World Trade


title of the event / WTO/IsDB Short Trade Policy Course for the English-Speaking Members of the OIC.
venue and dates / Jakarta, Indonesia, 7 to 18 December2009
Course description / This course, which is co-organized with the Islamic Development Bank, offers basic training to government officials from the English-Speaking Members of the IsDB on the WTO, its Agreements and other related issues, including the Doha Development Agenda. This course is delivered, through a combination of lectures and interactive exercises. The purpose is not to form specialists in each area of activity of the WTO but rather to ensure that participants are thoroughly exposed to all WTO-related matters.
Objectives / By the end of the course the participants will have acquired basic knowledge of how the MTS works and its implications at the national level.
Programme / Click here to access the programme of the event
Organizing institution/body / WTO, Islamic Development Bank.
The target audience for this course are government officials from:
Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, The Gambia, Guyana, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Rep., Malaysia, Maldives, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Suriname, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan.
The officials are required to:
(a)have direct involvement in the work of the WTO;
(b)have responsibility for the design and implementation of policy on the issues related to the WTO.
As part of the WTO procedures, a letter of invitation will be addressed by the Islamic Development Bank, on behalf of the organizers torelevant government authorities, providing the specific conditions, requirements and expected profile of candidates for the course. Only candidates officially nominated by their national authorities will be considered.Applications received through other channels will not be acknowledged.

WTO/IsDB Trade Policy Course for Selected Members of the OIC

Jakarta, Indonesia, 7-18 December 2009



Week 1: Introduction to the WTO and its Agreements.

Date / Time / Activity / Speakers/presenters

B.Day 1

/ 08:30-10:30 / Registration, opening ceremony and introduction of course and participants / Representatives from:
- Host government
- IsDB
10:30-10:45 / Coffee break
10:45-12:30 / Introduction to the WTO (Structure, Function, Basic Principles)
The GATT / Representative from WTO
12:30-12:45 / Discussions and Q & A / Participants
12:45-14:00 / Lunch break
14:00-15:30 / Presentations continued – Discussions and Q & A / Representative from WTO
15:30-15:45 / Coffee break
15:45-17:00 / State-of-play of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) Negotiations / Representative from WTO
17:00-17:30 / Discussion and Q & A / Participants

C.Day 2

/ 08:30-10:00 / Market Access: Trade in Goods / Representative from WTO
10:00-10:30 / Discussion and Q & A / Participants
10:30-10:45 / Coffee break
10:45-12:45 / Non-Agricultural Market Access (NAMA) Negotiations / Representatives from WTO, IsDB
12:45-14:00 / Lunch break
14:00-15:30 / The WTO Agreement on Agriculture / Representative from WTO
15:30-15:45 / Coffee break
15:45-17:30 / WTO Agriculture greements The WTO Agreement on Agriculture and on-going DDA negotiations / Representative from WTO
Date / Time / Activity / Speakers/presenters

II.Day 3

/ 08:30-10:30 / Trade in Services / Introduction) / Representative from WTO
10:30-10-45 / Coffee break
10:45-12:45 / Trade in Services / Introduction) / Representative from WTO and IsDB
12:45-14:00 / Lunch break
14:00-15:30 / Trade in Services / Introduction) / Representative from WTO
15:30-15:45 / Coffee break
15:45-17:30 / Trade in Services / Current Negotiations / Representative from WTO and IsDB

III.Day 4

/ 08:30-10:30 / NTBs: Customs Valuation, Pre-shipment Inspection, Rules of Origin, Import Licensing Procedures / Representative from WTO
10:30-10:45 / Coffee break
10:45-12:45 / Continued: Standards
Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures; Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreements / Representative from WTO and IsDB
12:45-14:00 / Lunch break
14:00-15:30 / Regional Trade Agreements, Regionalism / Representative from WTO
15:30-15:45 / Coffee break
15:45-17:30 / Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (cont'd) / Representative from WTO

IV.Day 5

/ 08:30-10:30 / Trade in Goods / Anti-distortion actions (antidumping) / Representative from WTO
10:30-10:45 / Coffee break
10:45-12:45 / Trade in Goods / Anti-distortion measures (Subsidies and countervailing measures); Trade in Goods / Adjustment measures (Safeguards) / Representative from WTO
12:45-14:00 / Lunch
14:00-15:30 / Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) / Representative from WTO
15:30-15:45 / Coffee break
15:45-17:30 / Accessions / Representative from WTO

Week 2: Intensive Trade Negotiations Skills.


/ 08:30-10:30 / ●Negotiating framework for reduction of trade barriers / Dr. Dickson Yeboah
10:30-10:45 / Coffee break
10:45-12:30 / Approaches and strategies of trade negotiations / Dr. Dickson Yeboah
12:30-12:45 / Discussions and Q & A / Participants
12:45-14:00 / Lunch break
14:00-15:30 / Cont'd - Approaches and strategies of trade negotiations / Dr. Dickson Yeboah
15:30-15:45 / Coffee break
15:45-17:00 / Presentations continued / Dr. Dickson Yeboah
17:00-17:30 / Discussion and Q & A / Participants


/ 08:30-10:00 / Overall briefing / Dr. Dickson Yeboah
10:00-10:30 / Discussion and Q & A / Participants
10:30-10:45 / Coffee break
10:45-12:45 / ●Preparation of opening positions
●Problem identification
●Interest identification
●Inter-departmental consultation
●Political consultation
●Formulation of negotiating positions and strategies / Participants
12:45-14:00 / Lunch break
14:00-15:30 / National consultations—Cont. / Participants
15:30-15:45 / Coffee break
17:00-17:30 / ●National consultations— terminate
●Initial meeting and introduction of delegations. / Participants
Date / Time / Activity / Speakers/presenters


/ 08:30-10:30 / Negotiation session I
(bilateral negotiations begin, tabling of opening positions) / Participants
10:30-10-45 / Coffee break
10:45-12:45 / Negotiation session I-- continued
(bilateral, tabling of positions) / Participants
12:45-14:00 / Lunch break
14:00-15:30 / Negotiation session I-- continued
(bilateral, tabling of positions, negotiations end) / Participants
15:30-15:45 / Coffee break
15:45-17:30 / Negotiation session II begins
(bilateral, tabling of opening positions) / Participants


/ 08:30-10:30 / Negotiation session II continued
(bilateral, tabling of positions) / Participants
10:30-10:45 / Coffee break
10:45-12:45 / ●Negotiation session IIends
(bilateral, tabling of positions)
●Completing all bilateral negotiations and preparing for plurilateral session in the afternoon. / Participants
12:45-14:00 / Lunch break
14:00-15:30 / Tabling of results
(plurilateral session) / Participants
Dr. Dickson Yeboah
15:30-15:45 / Coffee break
15:45-17:30 / Tabling of results continued / Participants
Dr. Dickson Yeboah


/ 08:30-09:45 / Informal meeting of groups of 'countries' / Participants
09:45-10:00 / Coffee break
10:00-12:30 / Multilateral negotiations
(plenary session) / Participants
Dr. Dickson Yeboah
12:30-13:30 / ● Debriefing of the exercise
(Plenary session)
● Closing remarks / ●Participants
●Dr. Dickson Yeboah
● Host country representative
13:30 / Lunch