Homes) at North End – decision awaited
  • Application for works to sea defences – consent
  • Application for solar park, Ham Lane – consent with conditions. Issue of developer contribution to be resolved.

(ii) Update on alleged breaches of regulations / compliance / enforcement / appeals

  1. Consultations

NSC – Sites and Policies Plan Part 1: Development Management Policies – deadline for comments 30 March

  1. Reports of other meetings and in-service events attended by councillors / clerk:
  • Hinkley C Connection Examination Preliminary Session 19 January – MS, PH, FM
  • Local Councils / NSC Liaison Meeting 3 March – MS, LA
  1. Forthcoming meetings and events:
  • Hinkley C Connection Open Floor Hearings, various locations, Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th March
  • Community Resilience NS – next workshop 15th April
  1. Correspondence & Information
  1. Members’ Concerns

Leonie Allday, Clerk
